Table of Contents

QUE - Interactive Queue

Module QUE


Contains one row for every item that requires user interaction


Name Description Data Type Len Dec. View lines View type Inst. Visible Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
CLA Class Text 3 1 Edit Yes Public Embedded
OBJTYP Table Used to Store Object Text 6 1 Edit Yes Public
OBJINR INR of Object Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
OBJSUBID Sub ID for an object Text 3 1 Edit Yes Public
OBJNAM External Readable Object Identification Text 40 1 Edit Yes Public
OBJREF Reference Text 32 1 Edit Yes Public
ADDREF Additional Reference Information Text 32 1 Edit Yes Public
HLDFLG Hold / Delete Flag Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public Embedded
HLDSSNINR Session INR for last upate of HLDFLG Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
HLDDATTIM Update time of HLDFLG Datetime 15 0 Unknown Yes Public
BALFLG Load Balance Flag Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public Embedded
CONOBJTYP Table of Main Contract (optional) Text 6 1 Edit Yes Public
CONOBJINR INR of Contract (optional) Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
FRM Transaction Text 6 1 Edit Yes Public ATPTXT
USG Responsible Group (optional) Text 6 1 Edit Yes Public <fixed-length>
USR Responsible User (optional) Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public <fixed-length>
SLACLA Predefined Priority Class (from SLA) Text 6 1 Edit Yes Public
BALCLA Priority Class for Balancing / Display order Text 3 1 Edit Yes Public Embedded
BALSRTKEY Sort Key within BALCLA Text 30 1 Edit Yes Public
RELCUR Currency of RELAMT (optional) Text 3 1 Edit Yes Public
RELAMT Relevant Amount(Optional) Numeric 18 3 Edit Yes Public
XRFCUR Currency (=SYSISO) optional Text 3 1 Edit Yes Public
XRFAMT Relevant Amount in SYSISO (Optional) Numeric 18 3 Edit Yes Public
LATDATTIM Latest Starting Time Datetime 15 0 Unknown Yes Public
TXT User Readable Source of the Queue Entry Text 40 1 Edit Yes Public
EXPPRCDUR Expected Processing Duration (in Seconds) Numeric 8 0 Edit Yes Public
ORDINR INR of Triggering Order Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
TARDATTIM Target for Completion of Order Datetime 15 0 Unknown Yes Public
CONOBJNAM Contract name Text 80 1 Edit Yes Public
ETGEXTKEY Entity Group holding Queue Entry Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
ETYEXTKEY Entity holding Queue Entry Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public


Name Fields Properties




Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID


Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter USR.


Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield CLA Class


Contains class of queue entry

REL: OBJ/TYP / OBJINR specify a transaction that is waiting for a signature as specified in OBJSUBID.

COR: A business transaction has been rejected (typically by 'control and release function') and is waiting for correction. A corresponding SPT record (with SPT\STA='COR' ) exists.

PEN: A pending item was created (e.g. by pressing the 'break' button in transaction) and is waiting for pickup. A corresponding SPT record (with SPT\STA='PEN' ) exists.

INC: For an incoming message the first interactive action within the application is a business transaction so that an SPT with status 'INC' was created together with a QUE entry with class 'INC'. A corresponding SPT record (with SPT\STA='INC' ) exists.

MAN: Automatically generated commissioning transaction that must be handled manually. A corresponding SPT record (with SPT\STA='MAN' ) exists.

PUR: A master data transaction is waiting for release ( 4-eye for master data). A corresponding SPT record (with SPT\STA='PUR' ) exists.

RIM: A manually registerd transaction is waiting for processing. A corresponding SPT (with SPT\STA='RIM' ) exists.

ORD: If prior to the first business transaction interactive preprocessing within the application is required (like with DBMORD) a queue entry with class 'ORD' can be created (as no SPT is created yet).

DIA: Corresponds to a diary entry.

For SPT records with a content of SPT\STA that is not 'COR', 'PEN', 'INC', 'MAN', 'PUR', or 'RIM' a QUE entry with an empty value in this field and HLDFLG='D' is created as such items should not become visible as to be interactively handled.

additional classes may be defined in installation specific codetable in addition.


Contains the class of the queue entry. Class 'INC': If the first interactive action for an incoming order within the application is a business transaction, a pending transaction (status 'INC') is created together with an 'INC' queue entry.

Class 'ORD': If interactive preprocessing within the application is required prior to the first business transaction an 'ORD'queue entry can be created (as no pending transaction has yet bee created).

Code Text
COR To Correct
INC Incoming
MAN Manual
RIM Registered
PEN Paused
REL Release
DIA Diary
ORD Order
PUR Static data release
BLK Blocked
REJ Rejected
SDC Static data correction
LSM Limit Approval

Datafield OBJTYP Table Used to Store Object


Type of object this queue entry refers to.

Typical values are:

SPT: For every SPT that must be handled interactively a respective QUE entry is created.

