Temporary Settlement Selection

Transaction SEPSEL

This transaction is used to select temporary settlements. Temporary settlements are completely advised settlements of the application, that are stored permanently and can be used as a basis for a final settlement later on. Own or foreign fees can optionally be advised or just be marked internally. Advised fees are inherent parts of the temporary settlement and can only be settled via a final settlement created from this temporary settlement. Internally marked fees can be settled independently at any time. Temporary settlements are created via the standard settlement panel. In the upper part of the settlement panel it is defined, whether it is a 'temporary' or a 'final' settlement. A settlement can either be temporary or final. For example, it is not possible to settle fees with a party directly in a temporary settlement.

Here you can find further information about Preliminary (temporary) settlements.

The available temporary settlements are displayed in the table. In the upper part of the panel it is possible to search for temporary settlements. The search can be narrowed with the available options.

By marking a temporary settlement in the table and clicking subsequently on the icon , the details of this settlement are displayed in the panel “Details of Temporary Settlement”.

A temporary settlement can be deleted via the icon . For that purpose the transaction “Deleting Temporary Settlement” (SEPCAN) is started. The temporary settlement is removed from the system by clicking the icon in the deletion transaction.

A temporary settlement can be selected by marking the relevant entry and clicking the icon . The associated contract will then be displayed in the corresponding selection panel of the business sector of the respective transaction.

In order to settle the fees of the temporary settlement, an entry has to be marked in the list. Subsequently, in field “Transaction” the transaction that has to be used for settlement can be entered. In doing so, only those transactions that may be settled, for which the option “Loading temporary Settlement allowed” has been enabled in “Maintaining Application Transaction Profiles”. By clicking the buttons [ Process] the selected transaction will be started.

Furthermore, temporary settlements can also be edited. The complete workflow for editing a temporary settlement up to the final settlement is listed here:

  1. Taking up the temporary settlement
  2. Editing the temporary settlement
  3. Storing again as temporary settlement
  4. Taking up the temporary settlement again and carry out the final settlement

The taking-up of temporary settlements is possible in all contracts, that are part of the respective settlement.

Transaction Panels

Temporary Settlement Selection
Details of Temporary Settlement

Temporary Settlement Selection


Datafield Description
External Key cf Appendix A, Table USR field EXTKEY
Transaction ID cf Appendix A, Table ATP field COD