Table of Contents

Resending Messages - Possible Duplicates

Transaction DBXTRN

This function is used to resend different types of messages that have already been sent. This might become necessary if there were some problems receiving an electronic message and the recipient has asked for the message to be sent again.

It is possible to edit tags/fields in electronic messages (such as SWIFT, DTA, TradeConnect, Bolero, allNETT, SWIFT XML) and to send these as newly amended messages. Such tags are managed in taggrp.ini. This file allows you to define which fields can be edited for each electronic medium. Field content of tags not listed as editable in the .ini file cannot be edited within the transaction.

After entering the search criteria like (parts of the) “Reference”, “Ident No.”, “Transaction” etc., in the respective search fields, the icon has to be clicked to get the desired information. The search criteria entered in the “Ident No.” field can be up to 8 digits of the transaction id, contract reference or contract name and the matching entry can be selected from the result list. All contracts that match the selection are displayed in the table. After selecting a contract (by double-clicking an entry or clicking the icon ) further details of the contract will be displayed.

The messages belonging to the transaction are displayed in the “Documents” field. To display the message that has already been sent, click the icon to view the relevant message. This will open a 'Viewer' popup showing a representation of the relevant message.

Clicking on the button [ Details] displays a screenshot of the current transaction. The fields/panels underlined in red represent the latest changes to the transaction. The fields underlined in green represent earlier changes.

Click the icon (on top left) to display the messages belonging to the transaction in the “Messages” panel. If one of the messages displayed has to be resent, then set the checkbox in the “Res(end)” column for the relevant message.

The icon can be used to display a single message. After making a selection by setting the Res(end) column (as noted above), the user has the option to edit the individual tags of electronic messages using the icon . If the content of a tag was modified in this transaction, the user can view the old message, the new message and the differences between the two displayed by using the buttons [ Doc. (old)], [ Doc. (new)] and [ Show Diff].

If all changes have been made, the transaction and, accordingly, the new copy of the message can be saved by clicking on the icon . A corresponding message will register this happening in the header. This transaction then needs to be checked by the controlling user and released via the transaction “Control & Release”.

When sending duplicates copies, these copies are marked as such. Messages are marked as 'Duplicate', for example. This word is added to a header text of a message and can be entered in the field “Duplicate” field on the “Print” panel in the “Task Manager”.

The application automatically identifies copies on the basis of the transaction name.

During the project phase of the implementation, developers can determine which channels are to be available to resend messages.


For incoming allNETT / RIVO messages see Overview of Incoming messages - allNETT / RIVO.

Transaction Control



Results of this Transaction


For more information see TRNDIA Diaries.


Updating/Storing of Amounts (CBS)

Liability (LIA)

Outgoing Correspondence

Details on creation of messages can be found under DOCEOT Messages. For outgoing allNETT / RIVO messages see Overview of Outgoing messages - allNETT / RIVO.


No Release required

Transaction Panels

Search Panel
Transaction Header
Incoming Tag 72/79
DTAEA Fields
DTALC Fields
Fee Conditions
DTAG Fields

Search Panel


Datafield Description
External Key cf Appendix A, Table USR field EXTKEY
Transaction ID cf Appendix A, Table ATP field COD
All Visible Entities If this checkbox is checked, the transaction carries out the configured functions
(generating queue entries and prioritization/load distribution)
for all entities for whom the executing user is authorized.



Datafield Description
Own Reference cf Appendix A, Table TRN field OWNREF
Internal Unique ID cf Appendix A, Table TRN field INR
External Readable Object Identification cf Appendix A, Table TRN field OBJNAM



Datafield Description
External Key cf Appendix A, Table ACK field EXTKEY
Object Type cf Appendix A, Table ACK field OBJTYP
Object INR cf Appendix A, Table ACK field OBJINR
Sub-ID for Object (e.g.SMHINR) cf Appendix A, Table ACK field OBJSUB
Sending Service cf Appendix A, Table ACK field OUTSRV
Service for Incoming Acknowledgment cf Appendix A, Table ACK field ACKSRV
Class of ACK (in the Object) cf Appendix A, Table ACK field CLA
Status cf Appendix A, Table ACK field STA
Reason of NACK cf Appendix A, Table ACK field NACTXT
Additional NACK Information cf Appendix A, Table ACK field NACSTM


DTAG Fields