Table of Contents

LTT - Transfer L/C Text

Module LTT


LTT is the data table for text blocks and other large fields (not used in search functions) for Transfer L/C contracts.
LTD and LTT are linked by using the same INR contents.


Name Description Data Type Len Dec. View lines View type Inst. Visible Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID of Import L/C Transfer Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
ADLCND Additional Conditions Block 65 800 Block Yes Public
DEFDET Negotiation/Deferred Payment Details Block 35 4 4 Block Yes Public
DFTAT Drafts at Block 35 3 3 Block Yes Public
FEETXT Additional Details to Code for Charges (CHATO) Block 35 6 6 Block Yes Public
INSBNK Instructions to Paying/Accepting/Negotiating Bank Block 65 12 6 Block Yes Public
INSBNKAME Instruction to P/A/N (History) Block 50 999 10 Block Yes Public
LCRDOC Documents Required Block 65 800 Block Yes Public
LCRGOD Description of Goods Block 65 800 Block Yes Public
MIXDET Mixed Payment Details Block 35 4 4 Block Yes Public
PREPER Presentation Period Block 35 4 4 Block Yes Public
RMBCHA Other Charges RB Block 35 6 6 Block Yes Public
SHPPER Shipment Period Block 65 6 4 Block Yes Public
ADLCNDAME Additional Conditions (Amendment) Block 50 999 10 Block Yes Public
LCRGODAME Description of Goods (Amendment) Block 50 999 10 Block Yes Public
LCRDOCAME Documents Required (Amendment) Block 50 999 10 Block Yes Public
NARHIS Historic Overview of Narratives Block 50 999 10 Block Yes Public
VER Version Counter Text 4 1 Edit Yes Public
FLDMODBLK List of Modified Fields in LTDGRP Block 40 500 30 Block Yes Public
ADDAMTCOV Additional Amount Covered Block 35 4 4 Block Yes Public
AVBWTHTXT Available in Block 35 4 4 Block Yes Public
CONTAG72 Content of TAG 72 Block 35 999 10 Block Yes Public
CONTAG79 Content of TAG 79 Block 50 999 10 Block Yes Public
PREPERDEF Default content of Presentation Period Block 35 4 4 Block Yes Public
PREPERFLG Presentation Period modified Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
SPCBEN Special Payment Conditions for Beneficiary Block 65 800 Block Yes Public
SPCBENAME Special payment Conditions for beneficiary (History) Block 50 999 Block Yes Public
SPCRCB Special Payment Conditions for Bank Only Block 65 800 Block Yes Public
SPCRCBAME Special Payment Conditions for Bank Only (History) Block 50 999 Block Yes Public
CHKASTSTM Stream with CHKAST Stream 1 0 Source Yes Public
INS78D Instructions from Transferring Bank Block 65 12 12 Block Yes Public


Name Fields Properties




Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID


Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is filled from the INR field of the associated LTD record. Thus the field INR is used to link the two tables LTD and LTT as associated entries hold the same INR.


Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield ADLCND Additional Conditions


This field contains any additional conditions for the transfer L/C.

The content in this field is that when the transfer L/C was issued. Amendments to the additional conditions are listed in ADLCNDAME.


This field contains additional conditions of the L/C.

Datafield DEFDET Deferred Payment Details


This field specifies the payment dates, amounts and/or methods of a transfer L/C that is available by deferred payment.


This field specifies the date of payment or methods to determine it if the conctract offers a deferred payment option.

Datafield DFTAT Drafts at


This field specifies the terms of drafts to be drawn under the transfer L/C.


This field specifies the terms of the drafts to be drawn under the underlying contract

Datafield FEETXT Additional Details to Code for Charges (CHATO)


Detailed charges information can be given to the receiver of the transfer L/C in this field. The information entered here is available in TAG 71B of the MT720.


This field is used to specify additional details, if any, about the charges to be levied under the transfer L/C.

Datafield INSBNK Instructions to Paying/Accepting/Negotiating Bank


This field contains instructions to a paying, accepting or negotiating bank. The contents of this field are the same as when the transfer L/C was issued. Amendments to the instructions to P/A/N are listed in INSBNKAME.


This field contains instructions to the advising bank regarding payment, acceptance, deferred payment or mixed payment

Datafield INSBNKAME Instruction to P/A/N (History)


This field contains the history of amendments to the instructions to paying, accepting, negotiating bank.


This field contains the history of amendments to the instructions to paying, accepting, negotiating bank.

Datafield LCRDOC Documents Required


This field contains a list of documents which are required under the transfer L/C. The contents in this field are the same as when the transfer L/C was issued. Amendments to the required documents are listed in LCRDOCAME.


This field contains a list of documents which are required under the underlying obligation contract. The content in this field is that when the obligation was issued. Amendments to the required documents are listed in Documents Required (History)'.

Datafield LCRGOD Description of Goods


This field contains a description of goods and/or services which are secured through the transfer L/C. The contents of this field are the same as when the transfer L/C was issued. Amendments to the description of goods are listed in LCRGODAME.


