Table of Contents

ORR - Order Schedule

Module ORR


This table contains (always optional) rows to predefine user / group assignment for interactive steps of execution of an order.

This allows to assign certain tasks expected to become necessary for an order in the future to certain users or groups (e.g. who should execute a business transaction or who should release a transaction) at an earlier point of time.

ORDINR, CLA and OBJSUBID identify such an event (i.e. QUE entry), USR and USG define the assignment to use for this.


Name Description Data Type Len Dec. View lines View type Inst. Visible Codetable
ORDINR INR of Parent ORD Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
CLA Class Text 3 1 Edit Yes Public Embedded
OBJSUBID Sub ID for an object Text 2 1 Edit Yes Public
USG Responsible Group (optional) Text 6 1 Edit Yes Public <fixed-length>
USR Responsible User (optional) Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public <fixed-length>


Name Fields Properties




Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield ORDINR Internal Unique ID (INR) of Holding Order


Internal Unique ID of order to which this ORR record belongs.


Internal unique ID of order to which this Order Schedule (ORR) record belongs.

Datafield CLA Class


Contains class of queue entry REL OBJ/TYP / OBJINR specify a transaction that is waiting for a signature as specified in OBJSUBID

INC If for an incoming order the first interactive action within the application is a business transaction an SPT with status 'INC' is created together with a QUE entry with class 'INC'

ORD If prior to the first business transaction interactive preprocessing within the application is required (like with DBMORD) a queue entry with class 'ORD' can be created (as no SPT is created yet)


Contains class of queue entry. Class INC = If for an incoming order the first interactive action within the application is a business transaction, a pending transaction with the status level 'INC' is created together with a queue entry with the class 'INC'.

Class ORD = If prior to the first business transaction interactive preprocessing within the application is required, a queue entry with class 'ORD' can be created (as no pending transaction is created yet).

Code Text
COR To Correct
INC Incoming
MAN Manual
RIM Registered
PEN Pending
REL Release Pending
DIA Diary
ORD Order Preprocessing

Datafield OBJSUBID Sub ID for an Object


The field OBJSUBID is used to uniquely identify multiple entries with the same OBJTYP/OBJINR.

It is implemented as a counter with a maximum value of 99.

This is needed to handle multiple signatures for one TRN


This field is used to uniquely identify multiple entries. It is implemented as a counter with a maximum value of 99 and is needed to handle multiple signatures for one transaction.

Datafield USG 6\


User group responsible to pick up the entry. This field has to be set and handled according to the handling of USFMOD, which handles the filters that can be defined by the user.


User group responsible for picking up the entry.

Datafield USR 8\


User responsible to pick up the entry. This field has to be set and handled according to the handling of USFMOD, which handles the filters that can be defined by the user.


The user responsible for picking up the entry.