General Information on Info Transactions

For each static data system and for each business sector, there is a respective Info transaction which is used to display available data. These Info transactions can be started directly via the general functions area or from business and static data transactions from where they can be launched by clicking the Info button [i]. In case an Info transaction is launched from the main menu or via general functions, the Info transaction is started within the current user session by default. Via Maintaining System Configuration this default behaviour can be changed. When checkbox “Start Info transaction in separate session” is activated, any Info transaction will be started in a separate session. This allows to view one contract while editing another. Info transaction launched from with in the workspace area (e.g. from any xxxSEL like Display an Import L/C) are always started in a separate session independent of the system configuration setting. Only one Info transaction at a time can be started from a client. When attempting to start a second Info transaction, a previously open Info transaction is initially used, with this changing to the sector required. This also applies when starting Info transactions from the same PC in two different sessions of the application.

In Info transactions, searches in the upper part of the search panel can be narrowed down by entering detailed search criteria. Even partial entries are possible for searches (entering 'bank', for example, provides results such as Local Bank XYZ and Deutsche Bank).

After clicking the icon, the user receives a tabular display of information that matches the search criteria. More detailed information can be gained by double-clicking the entry in the list, or by highlighting the entry and clicking the icon.

The icon takes the user back from the details panel to the page with the results of the search. If the search has brought up several hits and if one of these has been selected, the user can use the arrow icons and to move between the search results. Clicking deletes the search results and the parameters entered are reset to their original status.

N.B.: From a given number of matches (customized for each static data system) the user is informed that the search may take some time. Clicking [OK] here means that the search can be aborted and refined, where applicable. If a given number of matches is exceeded, the system informs the user that the search has been aborted. In this event, the user again has the option of entering more precise search criteria.

If the Info transaction has been started from another transaction, the information available can be transfered to the transaction in current use by clicking .

The version log for the entry can be viewed by clicking . Further details can be viewed under “Version Log”.

Info transactions cannot be used to amend existing data; they only deliver information or transfer data. Amendments can only be carried out in the business transactions, static data transactions or in the system settings.

Details of Info transaction icons are described in the table below.

Icon Description
Clicking provides the user with tabular information that match the search criteria.
displays information on one of the search results. Alternatively, the entry can be displayed by double-clicking the item in the list of search results.
If an Info transaction has been started from from another transaction, can be clicked to transfer the entry found to the current transaction.
removes the search results and the search criteria entered at the top of the search panel.
prints the information received.
Displays the version log (see “Version Log”).
The icon takes the user from the details panel of the relevant Info transaction back to the panel with the search results.
and If several matches have been found and one of them has been selected, the user can use the arrow icons and to move between search results.
This icon is used to leave the Info transaction.