This field contains a description of goods and/or services which are secured through the underlying obligation contract. The content in this field is that when the contract was issued. Amendments to the description of goods are listed in field 'Description of Goods (History)'.

Datafield MIXDET Mixed Payment Details


This field specifies the payment dates, amounts and/or methods of a transfer L/C that is available by mixed payment.


This field specifies the payment dates, amounts and/or methods of the underlying contract if available by mixed payment.

Datafield PREPER Presentation Period


This field contains the presentation period, being the period of time during which documents have to be presented in order to be transfer L/C compliant.


This field contains the presentation period, being the period of time during which documents have to be presented in order to be transfer L/C compliant.

Datafield RMBCHA Other Charges RB


This field may only be used to indicate whether acceptance and/or discount charges are applicable and, if so, by which party these charges are to be borne.

One or more of the following codes may be used, followed by the currency code and amount: ACCECHGS Acceptance Charges. DISCCHGS Discount Charges.


This field contains information regarding the handling of other charges.

Datafield SHPPER Shipment Period


This field specifies the shipment period in which goods have to be shipped, in order for the documents to be transfer L/C compliant.


This field specifies the period of time when the goods are to be loaded on board/dispatched/transferred.

N.B.: This field is only enabled if the latest shipment date has NOT been entered. Otherwise this field is protected.

Datafield ADLCNDAME Additional Conditions (History)


This field contains the history of amendments to the additional conditions of the transfer L/C.


This field contains the history of amendments to the field 'Additional Conditions'.

Datafield LCRGODAME Description of Goods (History)


This field contains the history of amendments to the goods description of the transfer L/C.


This field contains the history of amendments to the description of goods required under the underlying contract.

Datafield LCRDOCAME Documents Required (History)


This field contains the history of amendments of the documents required under the transfer L/C.


This field contains the history of amendments to the documents required under the underlying contract.

Datafield NARHIS Historic Overview of Narratives


This field contains the history of amendment narratives of the transfer L/C.


This field displays former amendments to the transfer.

Datafield VER Version


This field holds the version counter to keep track of the version history of a LTT entry. The individual versions are controlled by entries in the SLG table.


This field holds the version counter used to keep track of the history of an entry of this table. The individual versions are managed by entries in the SLG table.

Datafield FLDMODBLK List of Modified Fields in LTDGRP


The field holds a list of all fields which were marked as modified when the last update of the contract took place. This field is used to mark the respective fields upon loading of the contract automatically as modified-2.


The field holds a list of all fields identified as modified when the contract was last updated. This field is used to mark the respective fields as modified when the contract is loaded.

Datafield ADDAMTCOV Additional Amount Covered


This field specifies any additional amount available to the second beneficiary under the transfer L/C, such as insurance premium, freight charges etc.


This field specifies any additional amount available to the second beneficiary under the transfer L/C, such as insurance premium, freight charges etc.

Datafield AVBWTHTXT Available in


This field holds additional text information regarding availability of the transfer L/C in case the L/C is “Available with” = “Any Bank”. In most cases, a country will be entered in this field.


This field holds additional text information regarding availability of the contract, if the “Any Bank” option has been selected in the “Available with” field. In most cases, a country will be entered in this field.

Datafield CONTAG72 Content of TAG 72


This field contains the history of former TAGs 72.


This field contains the history of former TAGs 72

Datafield CONTAG79 Content of TAG 79


This field contains the history of former TAGs 79.


This field contains the history of former TAGs 79

Datafield PREPERDEF Default content of Presentation Period


This field contains the presentation period as set by default rules.


This field contains the Presentation Period as set by default rules.

Datafield PREPERFLG Presentation Period modified


If set, the content od PREPER is under control of user. Otherwise content is set by default rules.

If PREPER is filled i.e. from incoming message or contract copy PREPERFLG is set.


If this checkbox is checked, it means that the Presentation Period has been modified.

Datafield SPCBEN Special Payment Conditions for Beneficiary


This field contains the special payment conditions for beneficiary.


This field contains the special payment conditions for beneficiary.

Datafield SPCBENAME Special payment Conditions for beneficiary (History)


This field contains the history of special payment conditions for beneficiary of the L/C.


This field contains the history of special payment conditions for beneficiary of the L/C.

Datafield SPCRCB Special Payment Conditions for Bank Only


This field contains the special payment conditions for receiving bank.


This field contains the special payment conditions for receiving bank.

Datafield SPCRCBAME Special Payment Conditions for Bank Only (History)


This field contains the history of special payment conditions for receiving bank of the L/C.


This field contains the history of special payment conditions for receiving bank of the L/C.

Datafield CHKASTSTM Stream with CHKAST


This field holds all activated checboxes of “Allow *” to carry them automatically forward in follow transaction.


This field holds all activated checboxes of “Allow *” to carry them automatically forward in follow transaction.

Datafield INS78D Instructions from Transferring bank


This field contains instructions from transferring bank


This field specifies the instructions to the bank advising the Transfer LC to the Beneficiary.