General Function Icons

A variety of function icons are to be found in the headline of the Panel.

The icons will vary depending on the transaction and on the type of data selected.

Icon Title Description
Left-hand edge Central functions, always available
Home Click on the icon to return to the start page.
If the icon is clicked in a transaction into which data has already been entered, a dialog will be displayed asking what should happen to the data entered.
Launch Info Transaction This icon can be used to search for any info transaction and to start it directly.
Launch Transaction This icon is only available to administrators and designers. It can be used to start a transaction directly, without having to select the relevant menu item.
Reactivate To retrieve a deleted transaction from the recycling bin and reactivate it.
Documentation Clicking this icon will launch a browser displaying the online transaction documentation.
Change Entity Clicking this icon launches the transaction to change the entity.
Memo Brings up the window used to create a new memo
Back Click on the icon to return to the transaction from which the function was called.
Right-hand edge Functions used to exit the transaction and the application
Pause Clicking this icon will save the current status of the transaction as a 'paused transaction' separately and return to the start page. It is possible to interrupt, or pause, a transaction at any time. The transaction can be accessed from the To-Do list for further processing. Data entered prior to pausing the transaction is saved temporarily, i.e., it will not be lost. This icon is not available in all the transactions. Where this icon is not available, the (End) icon must be used instead (in this case the data already entered will be lost).
Exit Terminates the transaction without saving the data. If terminating would cause data already entered to be lost, the user will be prompted to either terminate or continue.
Left-hand, above main panel Functions associated with the panel
Right-hand, above main panel Functions associated with the selected row
Check Clicking the icon starts the plausibility check for all the data in the transaction. Incorrect or missing entries will be flagged by message fields containing detailed information about the error cause.
Save Used to save all the the data entered in the transaction to the database. All the relevant contract fields will be updated. The type of the saved transaction determines which transactions will be available for further processing. The icon indicates that the transaction entered by the user is acceptable in terms of the logic. A click on the icon will only be successful if all the plausibility checks were able to be completed without any errors. If a plausibility check determines that there is an error, the error will be flagged in a yellow field next to the relevant field, and the transaction will not be saved.
Warning Displays the warnings associated with the current transaction. The warnings were not yet confirmed as having been read.
Warnings read and confirmed Displays the warnings associated with the current transaction.
New warnings Indicates that there new warnings for the current transaction that have yet not been confirmed as having been read.
Diary events /
New diary event
Provides access to diary event entries for the selected contract. Existing appointments and diary event entries can be amended or deleted, and new appointments added. Within transactions, entries are automatically updated when the transaction is saved (and they are reversed if the transaction is rejected). If they are amended from without, i.e., not from within a transaction (e.g., via selection lists or via the information system), the changes will be written directly into the database. To see a complete overview of diary events, the Diary Events transaction can be started via the menu.
Incoming Message Displays messages received in a preview panel.
Unmapped fields This icon is displayed if a received message has non-assigned “unmapped” fields. Clicking the icon will display the non-assigned fields.
Unmapped fields read and confirmed This icon is displayed if a received message has non-assigned “unmapped” fields. The unmapped fields have been confirmed as having been read. Clicking the icon will display the non-assigned fields.
Unmapped fields not read/ not confirmed This icon is displayed if a received message has non-assigned “unmapped” fields. The unmapped fields have not yet been confirmed as having been read. Clicking the icon will display the non-assigned fields.
Refresh To update the results of the search, based on the filtering criteria. Changes to the configuration settings will only be reflected in the search result after an update.
Configuration To adapt configuration settings with multiple filtering criteria. This allows search results to be broadened or narrowed down.
Diary To amend the values for a selected diary event.
Delete To delete the data record currently displayed and move the data to the recycling bin.
Connect To map and link a received message to an existing contract without first processing it via a transaction.
Re-Routing To map the selected entry to a different business unit, a different user or user group, or a different contract or transaction. When a received message is accessed from within a transaction, it can be directly mapped to another transaction. This will start that other transaction.
Limitation for electronic messages: While it is possible to forward/re-route an incoming electronic message (that is mapped to a transaction) to a transaction of another business unit, it is not possible to then map it from the original group to the group of the newly selected business unit. The application nevertheless permits the re-routing, and it then displays the incoming messages as “Unmapped”.
Assign To assign an entry to a different user
Assign Group To assign an entry to a different user group
