How to get answers

Within the DNG dokuwiki Developer documentation FAQ pages are setup to operate as notepad for questions and the answers.

Via the standard dokuwiki functions those pages can be subscripted to automatically get emails in case of changes. These subscription can be changed easily without the need to inform all the others user of the dokuwiki.

Thus the process to handle an issue in DOKA is

  1. search in the DNG dokuwiki with useful search words. → this will search through DNG-APP, DNG-DEV, DNG-DEM and TD dokuwiki
  2. add a new paragraph with a question into the matching DNG-DEV-dokuwiki FAQ page.
    By using the subscription a user may register himself to a page or a group of pages (part of the namespace, e.g. the FAQ pages) to automatically get informed on changes.
  3. The number of FAQ pages might increase over the time depending on the number of entries.
  4. The FAQ page supervisor either forwards the info to someone else (depending on his decision) or answers directly in place in the FAQ page or moves the question to a place where the same question with a different wording has already been answered.
  5. On the decision of the answering person the text / page might be moved somewhere else in the wiki. The answer should include hyperlinks to other pages to enable the reader to acquire additional information. The answer might be like a How-To and does not need to be a redundant free documentation.
  6. To get informed about the answer the author should subscript on changes of the relevant page(s). This might make sense for all new developer for the initial periode.