Table of Contents

PTY - Party

Module PTY


The party table holds an entry for each party where there is a relationship to. Account relationships, conditions and statistics are connected on party level. Each party might have many addresses which are linked to the party by entries of the PTA table.


Name Description Data Type Len Dec. View lines View type Inst. Visible Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID of Party Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
EXTKEY Address Number Text 24 1 30 Edit Yes Public
NAM External Visible Name Text 40 1 Edit Yes Public
PTYTYP Type of Party Text 15 1 Edit Yes Public
ACCUSR User ID of Account Officer Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
HBKACCFLG Use Accounting of House Bank Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
HBKCONFLG Use Conditions of House Bank Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
HBKINR INR of Associated House Bank Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
HEQACCFLG Use Accounting of Headquarters Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
HEQCONFLG Use Conditions of Headquarters Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
HEQINR INR of Associated Headquarters Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
PRFCTR Profit Centre Text 6 1 Edit Yes Public
RESUSR Identifies Responsible User Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
RSKCLS Risk Class Text 6 1 Edit Yes Public
RSKCTY Risk Country Text 2 1 Edit Yes Public CTYTXT
RSKTXT Risk Textual Description Text 35 1 Edit Yes Public
UIL Default Language for Communication Text 2 1 Edit Yes Public
VER Version Text 4 1 Edit Yes Public
AKKBRA AKK Business Area Text 3 1 Edit Yes Public
AKKCOM AKK Company ID No. Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
AKKREG AKK Region Code Text 2 1 Edit Yes Public AKKREG
LIDCNDFLG Special L/C Conditions for Party Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
LIDMAXDUR Maximum Duration of L/C Numeric 4 0 Edit Yes Public
TRDCNDFLG Special TR Conditions for Party Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
TRDTENTOT Maximum Total Tenor Numeric 5 0 Edit Yes Public
TRDTENINI Initial TR Tenor Numeric 5 0 Edit Yes Public
TRDTENEXT Maximum Extension Tenor Numeric 5 0 Edit Yes Public
TRDEXTNMB Maximum Number of Extensions Numeric 5 0 Edit Yes Public
BADCNDFLG Special BA Conditions for Party Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
BADTENEXT Maximum Extension Tenor Numeric 4 0 Edit Yes Public
ADRSTA Address Status Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public Embedded
SELTYP Customer Specific Selling Rate Type Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public RATTYP
BUYTYP Customer Specific Buying Rate Type Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public RATTYP
SLA Service Level Agreement Text 6 1 Edit Yes Public
FNDINR INR of Funding Party Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
RSKCTY2 Additional Risk Country Text 2 1 Edit Yes Public CTYTXT
RSKCTYOTH Deviating Risk Country Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public YESNO
RSKINF Further Information Block 90 4 4 Block Yes Public
SGPFLG Party with sanctions Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
ALADIMBRFLG ALADI Member Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
ETGEXTKEY Entity Group of Party Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
GETFLDNRM Field holding the normalized search fields Text 100 1 Edit Yes Public
BILMAXPRC Percent per Bill Numeric 5 2 Edit Yes Public
CIMCOVPRC Credit Insurance Coverage Percentage Numeric 5 2 Edit Yes Public
CIMFLG Credit Insured Flag Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
CIMTOTAMT Total Insured Amount Numeric 18 3 Edit Yes Public
CIMTOTCUR Total Insured Currency Text 3 1 Edit Yes Public CURTXT
LOCINCORP Location Where Incorporated Text 35 1 Edit Yes Public
MANREPFLG Manual Repayment Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public


Name Fields Properties




Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID


Unique internal Id of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter PTY. The field INR is used to maintain the standard technical links from other tables into this table (if required) and to support the standard database lock and access features of the application.


Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield EXTKEY External Key


External key used to identify a party as unique.


External key used to identify a party as unique.

Datafield NAM Name


This field contains a descriptive name of up to 40 characters to identify a the party.

A search can usually be done by entering parts of this field. All matches are usually displayed to facilitate selection.

