Accruing of Commissions

Transaction COBACR

The accrual here shows the real status of the earned fees and commission at a specific date, independent of the fact, whether the commissions have been earned in advance or if they will be earned in arrears in the future.

For accruals, relevant commissions are booked from the income account to an interim account (accruing account) and from there back again to the income account. Banks, for example, may book amounts from the interim account to the income account on a daily basis. The accruing process can handle either commissions already booked or commissions to be booked, i.e. the accruals can be calculated in advance or in arrears.

Commissions to be settled have to be defined as follows in the fee definition (in transaction Maintaining Fees (DBIFEE)):

In this way, the system has the required information to accrue the relevant commissions correctly.

It is possible to run a test accrual in which only a log file is generated, or a real accrual in which the bookings are made and the log file is generated

The totals for each income account are booked (separated to amounts earned in advance or earned in arrears amounts) in order not to have a great number of bookings per day.

The accruing is administered in two database tables: “ACR” (Accruing Control Records - one entry per contract + FEE/FEP) and “ACS” (Accruing Sum Records per Account - one entry per account and currency). Project-specific fields (such as cost center) can include other criteria to create internal records.

For commission already calculated, the amount at the due date is calculated. Accruals that are to be settled in arrears are calculated up to the due date according to the conditions.

NOTE: The bookings generation of the transaction “Accruing of Commissions” has to be customized for each customer individually, as every customer uses its own and specially configured accounting system.

Transaction Panels

Settlement Details
DTAEA Fields
DTALC Fields
Incoming Tag 72/79
Fee Conditions
DTAG Fields



DTAG Fields