Table of Contents

SPT - System Pending Transaction

Module SPT


SPT entries keep information about transactions to be executed including a potential dataset to be loaded when executing the transaction.
This is used for many different functions like the break functionality, handling of incoming messages, the repair function and the undelete function.


Name Description Data Type Len Dec. View lines View type Inst. Visible Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID of Pending Transaction Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
OBJTYP Table Used to Store Object Text 6 1 Edit Yes Public
OBJINR INR of Object Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
OBJNAM External Readable Object Identification Text 40 1 Edit Yes Public
OBJREF Reference Text 32 1 Edit Yes Public
TXT User Readable Source of the Pending Entry Text 40 1 Edit Yes Public
DATTIM Time of Creation Datetime 15 0 Unknown Yes Public
USR Creating User ID Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
SSNINR INR of Creating Session Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
FRM Transaction Used to Reload/Process Text 6 1 20 Edit Yes Public ATPTXT
PAN Panel to be Restored when Picking Up Text 40 1 Edit Yes Public
STA Status Text 3 1 Edit Yes Public Embedded
DELFLG Item is deleted Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
HLDFLG Hold Flag Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public Embedded
INFDSP Info Flag Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public INFDSP
INFTXT Infotext Block 65 20 20 Block Yes Public
OWNUSG Responsible Group (Optional) Text 6 1 Edit Yes Public <fixed-length>
OWNUSR Responsible User (Optional) Text 8 1 20 Edit Yes Public <fixed-length>
SMHINR INR of Message (Optional) Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
MAPFLG Mapping Flag Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public
CRETRN Creating Transaction ID Text 6 1 Edit Yes Public
ORDINR INR of Order (Optional) Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
TARDATTIM Target Time for Completion Datetime 15 0 Unknown Yes Public
CREOBJTYP Object Type of Creating Object Text 6 1 Edit Yes Public
CREOBJINR INR of Creating Object Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
SLACLA Predefined Priority Class Text 6 1 Edit Yes Public
SLACHA Channel Text 3 1 Edit Yes Public CORTYP
SMCINR INR of SMC Record Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
MAPFRM Transaction for which the mapping was executed Text 6 1 20 Edit Yes Public ATPTXT
RELCUR Relevant Currency (Optional) Text 3 1 Edit Yes Public
RELAMT Relevant Amount (Optional) Numeric 18 3 Edit Yes Public
EMBSTA Status of compliance request Text 1 1 Edit Yes Public Embedded
SPTARG Arguments to SPT Target Transaction Text 80 1 Edit Yes Public
ETGEXTKEY Entity Group of Pending Entry Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public
ETYEXTKEY Entity of Pending Entry Text 8 1 Edit Yes Public


Name Fields Properties




Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID


Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter SPT. The field INR is used to maintain links from other tables into this table. The INR is additionally used as file name in the directory structure 'data/delete' to hold the 'savedata' structure of the pending entry.


Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield OBJTYP Object Type


Type of object the pending entry refers to. Usually this is the table the object is associated to. Partially the table ID is postfixed by the literal 'GRP' but new entries should be created without 'GRP'.


Type of object the pending entry refers to. Usually this is the table the object is associated to.

Datafield OBJINR Object INR


INR of the object within the table, defined in OBJTYP. If there is no existing object this field might be empty.


Unique ID of the object within the table, defined in the Object Type field.

Datafield OBJNAM External Readable Object Identification


This field identifies the pending entry itself in a user readable way. It is usually made up of the EXTKEY/OWNREF/COD combined with the NAM field.


This field identifies the pending entry in a way that is readable to the user.

Datafield OBJREF Reference


This field identifies the reference key of the object identified by OBJTYP and OBJINR. It is usually made up of the EXTKEY/OWNREF/COD of that entry, if OBJINR is filled and an entry is available.


This field identifies the reference key of the object identified by object type and the internal unique ID of object.

Datafield TXT User Readable Source of the Pending Entry


This field is used to describe the source of the pending entry in a user-readable way.

On pending entries the name of the storing transaction might be used. On incoming messages the type of message and the sender who is sending the message might be used.


This field is used to describe the source of the pending entry in a way that is readable to the user.

On pending entries the name of the storing transaction might be used. For incoming messages, the type of message and the sender who is sending the message can be used.

Datafield DATTIM Time of Creation


Date and time when this SPT was initially created.


Date and time when this pending transaction was initially created.

Datafield USR Creating User ID


This is the user who created this entry.


Identifies the user who created this entry.

Datafield SSNINR INR of Creating Session


This holds the INR of the session where this SPT has been created.


Holds the unique ID of the session creating this pending transaction.

Datafield FRM Transaction Used to Reload/Process


This field identifies the transaction which should be used to process the SPT entry.


This field identifies the transaction used to process the pending transaction entry.

Datafield PAN Panel to be Restored when Picking Up


If a certain panel has to be displayed, when SPT entry is picked up, this panel ID can be set here. If the field is not empty, the picking up routine will try to set the focus to the panel defined herein. If the panel does not exist, the error is skipped.