N.B.: Each address in the database is associated with a party. The party refers to a legal entity. Each party has at least one address associated with it, but a party can have several addresses or locations.

Datafield PTYTYP Type of Party


PTYTYP defines the possible usages of a party

A Party might be used as

A = Own address B = Bank C = Client S = Shipper F = Foreign O = Other X = Own Branch

Not all flags are available in all installations. To check, which types are really available, see type checkboxes in DBIPTY. Additional types may be defined there as well.

Which types are allowed for each role in contract is described in TYPFLG of the PTSPTA describing that role.


This field defines the possible usages of a party

A party might be used as

A = Own address B = Bank C = Client S = Shipper F = Foreign O = Other X = Own Branch

Not all flags are available in all installations. To check which types are really available, see type checkboxes in Party Administration. Additional types may be defined there as well.

Datafield ACCUSR User ID of Account Officer


This field is used to specify the user ID of the account (marketing) manager, who is in charge of all dealings with this party, and who negotiates the conditions etc. with them.


This field specifies the user ID of the account manager in charge of all dealings with this party and who negotiates the conditions, etc. with them.

Datafield HBKACCFLG Use Accounting of House Bank


Some parties may wish all transactions with them to be routed through their house banks.

In such a case, it would be more appropriate to use the account relationship we may have with the house bank for transactions involving either the inflow (debits) or outflow (credits) of funds, rather than using a direct account relationship with the client or by a third party institution.

Using this flag, one can specify if in daily processing the account relationship with the house bank is to be used.


Some parties may wish all transactions with them to be routed through their house banks.

In such a case, it would be more appropriate to use the account relationship we may have with the house bank for transactions involving either the inflow (debits) or outflow (credits) of funds, rather than using a direct account relationship with the client or by a third party institution.

This flag can be used to specify whether, in daily processing, the account relationship with the house bank is to be used.

Datafield HBKCONFLG Use Conditions of House Bank


Some parties may route all business through their house bank. This bank may insist that the special conditions, if any, granted to them should apply to all such transactions.

This flag can be used to specify whether, in daily processing, the special conditions, if any, granted to the house bank are to be applied.

Datafield HBKINR INR of Associated House Bank


INR of the party, which acts as housebank for this party.


Unique ID of the house bank for this party.

Datafield HEQACCFLG Use HQ Account


Some parties may wish all transactions with them to be routed through their headquarters.

In such a case, it would be more appropriate to use the account relationship we may have with the headquarters for transactions involving either the inflow (debits) or outflow (credits) of funds, rather than using a direct account relationship with the particular address or by a third party institution.

Using this flag, one can specify if in daily processing the account relationship with the headquarters is to be used.


Some parties may wish all transactions with them to be routed through their headquarters.

In such a case, it would be more appropriate to use the accounts we may maintain with the headquarters for transactions involving either the inflow (debits) or outflow (credits) of funds, rather than using a direct account relationship with the particular address or by a third party institution.

This flag is used to specify whether, in daily processing, the HQ account is to be used.

Datafield HEQCONFLG Use Conditions of Headquarters


Some parties may insist that the special conditions, if any, granted to them should apply to all such transactions.

This flag is used to specify whether, in daily processing, the special conditions, if any, granted to headquarters are to be applied.

Datafield HEQINR INR of Associated Headquarters


This optional field may be used to specify the ID number of the headquarters of the party's address.

Datafield PRFCTR Profit center


This field is used to assign a party to a Profit center within the Bank for statistical purposes.


This field is used to assign a party to a profit center within the bank for statistical purposes.

Datafield RESUSR Identifies Responsible User


This field is used to define the user ID of the clerk responsible for processing the business related to the client.


This field is used to define the ID of the user responsible for processing the business related to the client.

Datafield RSKCLS Risk Class


This field is used to assign the party to a risk class for the purpose of risk management/limit control etc. The risk classes are freely definable as per user requirements.


This field is used to assign the party to a risk class for the purpose of risk management/limit control etc. The risk classes are freely definable as per user requirements.

