Table of Contents

CHK - Checks

Module CHK



Name Description Data Type Len Dec. View lines View type Inst. Visible Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID of Payment Documents Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
ROUKEY Routing Text 6 1 Edit Yes Public
PTAINR INR of corresponding party Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
SEAAMT Amount for search Numeric 18 3 Edit Yes Public
CHKNUMBER (Part of) Check Number Text 40 1 Edit Yes Public
EXTKEY Reference Text 20 1 Edit Yes Public
NAM Name of Check entry Text 40 1 Edit Yes Public
INITRNINR INR of initiating transaction Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
RPLCHKINR INR of replacing Check Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
OBJINR INR of initiating contract Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
CHDSNDINR INR of sending contract Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
INIDATTIM Date and Time of Creation Datetime 15 0 Unknown Yes Public
CLSDAT Date of Closing the Check Date 12 0 Date Yes Public
CHKCNT Check Count for traveler checks Numeric 4 0 Edit Yes Public
INDFLG Individually handled check Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
STA Status of payment document Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public Embedded
VALDAY Default Valuta Numeric 2 0 Edit Yes Public
CHKTYP Payment Document Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public <fixed-length>
STACTY Country Code (for Statistics) Text 2 1 Edit Yes Public CTYTXT
CUR Currency Text 3 1 Edit Yes Public
OBJTYP Table Used to Store Object Text 6 1 Edit Yes Public
DIRTYP Direction Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public Embedded
COLCLC Clearing Code for Collecting Bank Text 35 1 Edit Yes Public
VER Version Counter Text 4 1 Edit Yes Public
ETYEXTKEY Entity holding CHK entry Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public


Name Fields Properties




Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID


Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter CHK. The field INR is used to maintain links from other tables into this table.


Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield ROUKEY Routing


Routing information, used as 'class' to identify groups of payment documents.


Routing information, used as 'class' to identify groups of payment documents.

Datafield PTAINR INR of corresponding party


Unique INR of corresponding party.


Unique INR of corresponding party address (PTA).


Actual amount, used for search functions and to make entries unique


Actual amount, used for search functions and to make entries unique.

Datafield CHKNUMBER (Part of) Check Number


Complete no. of the check or part thereof. The EXTID is used for CBS entries created. Set as CBTPFX + “/” + Business Sector + COVTYP


Complete no. of the check or part thereof. The user must enter this field in order to allow the system to search in the checkpool for contracts with ambiguous data.

Datafield EXTKEY Reference


The external key is used to identify the payment document as unique. The external key can be used to search for a payment document that is already stored in the database.


This field is used to identify the payment document as unique. The reference field can be used to search for a payment document that is already stored in the database.

Datafield NAM Name of Check entry


User readable name of check entry


This field holds the descriptive name of the check entry displayed in the application to describe and to search for a contract.

Datafield INITRNINR INR of initiating transaction


This is the unique INR of the initiating transaction holding the specific CHK-information.


This is the unique INR of the initiating transaction holding the specific CHK-information.

Datafield RPLCHKINR The field holds the INR of the check that replaces this.


If not empty, this check entry is no longer valid and has been replaced by the CHK entry with this INR.


The field is normally empty. If set, it means that this check dataset is invalid and has to be replaced by another, newly captured dataset. This is a special case that can arise, for example, if a check has been assigned an incorrect check route or captured in the wrong presentation.

Datafield OBJINR Object-INR of initiating contract


Contains the INR of the check contract (CHD), which handles the payment document in direction of the presenter. Normally this is the presentation contract, created in CHTOPN.


Contains the INR of the check contract (CHD), which handles the payment document in direction of the presenter. Normally this is the presentation contract, created in CHTOPN.

Datafield CHDSNDINR INR of Remittance Contract


Contains the INR of the contract which was used to send the check remittance contract to the Collecting Bank.


The field holds the INR of the contract used to send the check and the remittance to the collecting bank.

Datafield INIDATTIM Date and Time of Creation


Date and Time of Creation of the CHK-dataset.


Date and Time of Creation of the CHK-dataset.