If a certain panel is to be displayed when a pending transaction entry is picked up, the respective panel ID can be set here. If the field is not empty, the pick up routine focuses on the panel defined here. If the panel does not exist, the error is skipped.

Datafield STA Status


This field defines the type of SPT and the structure and contents of the SaveData structure. The stored SaveData structure holds the following information depending on the status of the SPT entry: PEN / DEL: A SAVEDATA of the main transaction record/record group and additional stored data depending of additional logic. Normally the dataset of a master file maintenance transaction. REJ / COR: The complete SAVEDATA of the business transaction stored in TRNDATA upon save plus the BIMDATA information. INC / STP: The record group of the contract to be handled upon processing of the incoming message plus the SWIADD group. STP handles a incoming message which might be processed without any user interaction. AUT / MAN: The record group of the contract to be processed holding primarily the INR to identify the contract. RIM: SWIADD might be an empty dummy group.


The stored SaveData structure holds the following information depending on the status of the pending transaction entry: PEN / DEL: A SAVEDATA of the main transaction record/record group and additional stored data depending of additional logic. Normally the dataset of a master file maintenance transaction. REJ / COR: The complete SAVEDATA of the business transaction stored in TRNDATA upon save plus the BIMDATA information. INC / STP: The record group of the contract to be handled upon processing of the incoming message plus the SWIADD group. STP handles a incoming message which might be processed without any user interaction. AUT / MAN: The record group of the contract to be processed holding primarily the INR to identify the contract. RIM: SWIADD as a dummy group. The contents of this group has no relevance.

Code Text
AUT Automatic
COR To Correct
INC Incoming
MAN Manual
RIM Registered
PEN Paused
REJ Rejected
STP Straight Through
PUP Processing Pending
PUR Release Pending
SDC Static Data Corr.
SDA Static Data Automatic

Datafield DELFLG Item is deleted


If set to a non empty content the entry is not active anymore. To reactivate the entry the flag has to be cleared. When flagging an entry as deleted potential included incoming messages have to be reinstantiated via a call to SptReinstIncSpt.


If not empty, the entry is no longer active. To reactivate the entry the flag has to be cleared.

Datafield HLDFLG Hold Flag


If not isempty (HLDFLG) this SPT might not be picked up/displayed e.g. in SPTSEL. Flag can be used to create an SPT entry in advance for later usage ='O' when INC SPT was created by incoming message but order workflow has not been processed. Will be reset by SRVSPT. ='R' when RIM SPT was created by autoregistration and the pending entry shall be activated after commit of the creating transaction.


If not empty, this pending transaction cannot be picked up/displayed.

Code Text
O Waiting for SRVSPT
R Waiting for SRVCOM
S Waiting for ReDo in SPTREL
E Waiting for Compliance

Datafield INFDSP Info Flag


Flag to determine, whether the infotext stored in INFTXT is to be displayed when picking up the SPT.


Flag to define whether the infotext stored is to be displayed when picked up.

Datafield INFTXT Infotext


Infotext associated to the entry. The field INFDSP controls whether this text must be prompted to the user when picking up the entry.


Infotext associated to the entry. The Info Flag field controls whether this text must be prompted to the user when picking up the entry.

Datafield OWNUSG Responsible Group (Optional)


User group responsible to pick up the entry. This field has to be set and handled according to the handling of USFMOD, which handles the filters that can be defined by the user.


User group responsible for picking up the entry.

Datafield OWNUSR Responsible User


User responsible to pick up the entry. This field has to be set and handled according to the handling of USFMOD, which handles the filters that can be defined by the user.


This field holds the User ID of the person responsible for the follow-up transaction.

Datafield SMHINR INR of Message (Optional)


If an incoming message is associated to the pending entry, the SMH entry of that message is identified here.


If an incoming message is associated to the pending entry, the SMH entry of that message is identified here.

Datafield MAPFLG Mapping Flag


If set to a non empty value the data stored in the savedata structure of this SPT may be recreated via SPTRER.

Only incoming SPTs created in SRVxxx should have this flag set.


If not empty, the data stored in the savedata structure of this pending transaction (SPT) can be recreated using SPTRER.

This flag should only be set for incoming pending transactions created in SRVxxx.

Datafield CRETRN Creating Transaction ID


Transaction name of transaction creating the current entry. Thus it is not the first transaction in a sequence and in case of creating a break transaction it is always the current transaction. Eg. if an autoregistration created with LETRAM is picked up, LETAME will be started and the field CRETRN holds the name of the original transaction “LETRAM”. As soon as LETAME is breaked, the field CRETRN of the then created new SPT will be set to “LETAME” as that's the transaction creating the current SPT.


Transaction name used to create this entry.

Datafield ORDINR Internal Unique ID of Order (Optional)


Empty if SPT was not triggered by an ORD. Otherwise the INR of the ORD entry which triggered this entry.


