Table of Contents

SMX - SMH Extension

Module SMX


Contains additional information relating to an SMH record.

SMX entries are optional extensions to SMH records. They can be used to store additional information relating to a file controlled by an SMH record that otherwise would be lost, e.g. an original filename, mime-type, or originator or receiver.

If an SMX record is available information about the original file name is used e.g. for download to a client or if the file is included in an email.

SMX records are additionally used to join incoming Score attachments with the SWIFT MT798 that name the filename in tag :23X:


Name Description Data Type Len Dec. View lines View type Inst. Visible Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID of Message Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
SMHINR INR of corresponding SMH record Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
RELSMHINR INR of related (parent) SMH record Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
PARSMHINR INR of related parameter SMH record Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
SND Sender Text 254 1 Edit Yes Public
RCV Receiver Text 254 1 Edit Yes Public
DOCFIL Document Name Text 254 1 Edit Yes Public
MIMTYP Mime Type Text 254 1 Edit Yes Public
CREDATTIM Timestamp of creation of record Datetime 15 0 Unknown Yes Public
SNDPTYINR INR of sending party (optional) Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public


Name Fields Properties




Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID


Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter SMH. The field INR is used to maintain links from other tables into this table.


Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield SMHINR INR of corresponding SMH record


Internal Unique ID of SMH record that points to this file

SMHINR can be empty if a file is expected to arrive (e.g. because it was mentioned in tag 23X of a SCORE MT 798) but has not arrived yet.


Internal Unique ID of SMH record that points to this file

SMHINR can be empty if a file is expected to arrive (e.g. because it was mentioned in tag 23X of a SCORE MT 798) but has not arrived yet.


INR of SMH to which this SMX is related to i.e. which contains a reference to this.

e.g for Score attachments: RELSMHINR contains the INR of the SMH pointing to the SWIFT SCORE message (MT 798) where tag 23X contains DOCFIL of this SMX.

When a related SMH is created an SMX can be created at that time even if the corresponding SMH does not yet exists i.e. the file is expectetd but has not arrived yet.


INR of SMH to which this SMX is related to i.e. which contains a reference to this.

e.g for Score attachments: RELSMHINR contains the INR of the SMH pointing to the SWIFT SCORE message (MT 798) where tag 23X contains DOCFIL of this SMX.

When a related SMH is created an SMX can be created at that time even if the corresponding SMH does not yet exists i.e. the file is expectetd but has not arrived yet.

Datafield SND Sender


Identification of sender in the format of the communication channel used. (i.e. can contain BIC oder Email address or Bolero-RID)

If sender is the own system, this field contains an apropriate id of the sending entity.


Identification of sender in the format of the communication channel used. (i.e. can contain BIC oder Email address or Bolero-RID)

If sender is the own system, this field contains an apropriate id of the sending entity.

Datafield RCV Receiver


Identification of receiver in the format of the communication channel used. (i.e. can contain BIC oder Email address or Bolero-RID)

If receiver is the own system, this field contains an apropriate id of the sending entity.


Identification of receiver in the format of the communication channel used. (i.e. can contain BIC oder Email address or Bolero-RID)

If receiver is the own system, this field contains an apropriate id of the sending entity.

Datafield DOCFIL Document Name


Original File ID of the document. (including all extensions)

While SMH\DOCFIL contains a filename that ist restricted in length and characterset in order to match restrictions of the file system used for storage thise filename can contain an original longer filename containing any character


Original File ID of the document. (including all extensions)

While SMH\DOCFIL contains a filename that ist restricted in length and characterset in order to match restrictions of the file system used for storage thise filename can contain an original longer filename containing any character

Datafield MIMTYP Mime Type


Mime type of document (see RFC 2045)


Mime type of document (see RFC 2045)

Datafield CREDATTIM Timestamp of creation of record


Point of time when this record was created (Creation of file can be earlier or later)


Point of time when this record was created (Creation of file can be earlier or later)

Datafield SNDPTYINR INR of sending party (optional)


If sender was identified as a party, this field may identify the corresponding party.

If this field is filled file expected from a specific sender by information on one channel (SCORE) can be identified if they are sent via channel that uses different addressing methods (e.g. Email)

Not yet used


If sender was identified as a party, this field may identify the corresponding party.

If this field is filled file expected from a specific sender by information on one channel (SCORE) can be identified if they are sent via channel that uses different addressing methods (e.g. Email)

Not yet used


This INR points to SMH for parameter file / XMLv2 file for incoming file via MQHA


This INR points to SMH for parameter file / XMLv2 file for incoming file via MQHA