Table of Contents

ADR - Address

Module ADR

If the internal address-table is to be used, the following table structure will be used. The contact persons per address are stored in a separate table PTC - Contact Person per Party / Address. The link of addresses to parties which are stored in the Table PTY - Party are build via entries in the Table PTA - Party Address Association.


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID Text 8
EXTKEY External Key Text 24
NAM Name Text 40
BIC Bank Identifier Code (BIC) Text 11
BICAUT BIC/SWIFT Authenticator Exchanged Text 1 <fixed-length>
BID Branch Identification Text 35
BLZ Bankleitzahl (German Clearing Code) Text 8
CLC Clearing Code (for Banks) Text 35
DPT Department Text 35
EML Email/Internet Text 140
FAX1 Telefax 1 Text 20
FAX2 Telefax 2 Text 20
NAM1 Name 1/SWIFT Line 1 Text 35
NAM2 Name 2/SWIFT Line 2 Text 35
NAM3 Name 3 Text 35
STR1 Street/SWIFT Line 3 Text 35
STR2 Optional Second Line of Street Text 35
LOCZIP ZIP Code/First Part of SWIFT Line 4 Text 10
LOCTXT Textpart of City/Second Part of SWIFT Line 4 Text 25
LOC2 Second Line of City Text 35
LOCCTY Country of Domicile Text 2 CTYTXT
CORTYP Primary Output Chanel of Messages (SWT, LET, TLX, TCO) Text 3 CORTYP
POB Postbox Text 35
POBZIP ZIP Code Used when Addressing Postbox Text 10
POBTXT Textpart of City Used when Addressing Postbox Text 25
TEL1 Telephone 1 Text 20
TEL2 Telephone 2 Text 20
TID TradeConnect ID Text 23
TLX Telex Number Text 20
TLXAUT Telex Authenticator Exchanged Text 1 Embedded
UIL Default Language Code Text 2 UILTXT
VER Version Text 4
MANMOD Manually Modified Text 1 Embedded
DTACID DTA Import L/C ID Text 23
DTECID DTA Export L/C ID Text 23
TIDTCX TradeConnect ID for Document Generation Text 23
DTGCID DTA Guarantees ID Text 23
BICTAR BIC of Addressee for Target2 RTGS Text 11
ANTID allNETT Id (Optional) Text 13
ANTEXPFLG allNETT Export Data Flag Text 1 Embedded
ANTATH allNETT customer authorization Text 1 Embedded
ANTBUSLST List of business sectors, restricted to which allNETT/RIVO Text 40
LEI Legal Entity Identifier Text 20
BICTARACC Target2 RTGS Account BIC Text 11
TADMAINFLG T2 RTGS Main flag Text 1
TADPARTTYP Participation Type in Target2 RTGS Text 2 Embedded
ETGEXTKEY Entitygroup Text 8
TIDBUS List of Business Sectors for TradeConnect Text 40
TIDTCXBUS List of Business Sectors for Document Generation Text 40

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID

Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield EXTKEY External Key

The external key is used to uniquely identify an address. The key may consist of both letters and digits and is usually the unique ID under which a customer or correspondent bank is identified at a bank.

The external key can be used to search for an address that is already stored in the database.

Datafield NAM Name

This field contains a descriptive name (of up to 40 characters) used to identify an address. The name entered in this field is not used for correspondence, but is used to identify records with long names in a selection list or for other display and identification purposes.

Searching within a table is usually be done by entering parts of this field. All matching records are usually displayed to enable the selection of the desired address.

Datafield BIC Bank Identifier Code (BIC)

This field contains the optional ISO bank identifier code (BIC) of the address. Searching within a table is usually be done by entering parts of this field. All matching records are usually displayed to enable the selection of the desired address.

The BIC is used to uniquely identify the address in all S.W.I.F.T messages. The SWIFT BIC is made up of a maximum of 11 characters, and a minimum of 8 characters.

Datafield BICAUT BIC/SWIFT Authenticator Exchanged

This field is used to define if SWIFT authenticator keys have been exchanged for this particular address.

This information is used to establish if all categories of SWIFT messages can be exchanged with the bank stored in this address. If this field is blank, then no SWIFT messages can be exchanged with this bank.

