Table of Contents

ETAUIL - Translatable Fields of Entity Address



The ETAUIL table holds the language-specific additional fields of
ETA. This table is linked to ETA by the ETAINR.
If no ETAUIL entry is available for a given language, the software
might fall back to the ETAUIL entry defined in the default UIL


Name Description Data Type Len Dec. View lines View type Inst. Visible Codetable
ETAINR INR of the Entity Address Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
UIL Language Text 2 1 Edit Yes Public UILTXT
POBZIP Zip Code of Post-Office Box Text 10 1 Edit Yes Public
POBLOC Location of Post-Office Box Text 35 1 Edit Yes Public
BRDDIR Footer (Left) Block 35 10 10 Block Yes Public
ETGADR Footer (Middle) Block 35 10 10 Block Yes Public
REGOFF Footer (Right) Block 35 10 10 Block Yes Public
FTHDET Footer (Added Right) Block 35 10 10 Block Yes Public
LETNAM Name in Letterhead Text 35 1 Edit Yes Public
LETSTR Street in Letterhead Text 35 1 Edit Yes Public
LETBOX Postbox in Letterhead Text 35 1 Edit Yes Public
LETZIP Zip Code in Letterhead Text 10 1 Edit Yes Public
LETLOC Location in Letterhead Text 35 1 Edit Yes Public
TFSNAM Name in Telex/Fax/Swift Text 35 1 Edit Yes Public
TFSSTR Street in Telex/Fax/Swift Text 35 1 Edit Yes Public
TFSBOX Postbox in Telex/Fax/Swift Text 35 1 Edit Yes Public
TFSZIP Zip Code in Telex/Fax/Swift Text 10 1 Edit Yes Public
TFSLOC Location in Telex/Fax/Swift Text 35 1 Edit Yes Public


Name Fields Properties




Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield ETAINR INR of the Entity Address


This field holds the INR of the owning ETA entry.


This field holds the identification number of the relevant entity address entry.

Datafield UIL Language


This field specifies the language in which the additional fields are stored. If no entry is stored in the database for a given language, the system might fall back to the default user interface language and uses the entries in that language instead.


This field specifies the language in which additional fields are stored. If no entry is stored in the database for a given language, the system might fall back to the default user language and use entries in that language instead.

Datafield POBZIP Zip Code of Post Office Box


This field contains the ZIP code of the P.O. Box for the entity address. The information can be stored in different languages.

This field can be used in the letterhead of printed correspondence.


This field contains the zip code of the post office box.

Datafield POBLOC Location of Post Office Box


This field contains the location of the P.O. Box for the entity address. The information can be stored in different languages.

This field can be used in the letterhead of printed correspondence.


This field contains the name of the town where the P. O. box is located.

Datafield BRDDIR Board of Directors


This field contains details of the entity group, e.g. the board of directors or the supervisory board. The information can be stored in different languages.

This field can be used in printed correspondence.


This field contains the board of managing directors details for the main entity address. The information can be stored in different languages.

This field can be used in printed correspondence.

Datafield ETGADR Address of Entity Group


This field contains details of the entity group, e.g. the address. The information can be stored in different languages.

This field can be used in printed correspondence.


This field contains the address of the entity group. The information can be stored in different languages.

This field can be used in printed correspondence.

Datafield REGOFF Registered Office


This field contains details of the entity group, e.g. the registered office. The information can be stored in different languages.

This field can be used in printed correspondence.


This field contains the registered office details for the main entity address. The information can be stored in different languages.

This field can be used in the letterhead of printed correspondence.


This field contains details of the entity group, e.g. the commercial register entry. The information can be stored in different languages.

This field can be used in printed correspondence.

If text is entered here footer of letters holds 4 instead of 3 columns.


This field contains details of the entity group, e.g. the commercial register entry. The dates/data can be provided in various languages.

The field can be used for issuing correspondence in writing.

If this field is filled, then the footer will contain 4 instead of 3 columns.

Datafield LETNAM Name in Letterhead


This field contains the name of the entity address. The information can be stored in different languages.

This field can be used in the letterhead of printed correspondence.


This field contains the name of the entity address. The information can be stored in different languages.

This field can be used in the letterhead of printed correspondence.

Datafield LETSTR Street in Letterhead


This field contains the street and house number of the entity address. The information can be stored in different languages.

This field can be used in the letterhead of printed correspondence.


This field contains the street and house number of the entity address. The information can be stored in different languages.

This field can be used in the letterhead of printed correspondence.

Datafield LETBOX Postbox in Letterhead


This field contains the P.O. Box number for the entity address. The information can be stored in different languages.

This field can be used in the letterhead of printed correspondence.


This field contains the P.O. Box number for the entity address. The information can be stored in different languages.

This field can be used in the letterhead of printed correspondence.

Datafield LETZIP Zip Code in Letterhead


This field contains the ZIP code of the city of the entity address. The information can be stored in different languages.

This field can be used in the letterhead of printed correspondence.


This field contains the ZIP code of the city of the entity address. The information can be stored in different languages.

This field can be used in the letterhead of printed correspondence.

Datafield LETLOC Location in Letterhead


This field contains the city of the entity address. The information can be stored in different languages.

This field can be used in the letterhead of printed correspondence.


This field contains the city of the entity address. The information can be stored in different languages.

This field can be used in the letterhead of printed correspondence.

Datafield TFSNAM Name in Telex/Fax/SWIFT


This field contains the name of the entity address. The information can be stored in different languages.

This field can be used in telex, fax or SWIFT messages.


This field contains the name of the entity address. The information can be stored in different languages.

This field can be used in telex, fax or SWIFT messages.

Datafield TFSSTR Street in Telex/Fax/SWIFT


This field contains the street and house number of the entity address. The information can be stored in different languages.

This field can be used in telex, fax or SWIFT messages.


This field contains the street and house number of the entity address. The information can be stored in different languages.

This field can be used in telex, fax or SWIFT messages.

Datafield TFSBOX Postbox in Telex/Fax/SWIFT


This field contains the P.O. Box number for the entity address. The information can be stored in different languages.

This field can be used in telex, fax or SWIFT messages.


This field contains the P.O. Box number for the entity address. The information can be stored in different languages.

This field can be used in telex, fax or SWIFT messages.

Datafield TFSZIP Zip Code in Telex/Fax/SWIFT


This field contains the ZIP code of the city of the entity address. The information can be stored in different languages.

This field can be used in telex, fax or SWIFT messages.


This field contains the ZIP code of the city of the entity address. The information can be stored in different languages.

This field can be used in telex, fax or SWIFT messages.

Datafield TFSLOC Location in Telex/Fax/SWIFT


This field contains the city of the entity address. The information can be stored in different languages.

This field can be used in telex, fax or SWIFT messages.


This field contains the city of the entity address. The information can be stored in different languages.

This field can be used in telex, fax or SWIFT messages.