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IBP - IBAN Plus Directory

Module IBP


Table for data from IBAN Plus File.
The IBANPLUS file contains IBAN-related data for financial institutions in SEPA countries and non-SEPA countries that have adopted IBAN.


Name Description Data Type Len Dec. View lines View type Inst. Visible Codetable
RECKEY Record Key Text 12 1 Edit Yes Public
INST Institution Name Text 105 1 Edit Yes Public
CTYNAM Country Name Text 70 1 Edit Yes Public
CTYCOD ISO Country Code Text 2 1 Edit Yes Public
IBNCTYCOD IBAN ISO Country Code Text 2 1 Edit Yes Public
IBNBIC IBAN BIC Text 11 1 Edit Yes Public
ROUTBIC Rouiting BIC Text 11 1 Edit Yes Public
IBNNATID IBAN National ID Text 15 1 Edit Yes Public
SERV Service Context Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
FIELDA Field A Text 35 1 Edit Yes Public
FIELDB Field B Text 70 1 Edit Yes Public


Name Fields Properties


Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield RECKEY Record Key


The unique key of the record in the file.


The unique key of the record in the file.

Datafield INST Institution Name


Institution name of the IBAN issuer.


Institution name of the IBAN issuer.

Datafield CTYNAM Country Name


The name of the country of residence of the financial institiution that issued the IBAN.


The name of the country of residence of the financial institiution that issued the IBAN.

Datafield CTYCOD ISO Country Code


The code of the country of residence of


The code of the country of residence

Datafield IBNCTYCOD IBAN ISO Country Code


The ISO 3166-1 country code prefix of the IBANs issued by the institution. Under certain circumstances this can be different from the country indicated in field “ISO COUNTRY CODE”.


The ISO 3166-1 country code prefix of the IBANs issued by the institution. Under certain circumstances this can be different from the country indicated in field “ISO COUNTRY CODE”.



This is the BIC11 issued together with the IBANs to the institution’s clients. In case a BIC8 was issued it is padded with “XXX”.


This is the BIC11 issued together with the IBANs to the institution’s clients. In case a BIC8 was issued it is padded with “XXX”.

Datafield ROUTBIC Routing BIC


For an IBAN BIC that is not connected to SWIFT the ROUTING BIC is the best approximation for the BIC through which a SEPA payment can be sent over SWIFT. However, more accurate information can be found in the SEPA Plus product - SEPA ROUTING file, which lists banks SEPA-ready, scheme-specific ACH channels and intermediary banks.


For an IBAN BIC that is not connected to SWIFT the ROUTING BIC is the best approximation for the BIC through which a SEPA payment can be sent over SWIFT. However, more accurate information can be found in the SEPA Plus product - SEPA ROUTING file, which lists banks SEPA-ready, scheme-specific ACH channels and intermediary banks.

Datafield IBNNATID IBAN National ID


The National ID as included in the IBAN.


The National ID as included in the IBAN.

Datafield SERV Service Context


Code indicating the context of the payment services provided by the financial institution.: * SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) Where this is not indicated the institution uses the IBAN standard but is not a participant of SEPA.


Code indicating the context of the payment services provided by the financial institution.: * SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) Where this is not indicated the institution uses the IBAN standard but is not a participant of SEPA.

Datafield FIELDA Field A


This field is reserved for future use. In case values will be populated, the file structure and the field name will not change.


This field is reserved for future use. In case values will be populated, the file structure and the field name will not change.

Datafield FIELDB Field B


This field is reserved for future use. In case values will be populated, the file structure and the field name will not change.


This field is reserved for future use. In case values will be populated, the file structure and the field name will not change.