Table of Contents

RCD - Reimbursement Claim Data

Module RCD


RCD is the main data table for the Reimbursement Claim contract.
All technical important fields have to be defined here.
Large text blocks should be defined in RCT.


Name Description Data Type Len Dec. View lines View type Inst. Visible Codetable
INR INR of RC Contract Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
OWNREF Own Reference (RC Number) Text 16 1 Edit Yes Public
NAM Name of Claim Contract Text 80 1 Edit Yes Public
OPNTRNINR TRNINR which L/C Opened/Issued Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
CREDAT Date of Creation (Opening or Registry) Date 12 0 Date Yes Public
PNTTYP Parent Contract Type Text 6 1 Edit Yes Public
PNTINR Parent Contract INR Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
OPNDAT Date Opened/Issued Date 12 0 Date Yes Public
CLSDAT Date Closed Date 12 0 Date Yes Public
OWNUSR Resp. User Text 8 1 20 Edit Yes Public
VER Version Text 4 1 Edit Yes Public
ERAFLG Contract Underlying Article 7 of URR (Latest Version) Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
DOCPRBROL Claimed by Text 3 1 Edit Yes Public <fixed-length>
TOTCUR Currency Total Amount Claimed Text 3 1 Edit Yes Public CURTXT
TOTAMT Total Amount Claimed Numeric 18 3 Edit Yes Public
DISPOSTXT Disposal of Reimbursement Claim Text 30 1 Edit Yes Public
DISPOS Disposal of Reimbursement Claim Text 4 1 Edit Yes Public Embedded
NPAREA Reason for Non-Payment Text 4 1 Edit Yes Public Embedded
NPAREATXT Reason of Non-Payment text Text 30 1 Edit Yes Public
ETYEXTKEY Entity holding Contract Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public


Name Fields Properties




Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID


Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter RCD. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table. It also links the two tables RCD and RCT as associated entries hold the same INR.


Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield OWNREF Own Reference


This field contains the reference number of the reimbursement claim being established. The reference number can have a maximum size of 16 characters. This field can be used to search for any reimbursement claim from the database.


This field contains the reference number of the Reimbursement Claim.

Datafield NAM Name


This field holds the displayed descriptive name used in the application to describe the contract and to search for a contract. Within the default configuration this field is set by a default rule based on contract amount and main party and cannot be modified by the user.


This field holds the displayed descriptive name used in the application to describe the contract and to search for a contract. Within the default configuration this field is set by a default rule based on contract amount and main party and cannot be modified by the user.

Datafield CREDAT Date Created


This date field holds the date when the entry was physically added to the database. This may happen when opening the contract, when reserving the reference number or when, for other reasons, a contract is added to the database.


This date field identifies the date the entry was physically added to the database.

Datafield PNTTYP Parent Contract Type


This field contains the type of the parent contract.


This field contains the type of the parent contract.

Datafield PNTINR Parent Contract INR


This field contains the internal unique ID of the parent contract.


This field contains the unique identifcation number of the parent contract.

Datafield OPNDAT Opening Date


The field holds the opening/issuing date of a contract. If this field is set, the contract has been legally established and it might be used for business transactions. This date describes the point in time when this contract became legally binding. This might be a date prior to the creation date, when the contract was legally binding before it was stored in the database.


The field holds the opening/issuing date of the contract. If this field is set, the contract has been legally established and it might be used for business transactions. This date describes the point in time when this contract became legally binding. This might be a date prior to the creation date, when the contract was legally binding before it was stored in the database.

Datafield CLSDAT Date Closed


This fields holds the closing date of a contract. If this field is set, the contract is closed and may no longer be used for transaction processing of business transactions. The date specifies the date when the closing took place.


This fields indicates the closing date of a contract. If an entry has been made, the contract is closed and may no longer be used to process business transactions except special transactions like Settling Charges or Common Messages.

Datafield OWNUSR Responsible User


This field holds the user ID of the person who is responsible for handling this contract. This field is an optional field. Within Demobank it is initially filled with the user ID of the user creating/opening the contract.


This field holds the User ID of the person responsible for handling this contract.

Datafield VER Version


This field holds the version counter to keep track of the version history of an RCD entry. The individual versions are controlled by entries in the SLG table.


This field holds the version counter used to keep track of the history of an entry of this table. The individual versions are managed by entries in the SLG table.

Datafield ERAFLG Contract Underlying Article 7 of URR (Latest Version)


This field specifies whether the Reimbursement authorization is subject to the latest version of the Uniform Rules for Bank-to-Bank Reimbursements under documentary credits, International Chamber of Commerce, Paris, France, which are in effect on the date of issue.


This field specifies whether the Reimbursement authorization is subject to the latest version of the Uniform Rules for Bank-to-Bank Reimbursements under documentary credits, issued by the International Chamber of Commerce.

Datafield DOCPRBROL Claimed by


This field contains the Role of the claiming party. It can be any of the contract parties


This field contains the Role of the claiming party. It can be any of the contract parties

Datafield TOTCUR Currency Total Amount Claimed


Currency of Total Amount Claimed as received from MT 742


Currency of total amount claimed as received from MT 742

Datafield TOTAMT Total Amount Claimed


Total Amount Claimed as received from MT 742. This field shows the value of the total amount claimed from the received MT 742. It is intentionally not a CBS column as this field is used only to show this amount. This amount will not change (as there is no amendment transaction and the field is disabled). This field will not be recalculated with currency changes and should not be used for any calculation! It is used only to check if charges have to be added manually into the settlement.


Total amount claimed as received from MT 742

Datafield ETYEXTKEY Entity


This table is defined on entity level with separate entries for each entity. This field holds the EXTKEY of the owning entity to identify the logical owner of this entry. This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the currently active entity are visible to the user.


This field holds the external key of the owning entity to identify the logical owner of this entry.

This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the currently active entity are visible to the user.

Datafield OPNTRNINR TRNINR which opened contract


This field holds the INR of the transaction which opened the contract.


This field holds the INR of the transaction which opened/issued the contract.

Datafield DISPOSTXT Disposal of Reimbursement Claim


This field specifies the additional text for DISPOS.


This field specifies the additional text for DISPOS.

Datafield DISPOS Disposal of Reimbursement Claim


This field specifies the code for disposal of reinbursement claim.


This field specifies the code for disposal of reinbursement claim.

Code Text
CANC Claim has been cancelled
HOLD Claim is held
RETD Claim has been returned

Datafield NPAREA Reason for Non-Payment


This field specifies the code for reason of non payment.


This field specifies the reason for non-payment. Usage of a code is mandatory.

Code Text
DIFF Different claiming bank
DUPL Duplicate claim
INSU Insufficient information in the claim
NAUT Not authorised by Issuing Bank to reimburse
OTHR Any other reason which must be specified in text
OVER Total claim exceeds maximum documentary credit amount
REFE Refer to Issuing Bank for further instruction
TTNA TT claim not allowed
WINF Information stated in the claim differ from the R/A
XAMT Total claim exceeds available documentary credit amount

Datafield NPAREATXT Details about Reason of Non-Payment


This field specifies the additional text for NPAREA.


Details about Reason(s) of Non-Payment for the claiming party. Optional, except for codewort 'OTHR'.