TRN: For every signature that has to be applied interactively to a TRN a queue record is created. SUBID contains the identification of the signature.

DIA: For every DIA entry that requires manual interaction a QUE entry is created automatically by QUETSK manager when it becomes due.

ORD: If prior to the first business transaction interactive preprocessing within the application is required (like with DBMORD) a queue entry with class 'ORD' can be created (as no SPT is created yet).


Type of object this queue entry refers to. Typical values are:

'SPT': For every pending transaction that must be handled interactively a respective queue entry is created.

'TRN': For every signature that has to be applied interactively to a transaction a queue record is created. SUBID contains the identification of the signature.

'DIA': For every diary entry that requires manual interaction a queue entry is created automatically by QUETSK manager when it becomes due.

'ORD': If prior to the first business transaction interactive preprocessing within the application is required (like with program DBMORD) a queue entry with 'ORD' can be created (as no pending transaction is created yet).

Datafield OBJINR INR (Internal Unique ID) of Object


INR of the object within the table, defined in OBJTYP.


The unique ID of the object within the table, as defined in the object table.

Datafield OBJSUBID Sub ID for an Object


The field OBJSUBID is used to uniquely identify multiple entries with the same OBJTYP/OBJINR.

This is needed : - to handle multiple signatures for one TRN For TRN it is implemented as a counter with a maximum value of 99.

- to handle multiple services (WFE) for one ORD record. For ORD OBJSUB is set to the service code


This field is used to uniquely identify multiple entries. It is implemented as a counter with a maximum value of 99. This is needed to handle multiple signatures for one transaction.

Datafield OBJNAM External Readable Object Identification


This field identifies the pending entry itself in a user readable way. It is usually made up of the EXTKEY/OWNREF/COD combined with the NAM field.


This field identifies the pending entry in a way that is readable to the user.

Datafield OBJREF Reference


This field identifies the reference key of the object identified by OBJTYP and OBJINR. It is usually made up of the EXTKEY/OWNREF/COD of that entry, if OBJINR is filled and an entry is available.


This field identifies the reference key of the object identified by the object type and ID number.

Datafield ADDREF Additional Reference Information


For Incoming Messages: Message Type and Sender BIC


For incoming messages: message type and the BIC of the sender.

Datafield HLDFLG Hold Flag


If not isempty (HLDFLG) this QUE entry might not be picked up/displayed e.g. in QUESEL.

'L' The entry was picked up interactively for processing.

'D' The entry is logically deleted. Physical deletion will be done later by QUETSK


If this field is not empty, the record is not be picked up/displayed for further processing.

Code Text
L Locked
D Deleted

Datafield HLDSSNINR Session INR for last upate of Hold Flag


INR of session which made the last update to HLDFLG.


Unique ID of the session which last updated the Hold Flag.

Datafield HLDDATTIM Update time of Hold Flag field


Time when HLDFLG was set.


Time when the Hold Flag was set.

Datafield BALFLG Load Balancing Flag


This flag tells how the assignment of USG/USR for this item was determined.

'C'reation: USG/USR assigned by creating transaction (load balancing was out of scope at this moment)

'A'utomatic: USG/USR was assigned by Load Balance Manager (QUETSK)

'M'anual: USG/USR were assigned manually by operator (PRIKEY is automatically determined by QUETSK)

'U'rgent: USG/USR and PRIKEY were assigned manually by operator. USR/USG will not be changed automatically for such entries

'F'ree: Entry was manually released to be assigned by QUETSK


This flag indicates how the user group/user (USG/USR) for this item was assigned:

'C'reation: USG/USR were assigned when creating a transaction (load balancing was included at this moment)

'A'utomatic: USG/USR was assigned via the 'Load Balance Manager' transaction

'M'anual: USG/USR were assigned manually by operator (BALSRTKEY, = sort key within BALCLA, is automatically determined by transaction 'Load Balance Manager' QUETSK)

'U'rgent: USG/USR and BALSRTKEY (sort key within BALCLA) were assigned manually by operator. USR/USG will not be changed automatically for such entries.

'F'ree: Entry was manually released to be assigned by transaction 'Load Balance Manager'

Code Text
A Assigned by QUETSK
M Manually
F Free for Load Balancing
C Assigned on Creation
U Urgent

Datafield CONOBJTYP Table of parent contract (optional)


Table where contract is stored


The table in which the parent contract is stored. This field is optional.

Datafield CONOBJINR INR of Contract (Optional)


INR of contract record in table given in CONOBJTYP


This field contains the internal unique ID of the contract.

Datafield FRM Transaction


If OBJTYP is 'SPT' this field contains a copy of field SPT\FRM. This field identifies the transaction which should be used to process the SPT entry.

If OBJTYP is 'TRN' this field contains a copy of field TRN\INIFRM. This field identifies the transaction that created this transaction.

If OBJTPY is 'DIA' this field contains a copy of field DIA\FRM. This field holds the optional transaction ID, which should be started when handling the diary entry.