This field is empty if the pending transaction was not triggered by an order. Otherwise it shows the unique ID of the order entry which triggered this entry.

Datafield TARDATTIM Target Time for Completion


Target date and time on which the service should be completed. The time is usually set some hours ahead of the initial creation of the WFS or to 0 if no special time is required.


Defineds the target date and time on which this entry is to be processed. The time is usually set some hours ahead of the initial creation of the entry or to '0' if no special target time is required.

Datafield CREOBJTYP Object Type of Creating Object


Optional field to identify the object type of the creating object. For SPT's created via autoregistration (STA='RIM') this object type is usual 'TRN', thus the business transaction which created the autoregistered entry is identified by CREOBJTYP and CREOBJINR.


Optional field to identify the object type of the creating object.

Datafield CREOBJINR INR of Creating Object


Optional field to identify the concrete object which initiated the creation of this SPT. In SPT's created via autoregistration (STA='RIM') this is usually the INR of the creating business transaction (TRN\INR).


Optional field to identify the concrete object that triggered the creation of this pending transaction.

Datafield RELCUR Relevant Currency (Optional)


If a relevant amount for this message can be determined the currency of this amount might be stored here. Otherwise this field is left blank or might be entered by a user.


If a relevant amount for this message can be determined, the relevant currency can be stored here. Otherwise this field is left blank.

Datafield RELAMT Relevant Amount (Optional)


If a relevant amount for this message can be determined or entered by a user this amount might be stored here. In this case the associated currency has to be stored in RELCUR.


If a relevant amount for this message can be determined, this amount can be stored here. In this case the associated currency has also to be stored.

Datafield ETGEXTKEY Entitygroup


This field holds the EXTKEY of the entity group which is the logical owner of this entry. This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the entity group of the currently active entity are visible to the user.


This field holds the external key of the owning entity group to identify the logical owner of this entry. This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the currently active entity group are visible to the user.

Datafield ETYEXTKEY Entity


This field holds the EXTKEY of the owning entity to identify the logical owner of this entry. This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the currently active entity are visible to the user.


This field holds the external key of the owning entity to identify the logical owner of this entry.

This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the currently active entity are visible to the user.

Datafield SLACLA Predefined Priority Class


Predefined Priority Class (as defined in service level agreement with ordering customer).


Predefined Priority Class (as defined in service level agreement with ordering customer).

Datafield SLACHA Channel


Channel (CORTYP) by which this order was received


Channel (CORTYP) by which this order was received

Datafield SMCINR INR of SMC Record


Unique interal ID of the service layer


Unique interal ID of the service layer

Datafield EMBSTA Status of compliance request


1 = WFE CCS was created, waiting for MGRTSK sending XML file 2 = WFE CCS is done, waiting for TCX reply (received in MQITSK/SWITSK) A = Ack received from TCM N = Nack received from TCM

Incoming Messages SWITSK to set to 1 MGRTSK to set to 2 MQITSK/SWITSK to set to A/N

Parties SPTREL to set to 1 MGRTSK to set to 2 MQITSK/SWITSK to set to A/N DBEPTx set to ' ' - if CCS check not necessary


1 = WFE CCS was created, waiting for MGRTSK sending XML file 2 = WFE CCS is done, waiting for TCX reply (received in MQITSK/SWITSK) A = Ack received from TCM N = Nack received from TCM

Incoming Messages SWITSK to set to 1 MGRTSK to set to 2 MQITSK/SWITSK to set to A/N

Parties SPTREL to set to 1 MGRTSK to set to 2 MQITSK/SWITSK to set to A/N DBEPTx set to ' ' - if CCS check not necessary

Code Text
1 Waiting for CCS send
2 Waiting for CCS reply
A Accepted
N Rejected
- Not necessary
C Automated Check

Datafield MAPFRM Transaction for which the mapping was executed


This field identifies the transaction for which the mapping had been executed. Will be set initially in switsk to the same value as FRM and updated whenever the incoming message is reroutet.

It is used to decide if INCSPT needs to be rerouted by comparing FRM with MAPFRM. If not the same, inc message is picked up whith chaining through SPTRER for FRM.


This field identifies the transaction for which the mapping had been executed. Will be set initially in switsk to the same value as FRM and updated whenever the incoming message is reroutet.

It is used to decide if INCSPT needs to be rerouted by comparing FRM with MAPFRM. If not the same, inc message is picked up whith chaining through SPTRER for FRM.

Datafield SPTARG Arguments to SPT Target Transaction


Might include switches with values as arguments for the target transaction. E.g. Type of SPT. When SPT target is a xxtFRE then we can use the a switch in the field to direct which message to produce. Extract the content by GetSwitchFromLine.


Might include switches with values as arguments for the target transaction. E.g. Type of SPT. When SPT target is a xxtFRE then we can use the a switch in the field to direct which message to produce. Extract the content by GetSwitchFromLine.