Datafield RSKCTY Risk Country


This field is used to specify the country, under which the risks taken against this party are to be classified. If this field is not filled in then the risk is classified under the country of location of the party.


This field is used to specify the country, under which the risks taken against this party are to be classified. If this field is not filled in then the risk is classified under the country of location of the party.

Datafield RSKTXT Risk Textual Description


This field is used for specifying a free text description for the risk associated with this party.


This field is used to describe the risk associated with this party.

Datafield UIL Default Language for Communication


This field is used to specify the default language used for correspondence generated.


This field is used to specify the default language used for correspondence generated.

Datafield VER Version


This field holds the version counter to keep track of the version history of an PTY entry. The individual versions are controlled by entries in the SLG table.


This field holds the version counter used to keep track of the history of an entry of this table. The individual versions are managed by entries in the SLG table.

Datafield AKKBRA AKK Business Area


This field is used to specify the Business Area Code (German: Branchenzugehörigkeit) of the Party. This information may be used for Reporting purposes especially to the Central Bank.


This field is used to specify the Business Area Code of the Party. This information can be used for reporting purposes especially to the central bank.

Datafield AKKCOM AKK Company ID No.


This field is used to specify the Company ID (German: Firmennummer) of the Party. This information may be used for Reporting purposes especially to the Central Bank.


This field is used to specify the registered company ID number for the Party. This information can be used for reporting purposes especially to the central bank.

Datafield AKKREG AKK Region Code


This field is used to specify the region code (German: Bundeslandnummer) of the party. This information may be used for reporting purposes especially to the central bank.


This field is used to specify the region code (German: Bundeslandnummer) of the party. This information may be used for reporting purposes especially to the central bank.

Datafield LIDCNDFLG Special L/C Conditions for Party


Flag for special L/C Conditions for Party


Flag for special L/C Conditions for Party

Datafield LIDMAXDUR Maximum Duration of L/C


This field sets the maximum allowed lifetime of an import LC for that party. If set to e.g. 100, the time between the issuance and the expiry date of an import L/C for that party must not exceed 100 days.

If the time exceeds the maximum allowed duration an error is displayed, when trying to enter a new import lc.


This field sets the maximum allowed lifetime of an import LC for that party. If set to e.g. 100, the time between the issuance and the expiry date of an import L/C for that party must not exceed 100 days.

If the time exceeds the maximum allowed duration an error is displayed, when trying to enter a new import lc.

Datafield TRDCNDFLG Special Financing Conditions


If this checkbox is activated, the party can have loans (TR) with a tenor with more than 365 days.


Using this flag, it can be designated whether the party selected has special financing terms and conditions.

Datafield TRDTENTOT Maximum total maturity


Value defines the maximum number for financing duration (including all extensions).


In this field, the maximum financing period can be defined for the selected party. . This setting is independent of the finance type selected in the Loans busines sector and also includes possible financing prolongations.

Datafield TRDTENINI Initial TR Tenor


Value defines the initial tenor in days for a postfinancing


The value defines the initial tenor in days of a postfinancing transaction.

Datafield TRDTENEXT Maximum Extension Tenor


Defines the maximum extension in days (for each extension of a postfinancing)


Defines the maximum extension in days (for each extension of a postfinancing transaction).

Datafield TRDEXTNMB Maximum Number of Extensions


Defines the maximum count of extensions of a postfinancing


Defines the maximum number of extensions to a postfinancing transaction.

Datafield BADCNDFLG Special BA Conditions for Party


Flag for special Bankers Acceptance conditions for Party


Flag for special Bankers Acceptance conditions for Party

Datafield BADTENEXT Maximum maturity for Bankers Acceptance


This field sets the maximum allowed tenor for financing type “Bankers Acceptance” for this party.


This field is used to define the maturity to be added to the start date for the party selected (the earliest date of all invoices submitted) when creating a Bankers Acceptance . Finance Type 'Bankers Acceptance' is available in business sectors Advances and Loans.

