Table of Contents

How to do the Merge


There are 3 codes removed from codetable LCRTYP. The codes are 'R', 'RT', and 'S'. Please ensure that there is no contract defined with such a lcrtyp. Therefore execute the sqls defined in the copymaster\tmp\sql299.txt. And if contracts are found, change the lcrtyp of that contracts manually to another lcrtyp or eleminate and archive that contracts.

We created a so called “Copymaster” per product.

These “copymaster” environments are stored in s:\dok5ovly\sr2018_copymaster_<product>.

A “copymaster environment” contains all relevant changes connected to the SWIFT 2018 update.

The “frame files” contain only the changed sources (other than in overlays, where frame files contain the full set of rules on the current security level).

The “other files” contain the complete content, not only differences.

Merge into customer version

The single steps to merge and activate the SWIFT update into an existing customer version are

How to do the merge using GENXFS

–> first target is, that the “master” is completely empty and all relevant files are in the “target” work environment

–> test the result. You should NOT get the infodump which says SWIFT2018 is not completely available.

–> test the result using the test instructions in Business Information