Table of Contents

Changed TradeDesign Components

Beginning of 2018 the initial SWIFT 2018 enabeling components where released. Later some more changes to the TradeDesign components where requested to support some additional requirement.

To get an overview on the versions and the reasons for those changes, we provide the enhanced release notes for the different components as follows:

Win-32 Client

Date Version Description Relevance for SWIFT 2018 Application side consequence
2018-10-19 Exception if reading invalid currency definitions None If data on currencies is corrupted the client no long cancels
2018-10-16 Extended BitButton w/ text truncation problem None Optical issue when using extended bit buttons together with text
2018-10-02 exception in sspi ssl decrypt for large data None Technical problem solved in dedicated security environments.
2018-10-02 Hi-res monitors possible exception on mouse wheel event None Technical problem solved in dedicated hardware environments.
2018-08-23 Missing calendar icon in windows client Optical The newly introduced Icon showing the day of the week of a date was missing and is now shown.
2018-08-23 'ShowDisplay'-popup should be sizable Handling Shown display files where shown on a not sizeable popup panel. The ability to size the panel has been added.
2018-08-20 StreamGrid - pressing a key does not select line Minor handling When selecting lines in a type of selection lists some handlings could not work.
2018-08-07 set SSPI default protocol to SP_PROT_TLS1_X_CLIENT None Technical security change
2018-05-29 combobox with showkey display problem if styles enabled Minor error Potential problem to show special fields was corrected
2018-05-23 remove dependency of iconv.dll None Technical change to remove dependency of a technical component
2018-03-28 support for dynamic regions None Added support for a new feature, not used by DOKA
2018-03-20 2-digit years in dates: 79/80 (Swift) vs. 49/50 (DNG) Important Needed change to handle the date expansion according to the SWIFT rules
2018-03-16 DOKA Client does not always cleanup the list of available servers None Technical change needed in case of multi server environments to support fallback to other available server
2018-03-16 Support of changeable stop character. Important Support of the ability to change the stop character from the up to now used „*“ to another character.
2018-02-23 Solving of a potential range check error when scrolling in info system Minor Error Technical problem solved when scrolling in selection list in certain contexts
2018-02-15 View type date is truncated on the left side on popup panels opened and then closed Optical Technical problem of cutting displayed date contents on popup panel
2018-02-13 After having sorted a selection list by clicking on the header a selection via clicking a line sometimes selected the wrong line. Minor Error Technical problem when handling selection in special types of lists.
2018-02-09 SetStyle on editable combobox does not work Optical Setting the color on certain fields did not work properly in all cases.

TD2S Server

The below TradeDesign Server Software Release Notes are enhanced to show the relevance with respect to SWIFT 2018.

There are two types of server available in TradeDesign the so called standard server (version numbers 01.01.xxxx) and the newer so called Unicode server (version numbers 02.00.xxxx).

In below list the included version numbers define the affected version of the server.

The below list includes all changes following the server versions 01.01.0603 and 02.00.0145 which have been the initial SWIFT 2018 enabled server versions.

