Table of Contents

Handling of Amendments

Amendments are handled in the “Amendment” transaction or the “Request of Amendment” transaction of the business module. Some business modules also provide a “Liability Approval for Amendment” transaction.

In general, any field that is enabled on the panel can be amended. When saving the “Request of Amendment” transaction, the amended data will not be saved in the contract. This will be done only when saving the “Amendment” transaction.

Field changes and hints

When fields in the “Amendment” panel are added/amended, their counter fields in the respective panels will be automatically updated and disabled for edit (example: when New Expiry date is added in “Amendment” panel, the Expiry date in “Overview” panel will be updated).

Any fields that are changed in an amendment transaction (except the fields on the “Amendment” Panel itself) will be indicated by either red or green color if changed.

When the cursor is placed over the field, the old field content will be displayed as a hint.


Starting with SWIFT 2018 Release, the codewords ADD, DELETE and REPALL are introduced for the long text fields such as “goods description”, “documents required” and “additional conditions” under L/C. In the application this leads to a structured and simplified handling of these long text fields when handling an amendment.

To ADD a text to the above mentioned text fields, the additions are entered into the field “Adding/ Deleting Text in Current Amendment” of the respective panel. When leaving the field, the button [Add] will be enabled and by clicking it, the text will be added to the end of the text field “goods description”, “documents required” or “additional conditions”.

To DELETE a text from any of the fields “goods description”, “documents required” or “additional conditions”, the text portion (at least one full line) that should be deleted must be selected and copied into the field “Adding/ Deleting Text in the Current Amendment”. When leaving the field, the button [Delete] will be enabled and by clicking it, the text will be deleted.

To fully replace the content of a narrative field with a new content (codeword in SWIFT is “REPALL”), the checkbox “Modify Text to Replace” has to be checked. This will enable the text field and the user can type any changes directly into the text field.

The button [Show Diff] displays a text comparison of any additions in yellow color and deletions in red color.

When the checkbox “Modify Text Internally” is selected, the text field will be enabled as well and the user can type any changes into the text field as well but these changes are internally only, meaning that none of the changes will be carried into the outgoing electronic messages.

ADD/DELETE/REPALL in incoming messages

When processing an incoming electronic message, such as SWIFT MT707, the content of the tag will be mapped directly into the contract fields while recognizing the codeword set for the field. A startup warning will be displayed to inform the user that data was merged. Any unsuccessful data merge will also be listed in the warning panel.

Example: Text with codeword /ADD/ will be merged directly at the end of the contract field.

The contract field with the new data will be displayed in green, the old data will be shown in the hint and the exact text difference will be displayed when clicking the button [Show Diff].

Example: Text with codeword /DELETE/ will be merged directly with the data of the contract field, deleting the text from the contract field.

The contract field with the new data will be displayed in green, the old data will be shown in the hint and the exact text difference will be displayed when clicking the button [Show Diff].

Example: Text with codeword /REPALL/ will be merged into the contract field, replacing any previous content.

The contract field with the new data will be displayed in green, the old data will be shown in the hint and the exact text difference will be displayed when clicking the button [Show Diff]. The checkbox “Modify Text to Replace” will be selected and the contract field will be enabled. While the checkbox is checked it will not be possible to make manual changes in field “Adding/ Deleting Text in Current Amendment”.

Address Changes

During the life cycle of a contract, it may become necessary to amend the party details or the address information on the parties involved.

To change the address of a party, the “Edit” icon should be clicked which will display the popup panel of the party details. There the address block of the party is enabled and it is possible to apply any address changes. Once the address information is changed, two additional addresses will be displayed on the right side of the popup panel.

The “Database Address” displays the database address associated to the party number.
The “Old addressblock” displays the old address information before the change was made.

As long as there are address changes, this information will be visible permanently in the popup panel. The change is indicated to the user by the “ Edit” icon colored in red.

To revert any changes, the button [Use in contract] can be used to change back to the Database address or the old addressblock.

Additionally, the old content is displayed in a hint, when the cursor is placed over the address.

Party Changes

In rare cases it may be necessary to exchange a party under the contract. This can be done by replacing the party number of the contract with the party number of a different party.

To indicate such a change, the party number and the “Edit” icon is colored in red. The addressblock itself will be colored in green color unless the user manually edits the associated address block.

Note: It may not be possible to exchange each role under the contract. Changes may not be allowed if any liability was booked for the role.

If the addressblock is changed through an incoming message, the “Edit” icon will be colored green.