Info Commission Accruing

Transaction INFACR

After starting the transaction the “Search Panel” is displayed. The icon must be clicked after entering or selecting the fields or comboboxes on top of the panel.

In case the option are left empty, all available accruings are listed in the table below. By highlighting an entry and clicking the icon (or by double clicking an entry), information about each individual entry can be displayed on the “Accruing Details Panel”.

By checking the checkbox “Only accrued”, only records having an accruing amount greater than zero are displayed (in field “Accrued” on panel “Accruing Details Panel”).

Transaction Panels

Search Panel
Accruing Details Panel

Search Panel


Datafield Description
Fee Code cf Appendix A, Table FEE field COD
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTY field EXTKEY

Accruing Details Panel


Datafield Description
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTY field EXTKEY
Fee Code cf Appendix A, Table FEE field COD
Account cf Appendix A, Table ACR field ACC
Date 1 cf Appendix A, Table ACR field DAT1
Date 2 cf Appendix A, Table ACR field DAT2
Currency cf Appendix A, Table ACR field CUR
Actual Accrued Amount cf Appendix A, Table ACR field ACTAMT
Difference between ACTAMT and Last Booking cf Appendix A, Table ACR field DIFAMT
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTY field NAM
Accruals Account cf Appendix A, Table ACR field ACCACR
Date Created cf Appendix A, Table ACR field CREDAT
Date of Last Accrual cf Appendix A, Table ACR field ACRDAT
Transaction Creating Entry cf Appendix A, Table ACR field CRETRNINR
Type of Settlement cf Appendix A, Table ACR field SETTYP