There are two main reasons to update to a newer version

  1. The introduction of the possibility to change the stop code used
  2. The upgrade of the savedata structures to support more than 999 lines for a single field.
Date Version Description Relevance for SWIFT 2018 More detailed description
2018-08-24 02.00.0154 Failure to read chinese text from db into dtText field No
2018-08-23 01.01.0613, 02.00.0153 (xml)blockfill should be able to handle 0xA0 No
2018-08-17 01.01.0612, 02.00.0152 SaveData format V30 Yes Support to save more than 999 lines in savedata structures using the V20 format, by adding a new V30 savedata format providing support for up to 99999 lines of a single field. When using V20 there is a small risk that exceptional big texts might get cutoff which get’s possible with the new bigger SWIFT fields.
2018-08-09 01.01.0612, 02.00.0152 'LoadContent' - add missing support for new V30 format Yes
2018-08-06 01.01.0611, 02.00.0151 allow disabling TLSv1.1 to enforce TLSv1.2 No
2018-07-31 01.01.0611, 02.00.0151 SaveData format V30 Yes Initial support for V30 savedata format providing support for up to 99999 lines of a single field
2018-06-26 01.01.0610, 02.00.0150 Allow client to handle EXI-command before closing socket No
2018-06-21 01.01.0610, 02.00.0150 'GetContext(“DEFAULTTRANSACTION”)' No
2018-06-21 01.01.0610, 02.00.0150 profile MAC not checked in some cases No
2018-06-13 01.01.0610, 02.00.0150 DBCommit/DBRelease - prevent unnecessary deletes from LCK No
2018-04-17 01.01.0609, 02.00.0149 'Get/SetContext(“ADMINISTRATOR”/“DESIGNER”)' No
2018-04-13 01.01.0608, 02.00.0148 possible exception in determination of next panel No
2018-03-28 01.01.0607 svg fixes No Fixes when presenting SVG images
2018-03-23 01.01.0606 'ShowDisplay' handle 'Enc' tag written by U-Server / Trade3 No Retrofit of a new feature provided in the Unicode server to the standard server
2018-03-20 01.01.0606, 02.00.0147 2-digit years in dates: 79/80 (Swift) vs. 49/50 (DNG) Yes Needed change to handle the date expansion according to the SWIFT rules
2018-03-16 01.01.0606, 02.00.0147 Support of changeable stop character. (STOPONASTERISK SWIFT 2018) Yes Support of the ability to change the stop character from the up to now used „*“ to another character.
2018-03-15 01.01.0605 'ConvertBlock' conversion types 23, 24 for standard server No Retrofit of a new feature provided in the Unicode server to the standard server
2018-02-09 01.01.0604, 02.00.0146 'Date' differences in input check regarding mask No
2018-01-15 01.01.0603, 02.00.0145 exit and return user defined error code if db connect fails No

Trade2.exe Design Engine

The TradeDesign design engine trade2.exe is used to debug, design, amend and compile an application.

In typicall cases the design enabling platform is not delivered to our customer. Only customer, which execute own development or which do the compile of the application to tto's on their own need the design platform.

The below list documents the main changes issued on the TradeDesign development platform and all SWIFT 2018 relevant changes as of the initial SWIFT 2018 enabeling version. For a complete overview please check the SRN of tradedesign development platform available in S:\td2\doku\trade2srn.htm .

Date Version Description Relevance for SWIFT 2018 More detailed Description
2018-10-16 Extended BitButton w/ text truncation problem No
2018.09.26 Support of Watermark No
2018.08.22 SWIFT check problem with underscore in SWIFT-Z fields Yes Even in fields declared as SWIFT-Z the check for undersore was active.
2018.08.17 SaveData format V30 Yes Support to save more than 999 lines in savedata structures using the V20 format, by adding a new V30 savedata format providing support for up to 99999 lines of a single field. When using V20 there is a small risk that exceptional big texts might get cutoff which get’s possible with the new bigger SWIFT fields.
2018.07.13 Exception in ConvertBlock and other Design and Execution bugs No
2018.05.11 Support of changeable stop character. (STOPONASTERISK SWIFT 2018) Yes Support of the ability to change the stop character from the up to now used „*“ to another character.
2018.03.08 Several designer bug reports No

Java Client

The Java client has been enhance to provide SWIFT-Z support with version on 30. May 2018.

Meanwhile there has been a single bugfix where Input in some fields was not possible on 14 June 2018 with version

HTML Client

The TradeDesign HTML client is preconfigured per customer. Therefore there is no generic version definable.

Any HTML client version starting with 3.0.217 is supporting the necessary SWIFT-Z features.

HTML5 Client

The TradeDesign HTML5 client has been developed with the necessary support of SWIFT-Z in scope from the very beginning.

The only known dependency is the introduced support of the date expansion of entered 2 digit years according to the SWIFT standard wich was introduced on 2018-03-20 with version of the HTML5 client.

2-digit years in dates are expanded with the split on 79/80 in Swift. The original split in DOKA-NG was based on 49/50.

As this is a pure handling support it is up to the decission of the bank to take that upgrade.