Table of Contents

DOCEOT Messages


Correspondence generated by/from a transaction is displayed on a message panel. The application automatically generates the correspondence relevant to the transaction, taking into account the default languages and output channels stored for the address. The message settings for particular parties can be defined in the static data system under “Maintaining Mail Instructions” (DBIMLI) and/or its associated transactions.

The layout of the panel allows the user to see clearly which correspondence has been generated, the format of this correspondence (SWIFT, letter, TradeConnect, etc.), the language used, the dispatch type and the number of printed / still to be printed originals and copies. The language and format of the correspondence is given - in line with the information provided as part of the address details. The output sequence for correspondence is SWIFT / TradeConnect, then - if this is not possible - telex, otherwise letter. The format (if variable), the printout and the number of copies can be selected as required.

Furthermore, it is also possible for the user to view the resulting text on screen by clicking icon. In the process, not only is the current document displayed to the recipient, but also all other documents necessary for the dispatch of messages. If, for instance, the original document is sent via the Details Panel (button [Send to]) or another copy (button [Copy to]) of the document is sent to an additional address, by clicking the [Display] button both the message and a copy of the original message to the additional address are displayed. The same applies to messages to which additional attachments have been appended. The icon shows both the original message and all the relevant attachments. This facilitates a quick overview of the correspondence actually going out to the respective addresses.

The messages displayed can then be printed out (right-click to access the context menu and select “Print”). With SWIFT messages, the user can view the raw message by right click in the context menu.

Message Details Panel

In order to add extra information to the generated document, text can be entered in a text field (“Sender to Receiver Information”) on the “Message Details” panel. This panel can be accessed by clicking the icon on the “Messages” panel. The options available on the “Message Details” panel depend on the respective medium selected. The icon can be used to select and apply pre-defined text (see “General Information”). Longer self-composed texts can also be entered in the “Sender-to-Receiver Information” field.

The “Message Details” panel is adapted to the requirements of the medium selected. Example: message type 'Bolero').

The “Sender to Receiver Information” is only displayed once in the message/letter to be generated. Thus, for example, if pre-formulated text is entered for 'Letter' the text will remain unchanged in the “Sender to Receiver Information” field even if the medium is changed (using the “Per Medium” combobox, for example). The field is only disabled if the message does not contain a corresponding tag to accept the contents of this field.

Information for TAG 72 in SWIFT MT 103 and 202 messages can only be entered on the “payment” panel. For verification reasons, no entries can be made via the “Sender to Receiver” field on the “Message Details” panel.

If the receiver ID, e.g. the Bolero RID, is defaulted from the address, the receiver ID field is disabled. If the field receiver ID on the message details panel is empty, the receiver ID can be modified manually.

It is also possible to send another original ([Send to] button) or another copy ([Copy to] button) of the document to an address to be entered. Furthermore, the number of customer copies, file copies and internal copies can also be specified. If [Copy to] is clicked, two messages will be sent, i.e. postage will be charged twice. If [Send to] is clicked, although the original message is also displayed on the “Messages” panel, only one message is sent to the receiver indicated after 'Send to:'. In this case, postage is only charged once.

When sending copies or originals as “Letter”, the user can determine via the checkbox “Suppress Cover Letter” whether a cover letter has to be generated for the message or not. In addition, the field “Letter Date” is available when using 'Letters' as a medium. This is defaulted from the “Execution Date” field on the “Completion” panel. It is possible to define the letter in such a way that this date of execution, or the date entered by the user appear in the letterhead and not the date of the (pre-)capture.

With 'Email', clicking the [cc: (n)] button allows the user to enter other main and copy recipients on an additional panel - both cc: and bcc: are possible. The possible Email addresses defaulted by the application are based on the Email addresses stored in the static data (under contacts, authentification or addresses). In addition, free Email addresses can also be entered manually without these having to exist as part of the static data.

Message dispatch can be suppressed by clicking the button [Suppress]. This can be reversed via the [Activate] button, i.e. the message will be sent again. Clicking [OK] button confirms the currently available settings on the panel. Suppressed messages are displayed on the “Messages” panel with a light blue background.

Sending eMails as PDF Files or as Text

On the “Message Details” panel it is possible to indicate whether the text of the message is to be sent in the eMail itself, or whether a brief standard eMail is to be generated with the actual message attached as a PDF file.


The “Attachments” panel is used to add or attach correspondence to other messages.

Attaching correspondence is only possible with the following message types:

The outgoing correspondence and the associated attachments for the parent contract are displayed in the upper section of the panel. The table on the panel below will only be displayed, if at least one of the checkboxes is checked. If “Incoming” is checked, the incoming messages, if “Previous Outgoing” is checked, the previously sent messages, and with “Outgoing” the current messages under the contract are listed in table form.

In order to attach a message, a message is first to be selected from the upper part of the panel, to which another message is to be attached (the message can be displayed by clicking [Show]). Clicking the [Details] button displays the details of the message selected. Subsequently, select a message to be attached in the bottom part of the panel. The [Attach] button is only enabled if a correct message type has been selected in the upper part of the panel.

Alternatively, a message to be attached can also be selected and attached via the Icon . Clicking the Icon starts the “Enhanced Messages Search”. Here, the user can search for messages, which can then be selected and attached either by double-clicking the message, marking and clicking [ Use].

On top of this, it is possible to create additional common messages ('Cover Letter') of the message types mentioned above and to attach correspondence to these messages.

An attachment can be removed from the selected message by clicking the [ Delete] button.