Report Setting

This popup panel enables pre-defined report queries to be stored and opened. As standard, report definitions are stored in the partition “Template”. For each report generator, a subdirectory is automatically set up under the directory in the partition “Template”. All report definitions for this report generator can then be stored in, and opened from this directory.

The display field “Storage of Definition” shows the current file path.

The selection list contains all the report definitions stored in the file path indicated. If an existing report definition is to be opened, it is first to be selected from the selection list. Clicking the icon loads the report definition and all information contained is then transferred to the panel “Fields”. To save a new report definition, the name of the report definition has to be entered in this field and the icon (Save) or (save as) has to be clicked.

A descriptive text can be entered for each report in field “Infotext for Report”.

The Field “Usage of Infotext”is constantly filled with 'Do not include Infotext'.

The checkbox “Sortlevel for automatic Pagebreaks” can be used to specify the sort level, at which a pagebreak is to be set in the output. In the HTML output a horizontal line is displayed instead of a pagebreak.

Via “Output Format” the file format for the file generation resp. for the output is selected. The following formats are available:

The storage location of the current report is displayed in field “Storage of Definition”. If the report is not explicitly saved via the icon , the currently loaded definition is saved under the default name (user ID + .default + file extension .rpt) under the storage location specified above.

If the combobox “Print Report” under option “If executed as Job” is enabled, created jobs can be executed as job (i.e. can be started via the Job System). In that case, the reports are printed automatically with the settings specified below.