Table of Contents

DOKA-NG - The Next Generation Trade Finance Solution

Transaction OFFICE

This transaction shows one of the starting and landing pages for DOKA-NG. Typically this page is recommended for clerks and releasers of contracts and static data. Alternative start pages are the Dashboard Office - Teamleader and the Dashboard Office - Manager Information.

Starting the application will load the user's “Menu” of assigned transactions and his personal “To-Do List”.

A general overview and explanation of all functional areas of the “Office” transaction is given in The Office.

This is a sample of a full “Office” screen:

Grid = To-Do List

The big workspace in the middle of the screen is the the “To-Do List”. It shows the most important task of the user. All tasks can be started and picked up directly from this list. This “To-Do List” is auto-generated and can be sorted and filtered by customizable criteria. The content is based on the individual user's application profile. Access profiles are managed and edited using Maintaining Office Menu.

Standard functions for the entries in the To-Do List can be started by clicking these icons:

The icons become active depending on the content of a task, when the row is marked. Active icons are visible in black, not available icons are shown in grey.

The total quantity of 'to-do' tasks for the user is shown below the grid as “Entries”. This information is useful if more tasks have been assigned to the user than in the visible part of the list.

Entries/ tasks in the To-Do List are generated from Selecting pending Queue Entries and the order record (ORD). Whether the list of executable transactions stored in the access profile is taken into account or not depends on the setting “Profile active” in the configuration file TDPARA.INI. More detailed information on this subject is provided in Maintaining System Parameters.

Column: Type

These types of tasks/ entries are available:

Screenshot of “Types” Type

* Incoming Messages
* Paused Entries
* Entries waiting for Correction
* Entries waiting for Release
* Static Data Entries Waiting for Release
* Static Data Entries Waiting for Correction
* Manual Entries
* Items in Preparation
* Diary
* Limit Approvals
* Registered Items

A RED marked “Type” indicates that the item is overdue.

Column: Transaction

Each item is displayed with the associated transaction abbreviation for that task. This is the technical name of the transaction and can be used for quick access. Hovering over this short name displays the full, descriptive title of the transaction name.

Column: Target Date

Each list item has a due date and time associated with it, which informs about the applicable deadline for processing.

Screenshot of Target Dates Target Date

The “Target Date” depends on the type of entry. DOKA-NG standard defines these targets using the following method:

* DOKA-NG's production release sets a default target for all entries.
The generic default target is retrieved from the Service Level Agreements and Maintaining System Configuration,
if parameterized by the same.
Otherwise the default is hard-coded as 'current date plus one day'.

The following types deviate from the default method for calculating their target dates:
* “Diary” entries always use the set diary dates as their targets.
* “Limit Approvals” always use the hard-coded target date 'current date plus one day'. SLA times are deliberately ignored.
* “Registered Items” default to 'current date plus five days' if auto-registered for the same contract.

Example scenarios for “Registered Items”
* Auto-registered detrimental amendment (GITAME auto-registration from GITRAM).
If the auto-registration applies to a different contract,
the target date will default to 'current date plus one day'.
* Auto-registration for Transfer LC (LT) from Export LC (LE).

Column: Reference

The “Reference” shows for existing contracts the own reference and depending on the “Type” of task the assigned contract amount and/ or the customer reference number and/ or a BIC code of a sender and/ or other additional details.

Column: Description

The “Description” shows a short business summary of the assigned task and/ or the own reference number and/ or a message names 'long text decription' and/ or other additional details. In case of multiple signature release method, the required signature release levels would be displayed.

Column: Responsible User

The “Responsible User” column identifies the person in charge of processing the given “To-Do” item.

Column: Currency

“Currency” of the contract of the related amount.

Column: Relevant Amount

“Relevant Amount” to be handled with the “To-Do” item.


The “checkboxes” can be used as a filter option to increase or decrease the quantity of transactions and tasks displayed.

The following “Types” are available and can be choosen:

Checkbox: Incoming Messages

Displays messages received by electronic means. Every message is mapped to a target transaction shown in the “Transaction” column. Picking up the message will start this transaction.

Details about the technical processing are provided in Manager for Incoming Messages.

Checkbox: Registered Items

Transactions that were entered in advance and released. They were entered in order to initiate a business transaction, but the process requires an additional step to be carried out to bring it to completion at a later date.

