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Document Editor


DOKA-NG provides an exhaustive collection of predefined letters. Correspondence towards the customer and correspondent side is created in almost every business transaction. The transaction documentation of each business transaction, for example Opening an Import L/C) describes in the section 'Outgoing Correspondence' in detail which messages can be created under which conditions and who the receiver of the message is. The texts and rules for creation of these letters are stored within the application.

The “Document Editor” is a built-in functionality available in all business sectors of the application and allows the user to overwrite existing letter correspondence to make minor text adjustments such as

These changes can be stored for future usage of the outgoing correspondence.

How to access the Document Editor from a business transaction

For any business transaction once the relevant information is filled into the transaction panels, the expected letter correspondence is displayed on the “Messages” panel and from this panel the required language can be set from the dropdown options available. To edit any specific letter template first the magnifying glass icon needs to be clicked to generate the letter and then the specific paragraph or text needs to be selected and double clicked in order to initiate the “Document Editor” window which will reflect the “XML templates” only specific to the selected text and paragraph.

Alternatively to initiate the “Document Editor” one may click on the pencil tab in the “Messages” panel and then further click on the “Document Editor” button. The “Document Editor” window now reflects all the “XML templates” included in the subject letter.

The “XML templates” can be selected one after one to verify the text content both in the original language as well as the content in other translated languages and also the status of the XML templates whether it has been modified or not can be verified.

Installation Requirements before using the Document Editor

The Document Editor can be properly be used in Server environments only.

The changes made in the “Document Editor” are stored in the “XMX” (“XML templates”) and “XMR” (“Document rules”) tables under different Key types defined at specific level. These Key types are based on predefined conditions which decides at which business scenario the amended text will be generated.

Ideally to have proper control, the provision of “Document Editor” should be restricted to a Pre-Production or UAT environment and upon validation of the changes should be gradually transported into the production environment via Handling Updates of Data with 4-eye control.

User Access and Rights

The “Document Editor” functionality allows the users to update, amend and delete the required text and save all the changes made into the letter template at once. As an interactive development, the changes made into the letter templates can be applied and verified on a real time basis.

There are provisions for users to edit the “XML templates” and to update the document rules in the sources. However, those provision has been granted under specific user rights in transaction Maintaining User Profiles.

For any user having “Document Editor” profile, the advanced document rule update options like “Insert Field” and “Edit Logic” are not available.

Document Editor - User Functionalities

The below common functionalities are available for users defined as “Document Editor” and “Designer”:

By Default, the text content across all the Key types are identical for a specific “XML template”. However, once amended the text content of the more specific Key type will supersede the other Key types in case amended text content exists at multiple Key types for a specific “XML template”. It also helps to know the status of the templates whether it has been modified or not. The “Modified” column displays either “Yes” or “No” to indicate whether modification of the “XML template” has already taken place or not. Whenever any of the templates are selected, the text content both in original and translated languages are available under “Paragraph Content” and “Same Paragraph in” field respectively. It is for the user to decide whether to use customized or generic texts for every transaction types using a specific “XML template”.

Once the “Paragraph Content” tab is updated with new text, there after when user clicks on the next “XML template” the “Paragraphs” field reflects the “Modified” status as “Save Pending”. Now users have the option to either to save or discard the changes by clicking in the “Apply” or “Discard” button accordingly.

Any modification or insertion of text content within those specific “XML templates” that contain an argument (e.g. {$1}) or the blank templates (eg. TRNDOC:emptyline template) should be avoided at first place, otherwise it may lead to certain structural problems. Also any change of “XML templates” in the central modules for example the Settlement module (SETMOD) should be evaluated carefully as this may cause generic impact across the entire application.

Designer - User Functionalities

The below functionalities are available only for “Designer” user categories -

By Default, the document rules across all the Key types are identical for a specific “DocRule ID”. However, once amended the new doc rule of the more specific Key type will supersede than that of the other Key types in case new doc rule exists at multiple Key types for a specific “DocRule ID”. The stored document rules are always executed without any error since the changes are already complied while saving and hence there is no possibility of getting error during execution. The document reflects the updated document rule immediately the next time the document is opened. The document rules need to be handled with care since it requires sound technical understanding and hence the same is allowed only for the Designer category of users.

Once changes are made in any specific document using the “Document Editor”, the same will be stored in the database and will be available for all the future contracts.

For database security, commands that might change the database through document rules cannot be stored and will generate an error, for example TradeDesign commands such as 'DBexecutesql' or 'DBread'.

All changes made using Document Editor functionality can be displayed via transaction Maintaining Document Templates. Changes to the document rules can be displayed via transaction Maintaining Document Rules.


The “Document Editor” allows editing of letter correspondence only. Electronic messages such as SWIFT, Score, Bolero, allNETT etc. cannot be changed.

The “Document Editor” allows only to overwrite the existing “XML templates” or the document rules within the letter. In case any additional “XML template” or rule is requested that would follow standard overlay development process. Once the additional template or rule is developed and delivered into the base version, the users will be able to modify the same.

In case any additional documents are required or if the letter changes are complex in nature, those changes will be treated under standard overlay development.