Table of Contents

GLE - General Ledger Entry

Module GLE


This table holds all general ledger entries created by a transaction.
The status of the individual entries is reflected in the fields EXPSES and EXPFLG. Thus only 'A'ccepted entries are finally passed to the central accounting system.


Name Description Data Type Len Dec. View lines View type Inst. Visible Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID (Set in GLEMOD) Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
OBJTYP Objecttype of Contract (Set in GLEMOD) Text 6 1 Edit Yes Public
OBJINR INR of Linked Record (Set in GLEMOD) Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
TRNINR Transaction Creating Entry (Set in GLEMOD) Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
ACT Account Number in our Books (Mandatory) Text 34 1 Edit Yes Public
DBTCDT Debit/Credit (Mandatory) Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public DBTCDT
CUR Booked in Currency (Mandatory) Text 3 1 Edit Yes Public CURTXT
AMT Booking Amount (Mandatory) Numeric 18 3 Edit Yes Public
SYSCUR System Currency (Optional) Text 3 1 Edit Yes Public CURTXT
SYSAMT Booking Amount in System Currency (Optional) Numeric 18 3 Edit Yes Public
VALDAT Value Date (Defaults to BUCDAT) Date 12 0 Date Yes Public
BUCDAT Booking Date (Defaults to Today ) Date 12 0 Date Yes Public
TXT1 Booking Text 1 Text 40 1 Edit Yes Public
TXT2 Booking Text 2 Text 40 1 Edit Yes Public
TXT3 Booking Text 3 Text 40 1 Edit Yes Public
PRN Prima Nota Text 4 1 Edit Yes Public
EXPSES Export Session Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
TSYREF Treasury Reference Text 35 1 Edit Yes Public
EXPFLG Export Status ('S'tored, 'R'eleased, 'E'xported, 'A'ccepted) Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public Embedded


Name Fields Properties




Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID


Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter GLE. The field INR is used to maintain links from other tables into this table. It uniquely defines this booking entry (in table GLE) This field may be ignored by external systems.


Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield OBJTYP Object Type


The table ID of the issuing contract is specified in this field. The INR of that contract is stored in the field OBJINR. The objective is to identify the type of product, or more precisely, the type of data-group used to represent the type of business contract, for which this booking is effected. This field may be ignored by external systems uniquely defines this booking entry (in table GLE)


The field specifies the table ID of the issuing contract. The unique ID of that contract is stored in the Object ID field.

The objective is to identify the type of product, or more precisely, the type of data group used to represent the type of business contract, for which this booking is effected.

This field may be ignored by external systems.

Datafield OBJINR Object INR (Internal Unique ID)


This field holds the INR identifying the contract within the table identified by OBJTYP. It uniquely defines the contract in table <OBJTYP> involved in this booking. This field may be ignored by external systems


This field holds the unique ID identifying the contract within the table identified by the Object Type field.

Datafield TRNINR Transaction Creating Entry (Set in GLEMOD)


The objective is to uniquely identify the transaction, which posts this booking.. This field contains a eight charter ID unique for the initiating transaction, and is to be used in order to collect all booking of a transaction as well as for research - thus, it should be monitored by the receiving accounting system according to audit regulations. This field is mandatory.


The mandatory field uniquely identifies the transaction posting this booking.

This field contains an eight-digit ID unique for the initiating transaction, and is used to collect all bookings relating to a transaction as well as for research - thus, it should be monitored by the receiving accounting system in line with auditing regulations.

Datafield ACT Account Number in our Books (Mandatory)


The objective is to specify the account to be affected by this booking. This field contains the account as represented . This field is mandatory.


This mandatory field specifies the account affected by this booking.

Datafield DBTCDT Debit/Credit (Mandatory)


The objective is to specify, weather this entry is a debit or a credit booking.. This field contains a one charter code, “C” or “D”. This field is mandatory.


This mandatory field specifies whether the entry is a debit (“D”), or a credit (“C”) booking.

Datafield CUR Booked in Currency (Mandatory)


The objective is to specify the currency of this booking entry. This field contains the ISO-Code of the currency. This field is mandatory.


This mandatory field specifies the ISO code for the currency of the entry.

Datafield AMT Booking Amount (Mandatory)


The objective is to specify the booking amount. This field contains the amount in booking currency.. This field is mandatory.


This mandatory field specifies the booking amount in the booking currency.

Datafield SYSCUR System Currency (Optional)


Contains the system base currency


Contains the system base currency

Datafield SYSAMT Booking Amount in System Currency (Optional)


The converted value of the booking amount in system base currency.


The converted value of the booking amount in system base currency.

Datafield VALDAT Value Date (Defaults to BUCDAT)


The objective is to specify, when this booking is valued. This field contains the value date as accepted or supplied by the user. This field is mandatory. Unless it's original source field is defaulted or set otherwise, it's content defaults to BUCDAT, which defaults to “today”.


This mandatory field contains the value date as accepted or supplied by the user.

Unless the original source field is defaulted or set otherwise, the content of the field defaults to “today”.

Datafield BUCDAT Booking Date (Defaults to Today)


The objective is to specify, when this booking is effected. This field contains the date, at which the booking transaction is saved (pending verification & release). This field is mandatory, and defaults to “today” upon original save of transaction, that is before verification and release.


The field specifies when this booking is effected.

Datafield TXT1 Booking Text 1


Provides additional information on the booking such as parent contract reference related to the booking and the party/role whole liability is booked.


Provides additional information on the booking such as parent contract reference related to the booking and the party/role whole liability is booked.

Datafield TXT2 Booking Text 2


Provides additional information on the booking.


Provides additional information on the booking.

Datafield TXT3 Booking Text 3


Provides additional information on the booking such as the liability type of booking. Example AVL booking or AVL counter booking.


Provides additional information on the booking such as the liability type of booking. Example AVL booking or AVL counter booking.

Datafield PRN Prima Nota


Prima Nota is a unique identifier for a booking entries. Unique numbers could be maintained as prima nota for different bookings from different business modules.


Prima Nota is a unique identifier for a booking entries. Unique numbers could be maintained as prima nota for different bookings from different business modules.

Datafield EXPSES Export Session


This field is for internal use and may be ignored by external systems


This field is for internal use and may be ignored by external systems.

Datafield EXPFLG Export Status ('S'tored, 'R'eleased, 'E'xported, 'A'ccepted)


This field is for internal use and may be ignored by external systems


This field is for internal use and may be ignored by external systems.

Code Text
A Accepted
E Exported
R Released
S Stored

Datafield TSYREF Treasury reference


Treasury reference