Info To display the Infotext for the selected contract.
Pick up
Once an entry has been selected from a list of transactions to be processed, clicking this icon will pick up the entry for processing and start the relevant transaction. Alternatively, an entry can also be picked up by double-clicking on it. Either way, the transaction matching the entry will be started, and the selected entry will be passed on to this transaction for processing. In similar fashion, an entry selected in the Information System will be copied into a transaction.
Reject To reject a selected transaction and move it to the recycling bin.
Repair Clicking this icon will send the selected transaction for correction.
Release Allows a selected transaction to be approved.
Display Displays the data for the selected entry.
Show To display the display file for the transaction
Document Displays the document in “Pretty Print” view.
For Export Finance the icon gives access to the stored templates.
Add Allows a new data record to be entered (e.g., a new fee or currency in the master data).
Change Allows data to be amended or corrected (e.g. when editing static data or diary event entries).
changed party The address of the party is different to that one in the database.
changed party The address of the party is changed within that transaction.
Displays and prints lists (e.g., for master data) or reports.
Loginfo Provides information about changes to the data record currently displayed (e.g., for master data). The changes compared to the previous or the next data record are displayed in red characters. Clicking the relevant icons displays the changes in chronological order, ascending or descending.
Reset the current selection
Next Displays the next data record in a selection list.
Previous Displays the previous data record in a selection list.
Next Displays the next data record in chronological order.
Previous Displays the previous data record in chronological order.
Version history Displays the change history for the current entry.
Details Displays additional details for the selected entry.
Leave Terminates the version display for the data record
Remove Erases the entry irreversibly
Reject and close Starts the appropriate preliminary opening transaction. Here, contracts that have not yet been saved are stored and the closed directly. This allows the failed business transaction to still be stored in the database, making it available for evaluation purposes.
Overview Displays an overview of the entries.
Print Prints the data record or correspondence currently displayed.
Search Displays a list of all the data matching the search criteria entered by the user (e.g., in the Information System, once the criteria have been entered).
Reduced Change Allows limited changes to be made to data. Used in transactions where it depends on the user's level of authorization whether all or only some selected types of data in an entry can be changed.
Duplicate Duplicates an existing entry / an existing row, or copies the data from another selected entry to the current transaction.
Raw Displays the data in raw format.
Test Used in transactions that carry out complex processing, clicking this icon will simulate the processing for testing purposes, without any data actually being changed. The log then shows the data that would be changed if processing went ahead.
This icon is used to start the processing in the transaction. This may entail the processing in a task manager, the reorganization of data, or the generation of a reports via a report generator.
Start processing
Stop Stops the automatic processing of the manager or of the selected entry
Show Log Displays the log recorded during processing.
Load Loads the data from the selected file into the current transaction.
Mark selection Marks the selected entries.
Check all Marks all entries in the list displayed.
Undo marking Removes the marking on the selected entry.
Uncheck all Removes the marking for all entries in the list displayed.
Download file Copies the file of a “CONDBG” to the PC.
Export Exports the selected data or file(s).
Export all Exports all files.
Import Imports the selected file.
Import all Imports all files.
Block Blocks the currently selected entry.
Unblock Unblocks the selected user.
Detach Removes the link to a partial message in cases where the mapping was incorrect.
Group Collates the marked partial messages into a single order.
Done The transaction is flagged as completed or handled.
Skip The selected service will be skipped, i.e., not executed.
Redo One of several services can be repeated if the previous execution was unsuccessful.
Show difference
Down Move row down
Up Move row up
Send message Sends a message
Shutdown Sends an Exit Notify message when administering a session.
Cancel The status of the marked session is set to 'Canceled'
Save configuration Saves the job setting in the relevant manager
Save report Saves the report in the predefined location
Save report as Select the location where the report will be saved
Display temporary settlement Used to select a temporary settlement and display the associated contract in the corresponding selection panel for business unit of the relevant transaction.
create PDF Creates a PDF file of the current view
Change Entity Routes the selected message to another entity
Attach To add an attachment to a memo. Icon in the panel, not in the row of icons.
Show Attachments Show Attachments. Icon in the panel, not in the row of icons.
Demo Tools Visible only in demo systems. Enables easy usage of time shift and manager start in demos.
Show Info Displays the structured information associated with the current transaction and allows user to extend the search.
Show Info read and confirmed Displays the structured information associated with the current transaction.
New Info Indicates that there is new structured information for the current transaction that has not yet been confirmed as having been read.