Maintain Pairing Buyer/Supplier

Transaction DBIPSB

This transaction is used to maintain pairing definition setup between the parties buyer and supplier, that will be used in connection with Approved Payable Finance and Receivable Finance.

In order to select an existing party, a part of the pairing key or the pairing name has to be entered or the party can be selected by clicking the Icon .

The following transactions can be started from here by clicking the icons in the list below for:

In addition to the individual data of the buyer and supplier, a dedicated profile is maintained here for the buyer and supplier pair.

Thereby supporting

“Defined Limits” section displays the limit amounts of the pairing and the individual parties in the pair, along with their used limit amount and pending limit amount details.

Upon selecting a pairing, to have an overview of the pairing condition, the Icon of “Key of Pairing” can be clicked. This opens a pop-up window with the gist of details of the overview panel, along with pairing info of “Account” and “Limit” for both Buyer and Supplier.

On selecting the of “Account” displays all accounts of Buyer and Supplier.

Similarly on selecting the of “Limit” displays the Limit per Party for both Buyer and Supplier and also their Limit per Pairing.

Transaction Panels

Approved Payables



Datafield Description
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTY field NAM
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTY field NAM
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTY field EXTKEY
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTY field EXTKEY
Max Finance cf Appendix A, Table PSB field BILMAXPRC
Minimum Period cf Appendix A, Table PSB field MINPER
Maximum Period cf Appendix A, Table PSB field MAXPER
Minimum Amount cf Appendix A, Table PSB field MINAMT
Max Invoice Age at Funding Date cf Appendix A, Table PSB field MAXAGEFND
Max. Age at Repayment Date cf Appendix A, Table PSB field MAXAGESETL
Auto Repayment Days cf Appendix A, Table PSB field AUTREPDAYS
Auto Repayment Flag cf Appendix A, Table PSB field AUTREPFLG
Fee Payer cf Appendix A, Table PSB field CHATO
Assets Sold (ASD) Checkbox cf Appendix A, Table PSB field ASDFLG

Approved Payables


Datafield Description
Agreement Reference cf Appendix A, Table PSB field AGRMNTREF
Agreement Date cf Appendix A, Table PSB field AGRMNTDAT
Offer Flag cf Appendix A, Table PSB field OFFERFLG
Offer Period cf Appendix A, Table PSB field OFFPER
Generate Promissory Note cf Appendix A, Table PSB field GENPRMFLG
No. of Signatories cf Appendix A, Table PSB field PRMSIGNCNT
Title of Signatory cf Appendix A, Table PSB field PRMSIGNTITLE
No. of Witnesses cf Appendix A, Table PSB field PRMWITNESSCNT
Generate Funding request cf Appendix A, Table PSB field GENFNRFLG
No. of Signatories cf Appendix A, Table PSB field FNRSIGNCNT
Title of Signatory cf Appendix A, Table PSB field FNRSIGNTITLE
No. of Witnesses cf Appendix A, Table PSB field FNRWITNESSCNT
Generate Bill of Exchange cf Appendix A, Table PSB field GENBOEFLG
Prefix Counter Key cf Appendix A, Table PSB field BOEPREFIX
Prefix to Show cf Appendix A, Table PSB field BOESHWPFX
Generate Payment Advice cf Appendix A, Table PSB field GENADVFLG
Payment Reminder Notice cf Appendix A, Table PSB field DAYSADV