Datafield ADRSTA Address Status


This field identifies the IT-status of the party. If the field is empty, the party might be used as a normal party. Normally it is a party loaded from the host system. If this field is non-empty, the party is not loaded from the host system and should not be used for accounting purposes. It might be a locally created party (used in many contracts) or a temporarily created party (should normally be used in one contract).


This field identifies the IT status of the party. If the field is empty, the party might be used as a normal party. Normally, it is a party loaded from the host system. If this field is not empty, the party is not loaded from the host system and should not be used for accounting purposes. It might be a locally created party (used in many contracts) or a temporarily created party (should normally be used in one contract).

Code Text
T Temporary

Datafield SELTYP Customer Specific Selling Rate Type


In this field a customer specific default rate type for credit bookings can be entered.


A customer-specific default rate type for credit bookings can be entered in this field .

Datafield BUYTYP Customer Specific Buying Rate Type


In this field a customer specific default rate type for debit bookings can be entered.


A customer-specific default rate type for debit bookings can be entered in this field .

Datafield SLA Service Level Agreement


Service level for this address. Used in QUE system to define and control the processing times for different actions.


Service level for this address. Used in the Queue system to define and control processing times for different actions.

Datafield ETGEXTKEY Entitygroup


This table is defined on entity group level with separate entries for each entity group. This field holds the EXTKEY of the entity group which is the logical owner of this entry. This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the entity group of the currently active entity are visible to the user.


This field holds the external key of the owning entity group to identify the logical owner of this entry. This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the currently active entity group are visible to the user.

Datafield GETFLDNRM Field holding the normalized search fields.


Field holding the concatenated and normalized sum of all search fields used by quick search. This is one of the fields set in a SdbSetNRMFields method defined in the table definition module.


Field holding the concatenated and normalized sum of all search fields used by quick search. This is one of the fields set in a SdbSetNRMFields method defined in the table definition module.

Datafield FNDINR INR of Funding Party


INR of the OWN party, which acts as funder for this party.


INR of the OWN party, which acts as funder for this party.

Datafield BILMAXPRC Percent per Bill


Maximum percent per bill


Maximum percent per bill

Datafield CIMCOVPRC Credit Insurance Coverage Percentage


Credit Insurance Coverage Percentage


Credit Insurance Coverage Percentage

Datafield CIMFLG Credit Insured Flag


Indicates whether Credit Insurance info is available


Indicates whether Credit Insurance info is available

Datafield CIMTOTAMT Total Insured Amount


Total insurance amount of paired Supplier Buyer contract


Total insurance amount of paired Supplier Buyer contract

Datafield CIMTOTCUR Total Insured Currency


Insurance currency of paired Supplier Buyer contract


Insurance currency of paired Supplier Buyer contract

Datafield LOCINCORP Location Where Incorporated


Where the Party is legally Incorprated e.g. in the US, many companies are incorprated in Delaware. used in outgoing documents.


Where the Party is legally Incorprated e.g. in the US, many companies are incorprated in Delaware. used in outgoing documents.

Datafield MANREPFLG Manual Repayment


Flag for manual repayment


Flag for manual repayment

Datafield RSKCTY2 Additional Risk Country


Additional risk country, used for compliance.


Additional risk country, used for compliance.

Datafield RSKCTYOTH Deviating Risk Country


Deviating Risk Country used for compliance.


Deviating Risk Country used for compliance.

Datafield RSKINF Further Information


Further Information for compliance.


Further Information for compliance.

Datafield SGPFLG Sanctioned Party


If this flag is not empty this party is a sanctioned party. This make a warning popup in business transactions. X = ticked empty = not ticked


This checkbox can only be set when the 'alternative compliance' is activated in System Maintenance Configuration (DBxSYS). If a party is flagged as a Sanctioned Party, then all changes have to pass compliance checking.

Datafield ALADIMBRFLG ALADI Member Flag


Indicates if the party is a member of the ALADI Interbank Settlement system.

Note, this flag is applicable and enabled only for parties of type 'Bank'.