Table of Contents

GTX - Guarantee Text

Module GTX


This table holds the different guarantee texts available for selection.
With the fields OBJTYP and OBJINR the validity of a guarantee text might be restricted to a country, partygroup or single party.


Name Description Data Type Len Dec. View lines View type Inst. Visible Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID of GTX Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
EXTKEY External Key Used to Uniquely Identify a Guarantee text definition Text 24 1 Edit Yes Public
NAM Externally Visible Name Text 40 1 Edit Yes Public
VER Version Counter Text 4 1 Edit Yes Public
GIDTXT Guarantee Text Stream 65 500 Source Yes Public
HNDTYP Handling Type Text 2 1 Edit Yes Public <fixed-length>
OBJTYP Object Type Text 6 1 Edit Yes Public Embedded
OBJINR Object INR Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
EXPFLG Unlimited Guarantee Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public Embedded
UIL Language Text 2 1 Edit Yes Public UILTXT
LABORCDAT Label for Contract Date Text 15 1 Edit Yes Public
LABADDINF Label for Additional Info Field Text 15 1 Edit Yes Public
LEGFRM Legal Form of Guarantee Text 4 1 Edit Yes Public <fixed-length>
COVGODSRVDFT Object of Contract Default Block 20 20 5 Block Yes Public
ETGEXTKEY Entity Group of Guarantee Text Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
GARTYP Undertaking Type Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public <fixed-length>
GTXPRI Priority Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public Embedded


Name Fields Properties




Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID


Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter GTX. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.


Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield EXTKEY External Key


This field contains the external key for the guarantee text definition. The key will be automatically created during definition of a new guarantee text. To search an existing guarantee text enter fractions of the external key which starts with the language code EN = English, DE=German etc.


This field contains the external key for the guarantee text. The key is automatically created when a new guarantee text is defined.

Datafield NAM Name


This field contains the descriptive name of the guarantee text.


This field contains the descriptive long name of the selected guarantee text.

Datafield VER Version


This field holds the version counter to keep track of the version history of a GTX entry.


This field holds the version counter used to keep track of the history of an entry of this table. The individual versions are managed by entries in the SLG table.

Datafield GIDTXT Guarantee Text


This field contains the guarantee text definition. By using fieldtags it is possible to integrate datafields of the contract. Furthermore it is possible to use the labels on the right side of the guarantee text definition. See also transaction documentation.


This field defines the guarantee text. The use of fieldtags enables the user to integrate datafields from the contract. It is also possible to use the labels on the right-hand side of the guarantee text definition. See also transaction documentation.

Datafield HNDTYP Handling Type


This field specifies the handling type.

In case of a direct guarantee, the applicant requests his house bank (bank using the application) to issue a guarantee in favor of a beneficiary abroad.

In case of an indirect guarantee, the applicant's bank (bank using the application) requests an issuing bank abroad to order the guarantee on his behalf.

In case of advice with/without confirmation, a foreign bank has issued a guarantee which is to be advised through the bank using the application to the beneficiary.

“Guarantees received” are guarantees which are issued in favor of the bank using the application (and not in favor of one of its customers).


This field defines the handling type of the guarantee text (direct or indirect guarantee)

Datafield OBJTYP Object Type


Type of object the GTX entry refers to. This is the table the object is stored in.


This field allows guarantee text objects to be selected. Default = general use Country = used only for defined country Party = used only for defined party

Code Text
PTY Party
CTY Country
HEQ Group

Datafield OBJINR Object INR


INR of the object within the table, defined in OBJTYP.


Unique ID of the object in the table, defined in the object type.

Datafield GTXPRI Priority


This field defines the priority of the guarantee text definition like “standard”, “often used” etc.


This field defines the priority of the guarantee text, using terms such as “standard”, “often used”, etc.

Code Text
0 standard text
1 often used
9 rarely used
A common text

Datafield EXPFLG Unlimited Guarantee


This field contains the selection whether guarantee text definition should be used for limited or unlimited guarantees resp. for both.


This field offers the choice of whether a guarantee text should be used for limited or unlimited guarantees, for both.

Code Text
X unlimited
B both

Datafield UIL Language


This field holds the language of the guarantee text.


This field allows the language of the guarantee text to be selected.

Datafield LABORCDAT Label for Contract Date


This field defines the description of the field “contract date” on the “Details” panel of guarantee business sector. By using the field definition 'Date of the original contract formatted in the language of the guarantee' [GIDGRP\FMTORCDAT] during guarantee text definition this field will be enabled. The content of this field will then be used at the Details panel of the guarantee processing.


This field provides the description of the “contract date” field on the “Details” panel of guarantee business sector. The field is enabled if the 'Date of the original contract formatted in the language of the guarantee' field definition is used when defining the guarantee text. The contents of this field is then used here in guarantee processing.

Datafield LABADDINF Label for Additional Info Field


This field defines the description of the field “Additional Info” on the “Details” panel of guarantee business sector. By using the field definition [GIDGRP\BLK\ADDINF] during guarantee text definition this field will be enabled. The content of this field will then be used at the Details panel of the guarantee processing.


This field provides additional information and is enabled if the field definition is used when defining a guarantee text. The contents of this field is then here in guarantee processing.


This field specifies the legal undertaking form.


This field defines the legal form of the guarantee, such as“guarantee (ICC)” “guarantee (standard)”, etc.

Datafield COVGODSRVDFT Obj. of Contract Default


This field can contain a default value for the field object of contract / goods description. Any information entered in this field is automatically taken over into the guarantee issuance transaction (GITOPN) when the appropriate guarantee text is selected.


The field describes the object of the contract and is enabled if the field definition is used when defining the guarantee text. The contents of this field is then used here in guarantee processing. By entering “*”the cursor will stop at this point during transaction processing.

Datafield ETGEXTKEY Entitygroup


This table is defined on entity group level with separate entries for each entity group. This field holds the EXTKEY of the entity group which is the logical owner of this entry. This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the entity group of the currently active entity are visible to the user.


This field holds the external key of the owning entity group to identify the logical owner of this entry. This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the currently active entity group are visible to the user.

Datafield GARTYP Type of Guarantee


This field holds the undertaking type.


This field defines the type of the guarantee (for example “advance payment guarantee”, “bid bond”, etc.)