Table of Contents

Business Information

SWIFT Changes 2018 explained based on DOKA-NG SP1: Please see s:\dng\support\doka_ng.sp1.sr2018.pdf


What is included?

Scope of work

The adoption of the SWIFT 2018 Update in current productive customer version includes the following services:


Die Übernahme des SWIFT 2018 Update in die aktuelle Kundenversion enthält nachstehende Leistungen:

Checklist for Testing SR2018 Changes

This checklist consists of three parts:

  1. General information and initial environment recommendations
  2. Fast Testing Scenaraio
  3. Regular Testing Scenario

General information and Initial Environment Recommendations

Testing different media for outgoing and incoming messages. The following steps are not required but allow to test faster and smoother.

General SR2018 Testing Information

Swift Z-Character Set

Check for special characters

;!%&<>{=@#_“ Attention: “Special character * (Asterisk) is not accepted in DOKA because it is used as a stop character for text modules. ” Check for correct conversion of unauthorized special characters.

Check proper functionality of existing Swift X-character set

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Abcdefgehijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 /-?:().,'+

Test all five long text fields:

For ease of testing, you may use existing Text blocks in wiki pages: http://hhcentapp/wiki/Formatierte_Textbl%C3%B6cke (Only for Surecomp internally)

For external test, a sample file will be attached.

Check outgoing messages per selected channel, whether:

Check the displayed files

Short SR2018 Test Scenario

xxxOPN Transaction

xxxAME Transaction

xxxDRV / xxxDCK Transaction

xxxPAY Transaction

Long SR2018 Test Scenario

xxxOPN Transaction

In following fields, insert large content of text and use at least 1 symbol from the Swift Z-character set: ;!%&<>{=@#_”

xxxRAM Transaction + xxxAME Transaction

xxxAME Transaction

xxxDRV / xxxDCK Transaction

xxxPAY Transaction

LTTOPN Transaction

LTTAME Transaction

Additional Test with incoming prepared messages

Incoming messages with subsequent Messages should be binded together.

Score MT798
DTA Import L/C.

“Note: DTA does not allow subsequent messages but long text fields (max. 800 lines) must be handled. ”

* DTALC MT700 http://hhcentfs/archiv/anwdos/common/sr2018-testmessages/mastertest-dtalc700.akk