Table of Contents

Fields of Application


The Application is a proven effective standard product for the entire processing of all transactions in the documentary foreign trade business, guarantees and loans. The application can easily be implemented in any given infrastructure because of its workflow architecture, in which various services are integrated for the interfaces (both in- and output interfaces) and the variety of supported platforms. All required communication interfaces are covered. As a result of the provided MyModelbank that is part of the standard product, it is not necessary to create a completely new department organization, but by means of an immediately applicable example solution, a list of amendment requests can be created and transferred instead, without the need of creating complete and detailed specifications of all requirements before.

System Architecture

The application is based on our TradeDesign development platform. TradeDesign in turn was developed to create and to run standard banking applications. This development platform allows to match longer release cycles of the software product (and the gained expertise resulting thereof) with shorter cycles of the technical platforms (server and storage technologies, standards for user interfaces). Furthermore, the development platform combines the processes for realizing customizations with the ability to accomplish a release at the same time. The key features of the TradeDesign development platform are:

Moreover, it is also possible to create processes for completely different business segments based on the existing platform. These processes can, for example, use also the existing interfaces and/or static data and can be administered collectively.

Key Advantages