Datafield CLSDAT Closing date of check.


This field contains the date, when the payment document left the bank the last time.

For example, if sent to the collecting bank, date is set. If returned from collecting bank, date will not be cleared. If send back to remitter, the actual date is set.

That means, that for every check that once left the house the date is filled. Once filled the date will never be cleared.


This field contains the date on which the payment document left the bank for the last time.

For example, the date is set if the payment document is sent to the collecting bank . When the payment document is returned by the collecting bank, the date is not deleted. When the payment document is returned to the presenter, the current date is entered.

This means that every time a payment document leaves the bank, the date is set and once the field has been filled, it is never deleted again. This fields indicates the closing date of a contract. If an entry has been made, the contract is closed and may no longer be used to process business transactions except special transactions like Settling Charges or Common Messages.

Datafield CHKCNT Check Count for traveler checks


This field contains the number of checks handled. For traveler checks it is total number of checks handled, for all other payment document types the value is set to '1'.


Contains the number of checks handled. For traveler checks this is the number of checks handled, for all other payment document types the value is '1'.

Datafield INDFLG Individually handled check


If not empty, this check is handled in a single remittance.


If not empty, this check is handled in a single remittance.

Datafield STA Status of payment document


This field describes where the physical payment document (as 'paper') is currently located.


This field describes where the physical payment document (as 'paper') is currently located.

Code Text
I Inhouse
S Sent
P Awaiting Return
R Return to be handled
B Back at Sender
U In House/invalid
O invalid/outbooked

Datafield VALDAY Default Value Days


This field contains the number of future working days for which the Collecting Bank promised to pay the equivalent of remitted checks resp. authorized the sender of the checks to debit their account. The number of days entered will be used within the check-transactions to calculate future value dates.


This field contains the number of future working days for which the Collecting Bank promised to pay the equivalent of remitted checks resp. authorized the sender of the checks to debit their account. The number of days entered will be used within the check-transactions to calculate future value dates.

Datafield CHKTYP Payment Document


This field represents the type of the payment document and is part of the determination for the collecting bank (check routing).


This field represents the type of the payment document and is part of the determination for the collecting bank

Datafield STACTY Country Code (for Statistics)


This field is used within statistics and holds the country, where a payment document is payable.


This field is used within statistics and holds the country, where a payment document is payable.

Datafield CUR Currency


This field contains the currency of the presented payment document.


This field contains the currency of the presented payment document.

Datafield OBJTYP Object Type


Always CHD. Field is necessary to handle rollback of transactions correctly.


This is the type of object the check entry refers to. This is the table the object is stored in (CHD).

Datafield ETYEXTKEY Entity


This table is defined on entity level with separate entries for each entity. This field holds the EXTKEY of the owning entity to identify the logical owner of this entry. This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the currently active entity are visible to the user.


This field holds the external key of the owning entity to identify the logical owner of this entry.

This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the currently active entity are visible to the user.

Datafield DIRTYP Direction


Direction of Check


A check presentation is distinguished between import and export checks. Export Checks are payment documents which are sent for collction to a bank abroad. Import Checks are payment documents which are sent by the bank using the application to the collecting bank which has issued the payment document.

Code Text
E Export
I Import

Datafield COLCLC Clearing Code for Collecting Bank


This field is used to indicate the national clearing system code of the address. E.g.: CHIPS universal identifier (US) , or CHAPS branch sort code (UK), etc . Exception: German BLZ should additionaly be entered to the separate field BLZ. Reason: BLZ has been defined in pre-IBAN-times to handle the german Bankleitzahl. When dealing with IBAN account numbers all clearing codes are expected the field CLC.


This field is used to indicate the national clearing system code of the address. For example “CHIPS universal identifier” (US) or “CHAPS branch sort code” (UK).

Datafield VER Version


This field holds the version counter to keep track of the version history of an CHK entry. The individual versions are controlled by entries in the SLG table.


This field holds the version counter used to keep track of the history of an entry of this table. The individual versions are managed by entries in the SLG table.