If the Object Type field is set to 'SPT' (pending transaction) it contains a copy of field SPTFRM. This field identifies the transaction which should be used to process the 'SPT' entry.

If the Object Type field is set to 'TRN' (transaction) it contains a copy of field TRNINIFRM. This field identifies the transaction that created this transaction

If the Object Type field is is set to 'DIA' (diary) it contains a copy of field DIAFRM. This field holds the optional transaction ID, which should be started when handling the diary entry.

Datafield USG 6\


User group responsible to pick up the entry. This field has to be set and handled according to the handling of USFMOD, which handles the filters that can be defined by the user.


User group responsible for picking up the entry.

Datafield USR 8\


User responsible to pick up the entry. This field has to be set and handled according to the handling of USFMOD, which handles the filters that can be defined by the user.


User responsible for picking up the entry.

Datafield SLACLA Predefined Priority Class (from SLA)


Applicable Class of Service Level Agreement

Filled from corresponding order if available, otherwise set to default value “Z” by Load Balance Manager (QUETSK)


Predefined priority class from the service level agreement.

Datafield BALCLA Priority class for distribution / display sequence


Priority class of item to be used to sort items for display or balancing.

Typically assigned by Load Balancing Manager (QUETSK)


The priority class is used for sorting the items in the display and for netting purposes.

Code Text
Z Normal
U Urgent
zzz Default

Datafield BALSRTKEY Sort Key within BALCLA


Order key of item within the same Priority Class to sort items for display or priorisation / load balancing.

Typically assigned by Load Balancing Manager (QUETSK)


This field contains the sort key within the priority class for balancing.

Datafield RELCUR Currency of RELAMT (optional)


If a relevant amount for this message can be determined the currency of this amount might be stored here. Otherwise this field is left blank.


If a relevant amount for this message can be determined, the currency of the amount is stored here. Otherwise this field is left blank.

Datafield RELAMT Relevant Amount (Optional)


If a relevant amount can be determined (e.g. from the underlying incoming message or the business transaction) this amount might be stored here. In this case the associated currency has to be stored in RELCUR.


If a relevant amount for this message can be determined, the amount can be stored here. In this case the associated currency has to be stored in the Currency field.

Datafield XRFCUR Currency


Currency for field XRFAMT, always system currency.


Currency for field 'Relevant Amount (system currency)', always system currency.

Datafield XRFAMT Relevant Amount




Value of relevant amount in system currency.

Datafield TARDATTIM Target


Target time (i.e. date + time) on which the underlying trigger (order) should be completed. After this time the QUE entry becomes 'overdue'=red.


Latest point of time when this record is to be processed.

Datafield TXT User Readable Source of the Queue Entry


This field is used to describe the queue entry in a user-readable way.

This field is typically filled from the corresponding field in the triggering record (e.g. SPT, DIA)


This field is used to describe the queue entry in a way that is readable to the user.

This field is typically filled from the corresponding field in the triggering record.

Datafield ETGEXTKEY Entitygroup


This field holds the EXTKEY of the entity group which is the logical owner of this entry. This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the entity group of the currently active entity are visible to the user.


This field holds the external key of the owning entity group to identify the logical owner of this entry. This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the currently active entity group are visible to the user.

Datafield ETYEXTKEY Entity


This field holds the EXTKEY of the owning entity to identify the logical owner of this entry. This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the currently active entity are visible to the user.


This field holds the external key of the owning entity to identify the logical owner of this entry.

This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the currently active entity are visible to the user.

Datafield LATDATTIM Latest Starting Time


Date and time by when handling of this queue entry should be started.

Conceptually this is the target termination time of this QUE entry minus expected processing time.

After this time the QUE entry becomes 'critical'=yellow.

This field might be empty if no target time is set.


Date and time by when handling of this queue entry should be started.

Conceptually this is the target termination time of this QUE entry minus expected processing time.

After this time the QUE entry becomes 'critical'=yellow.

This field might be empty if no target time is set.

Datafield EXPPRCDUR Expected Processing Duration (in Seconds)


Duration contains the time in seconds during which the transaction named in FRM worked on the order (allowing performance statistics). Duration is calculated as difference between the fields BEGDATTIM and ENDDATTIM.


Duration contains the time in seconds during which the transaction named in FRM worked on the order (allowing performance statistics). Duration is calculated as difference between the fields BEGDATTIM and ENDDATTIM.

Datafield ORDINR INR of Triggering Order


Empty if TRN was not triggered by an ORD. Otherwise the INR of the ORD entry which triggered this transaction.


Empty if TRN was not triggered by an ORD. Otherwise the INR of the ORD entry which triggered this transaction.

Datafield CONOBJNAM Contract name


This field identifies the pending entry itself in a user readable way. It is usually made up of the EXTKEY/OWNREF/COD combined with the NAM field.


This field identifies the pending entry itself in a user readable way. It is usually made up of the EXTKEY/OWNREF/COD combined with the NAM field.