Table of Contents

Database Entity Relationship Diagrams

General Overview

BUSSEC - Business Sectors

ERDLEG - Legend

CONERD - Common for all Contracts

Business Sectors

LEDERD - Export L/C

LTDERD - Export L/C Transfer

BODERD - Export Collection

LIDERD - Import L/C

BCDERD - Import Collection

BPDERD - Advance

GIDERD - Guarantee

CPDERD - Clean Payment

RMDERD - Reimbursement

SGDERD - Shipping Guarantee


PADERD - Participation

MCDERD - Manual Contract

ECDERD - Export Finance

SCDERD - Syndication Master

PUDERD - Payment Undertaking

IADERD - Invoice Advance

Fees and Conditions

FEPERD - Fee Pool

FEPSTA- Feel Pool Status

FECERD - Fee Condition

FCPERD - Foreign Charge Pool


USRERD - User and Entity

PTYERD - Party

CURERD - Country, Region, Currency

LSCERD - Limit System Core

SMCERD - Webservice Requests