Replacing / Deleting of Addresses

Transaction DBMPTA

This transaction is used to replace and later (as an option) to delete addresses. In the process, the associated contracts of an old address are transferred to a new address.

This transaction can be started from the “Deleting Party” (DBDPTY) or “Deleting Address Association” (DBDPTA) if they have determined that the address to be deleted is still being used in dependent data. It is also possible to launch this transaction directly from the menu.

The “New Address” field allows the address to be selected that will replace the old one. The address INR and party INR (unique identification numbers in the system) are displayed once the addresses have been selected. This allows addresses with the same external key (EXTKEY) to be distinguished.

The “Contracts of old address to be transferred” field displays the number of contracts affected by the changes.

Changes can be made by clicking the icon. However, first of all click to dry run the replacement of the address and data transfer functions. The result of the test is written in the log, which can be displayed by clicking the icon .

If related data from the static data tables used is also to be transferred, then the checkbox “Transferring Static Data Tables (i.e. Accounts, Contacts, Fee Conditions, Mail Instructions, Guarantee Texts) as well” needs to be checked.

If both addresses have related data which are doubled, the data transfer will not be processed automatically. In this case a note with all available EXTKEY/INR data is displayed. The user then has to decide which record should be kept. The other record is then to be deleted from the static data system. The [Transfer and Delete] button will not be enabled before a complete transfer is logically feasible within the system.

The old address is only deleted when all the required data has been transferred and “Delete old address” has been activated.

The log is displayed when clicking . The log contains all system processes of this transaction.

The Infotext field can contain information about the respective process.

N.B.: This transaction should be handled with great care as changes can also be made to the static data system.

Transaction Panels




Datafield Description
Alternate Technical Key of Associated Address cf Appendix A, Table PTA field OBJKEY
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTA field NAM
Internal Unique ID cf Appendix A, Table PTA field INR
INR of Associated Party cf Appendix A, Table PTA field PTYINR
Alternate Technical Key of Associated Address cf Appendix A, Table PTA field OBJKEY
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTA field NAM
Internal Unique ID cf Appendix A, Table PTA field INR
INR of Associated Party cf Appendix A, Table PTA field PTYINR