An example of this is Detrimental Amendments for L/Cs. In this case, a change is made, and the beneficiary is then asked for consent. Once consent has been obtained, the “registered transaction” can be accessed again for the purpose of making a final booking entry and creating outgoing messages.

Checkbox: Paused transactions

Transactions that have been set to “Pause”. Here you can find an overview of all transactions, including earlier ones that have been paused.
If a paused transaction is selected again with a “double-click” or via it will be loaded complete with all the data entered earlier.

Additionally, recent personal transactions for the current day are also displayed on the right-hand side of the panel. These are always in chronological order listed and not subject to the checkbox filter option.

You can find more information about paused transactions here Selecting Pending Items.

Checkbox: Entries Waiting for Correction

If a transaction awaiting release has been returned for correction by the approver, or has been actively retrieved by a user, that is set to be corrected, then it is given the type or status “To Correct”.

Transactions that have to be corrected are treated like Selecting Pending Items.

Checkbox: Diaries

All currently pending, automatically generated and manually entered diary events that require processing are shown in the overview.

More information about Diary Selection.

Checkbox: Entries Waiting for Release

Transactions awaiting release can be released, returned for correction or deleted straight from the To-Do List. If there are warnings for a transaction, they will be displayed before the action can be released.
If the review for release is be done on the monitor, is used to access the transaction.

More information about control and release is provided in Control and Release of Transactions.

Checkbox: Static Data Entries Waiting for Release

Entries and amendments to static data requiring release must be handled separately from business data. For this reason, they can also be selected separately. In order to do so, select the relevant checkbox (“Static Data Entries Waiting for Release”).

More information is provided Releasing Pending Items.

Checkbox: Static Data Entries Waiting for Correction

Entries of static data requiring a correction must be handled separately from business data. For this reason, they can also be selected separately. In order to do so, select the relevant checkbox (“Static Data Entries Waiting for Release”).

More information is provided Releasing Pending Items.

Checkbox: Limit Approval

For contracts to be released a “Limit Approval” can required. Limit approvals can be done by users different from the designated approver of a transaction.

Find here more details Limit Approval for Contracts.

Checkbox: Manual Entries

If a batch run generates a need for subsequent processing that is not carried out automatically but needs to be handled manually, an entry to that effect will be displayed.

Find here more about Manual Contract handling.

Transaction Panels

ToDo List

ToDo List


Datafield Description
Streamgrid To do List This streamgrid shows the queue entries of the user(s)/ user group(s).

The list of results can be filtered by using the above checkboxes and the 'settings' icon.
Checkbox 'Incoming Messages' Select or deselect checkbox for 'incoming messages'.
The quantity of results can be reduced or increased by further
selections via the 'settings' icon.
Checkbox 'Paused Entries' Select or deselect checkbox for 'paused entries'.
The quantity of results can be reduced or increased by further
selections via the 'settings' icon.
Checkbox 'Entries Waiting for Release' Select or deselect checkbox for 'entries waiting for release'.
The quantity of results can be reduced or increased by further
selections via the 'settings' icon.
Checkbox 'Registered Items' Select or deselect checkbox for 'registered items'.
The quantity of results can be reduced or increased by further
selections via the 'settings' icon.
Checkbox 'Entries Waiting for Correction' Select or deselect checkbox for 'entries waiting for correction'.
The quantity of results can be reduced or increased by further
selections via the 'settings' icon.
Checkbox 'Static Data Entries Waiting for Release' Select or deselect checkbox for 'Static Data Entries Waiting for Release'.
The quantity of results can be reduced or increased by further
selections via the 'settings' icon.
Checkbox 'Manual Entries' Select or deselect checkbox for 'manual entries'.
The quantity of results can be reduced or increased by further
selections via the 'settings' icon.
Checkbox 'items in preparation' Select or deselect checkbox for 'items in preparation'.
The quantity of results can be reduced or increased by further
selections via the 'settings' icon.
Checkbox 'Diaries' Select or deselect checkbox for 'diary entries'.
The quantity of results can be reduced or increased by further
selections via the 'settings' icon.
All Visible Entities If this checkbox is checked, the transaction carries out the configured functions
(generating queue entries and prioritization/load distribution)
for all entities for whom the executing user is authorized.
External Key cf Appendix A, Table USR field EXTKEY