Table of Contents

PTS - Party per Contract

Module PTS


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID Text 8
OBJTYP Object Type Text 6 CBOTXT
OBJINR Object INR Text 8
ROL Role of Address Text 3 ROLALL
PTAINR Address (Optional) Text 8
PTYINR Party (Optional) Text 8
EXTKEY External Key Text 24
ADRBLK Address Block Block 35
REF Reference for Address (Optional) Text 16
NAM Name Text 40
OWNREF Own Reference Text 20
DFTCUR Default Currency Text 3 CURTXT
DFTDSP Default Disposition Text 3
DFTACT Default Account Text 34
DFTFEECUR Default Fee Currency Text 3 CURTXT
DFTACTPTAINR Default Address to Search Account Text 8
GLGGRPFLG Grouping Rule of Amounts Text 3 Embedded
EXTACT External Account Text 34
VER Version Text 4
DFTSETROL Default role for Settlement / settle via Text 3 ROLALL
SETXRTINF Contract related exchange rate info Stream 1
CLIBANTYP Typ of Contract Party [Customer or Bank] Text 1 Embedded
PTCNAM Contact Text 35
PTCOE Contact OE (Department/Extension) Text 35
ETYEXTKEY Entity Text 8

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID

Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield OBJTYP Object Type

Object type of the holding contract. (e.g. LID, GID).

Datafield OBJINR Object INR

Unique ID of the holding contract.

Datafield ROL Role of Address

Role are used to identify the different parties involved in a contract. The roles allowed for each type of contract may differ from business sector to business sector.

Datafield PTAINR Address (Optional)

Optional field to identify the associated address.

Datafield PTYINR Party (Optional)

Optional field to identify the associated party.

Datafield EXTKEY External Key

Bank internal customer number.

Datafield ADRBLK Address Block

Address of involved party in contract. Usually derived from selected address but might also be different (e.g. taken from an incoming message).

Datafield REF Reference for Address (Optional)

The reference of this party to the contract. Usually on contract panel xxxP near the address selection panel.

Datafield NAM Name

This is the long name of the party. It is created in either from the address selected or address block (if temporary).

Datafield OWNREF Own Reference

Pseudo reference automatically generated from the contract reference of the holding contract and the role.

Datafield DFTCUR Default Currency

Used to store the default currency of this role in this contract. The content is stored when the checkbox 'store as default' has been checked.

Datafield DFTDSP Default Disposition

Used to store the default disposition of this role in this contract. The content is stored when the checkbox 'store as default' has been checked.

Datafield DFTACT Default Account

Used to store the default account of this role in this contract. The content is stored when the checkbox 'store as default' has been checked.

Datafield DFTFEECUR Default Fee Currency

Used to store the currency fees to be calculated for this role in this contract. The content may be set by the user on Details panel in Settlement.

Datafield DFTACTPTAINR Default Address to Search Account

Used to store the default search account party of this role in this contract.

Datafield GLGGRPFLG Grouping Rule of Amounts

Flag describing how and if fees are to be separated from document value.

Code Text
F Separate Fees

Datafield EXTACT External Account

Account number as received from MT700 TAG :59:. This is not used in Settlement, but in messages.

Datafield VER Version

This field holds the version counter used to keep track of the history of an entry of this table. The individual versions are managed by entries in the SLG table.

Datafield DFTSETROL Default role for Settlement / settle via

The role in the contract which is to be used for settlement and charges through settle via

This field contains the information associated with the contract on the exchange rate.

Datafield CLIBANTYP Typ of Contract Party [Customer or Bank]

This field describes whether this role holds one of the two main parties as described in CCI of type customer or of type bank. It corresponds with the content of the fields in CCI: CCIBANROL, CCIBANPTAINR and CCICUSROL, CCICUSPTAINR and PTA.TYP. The logic to determine the contents is part of xxxLOD.GetxxxCliBanInfo (where xxx holds the business sector) and PTSSUB.SetPtsCliBanTyp. For Customization SetPtsCliBanTypCus might be implemented.

Code Text
C Client
B Bank

Datafield PTCNAM Contact

Contact person for this contract for this role

From incoming Bolero messages this field is filled from content of tag of an element with PRN

Datafield PTCOE Contact OE (Department/Extension)

Organisation Unit (i.e. department identification) for this role.

For communication via Bolero this field should contain the RID extension

Datafield ETYEXTKEY Entity

This field holds the external key of the owning entity to identify the logical owner of this entry.

This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the currently active entity are visible to the user.