Permitted values: Not connected = no SWIFT connection Connected = no authenticator, only SWIFT message 999 can be exchanged with this address Authenticated = authenticator available to exchange all types of SWIFT messages

Datafield BID Branch Identification

This field contains the location (town) used to identify the branch (not a SWIFT branch code). This field may be filled in only if a SWIFT BIC for this address is not available.

When the branch identification (BID) is specified, it is used to identify the address in a SWIFT message (option B of SWIFT field tags 52, 54 and 57 in certain message types).

It is not possible to send SWIFT messages directly to an address that is only identified by its BID.

Datafield BLZ Bankleitzahl (German Clearing Code)

This field contains the 8-digit German Bankleitzahl (BLZ) or the bank clearing code. Hence, this field can be filled in only for banks and financial institutions located in Germany and which have been assigned a BLZ.

Datafield CLC Clearing Code (for Banks)

This field is used to indicate the national clearing system code of the address. E.g.: CHIPS universal identifier (US) , or CHAPS branch sort code (UK), etc. German BLZs should not be entered here, but in the separate field defined for this purpose.

Datafield DPT Department

Identifies the department for communication and correspondence.

Datafield EML Email/Internet

This field contains the Email address of the recipient.

Datafield FAX1 Telefax 1

This field contains a fax number for the recipient. Up to two fax numbers can be stored per address.

Datafield FAX2 Telefax 2

This field contains a fax number for the recipient. Up to two fax numbers can be stored per address.

Datafield NAM1 Name 1/SWIFT Line 1

This field contains the name of the institution or person, which/whose address is being set up here.

Datafield NAM2 Name 2/SWIFT Line 2

This field contains the second line in the name of the institution or person, which/whose address is being set up here.

Datafield NAM3 Name 3

This field contains the name of the institution or person, which/whose address is being set up here.

Datafield STR1 Street/SWIFT Line 3

This field contains the house number and the name of the street of the addressee.

Datafield STR2 Optional Second Line of Street

This field contains the optional second line of the street in the address.

Datafield LOCZIP ZIP Code/First Part of SWIFT Line 4

This field contains the postal code of the location (town). (ZIP code in US, PLZ in Germany, etc.)

Datafield LOCTXT Textpart of City/Second Part of SWIFT Line 4

This field contains the name of the city.

Datafield LOC2 Second Line of City

This optional field contains the district of the city or additional information on the city.

Datafield LOCCTY Country of Domicile

This field contains the name of the country for the address.

Datafield CORTYP Primary Output Chanel of Messages (SWT, LET, TLX, TCO)

This field is used for defaulting the preferred method of correspondence for this address.

Datafield POB Postbox

This field is used to specify the post office box number of the addressee. If this field and the zip code of the P.O.Box address contain entries, then all surface mail is routed to the P.O.Box.

Datafield POBZIP ZIP Code Used when Addressing Postbox

This field is used to specify the postal code of the post office box address. If this field and the P.O.Box number contain entries, then all surface mail is routed to the P.O. Box.

Datafield POBTXT Textpart of City Used when Addressing Postbox

This field contains the name of the city.

Datafield TEL1 Telephone 1

This field is used to specify the telephone number. Up to two different telephone numbers may be specified.

Datafield TEL2 Telephone 2

This field is used to specify the telephone number. Up to two different telephone numbers may be specified.

Datafield TID TradeConnect ID

This field is used to specify the unique ID of the addressee that is used for sending and receiving TradeConnect messages. The TID is 8 characters long.

Datafield TLX Telex Number

This field contains the telex number for the recipient.

Datafield TLXAUT Telex Authenticator Exchanged

This field is specifies if a telex authenticator has been exchanged with this address.

Code Text
Y Yes
N No

Datafield UIL Default Language Code

The language code defines the language for corresponding with the address concerned. The system will default this language code for correspondence generation in daily processing whenever possible.

Datafield VER Version

This field holds the version counter used to keep track of the history of an entry of this table. The individual versions are managed by entries in the SLG table.

Datafield MANMOD Manually Modified

The purpose of this flag is to mark addresses not to be overwritten by the address download from the host address table. This is also used to check whether an address was manually modified. Any non-empty value protects the database entry from being overwritten by the address import.

Code Text
not modified
Y modified

Datafield DTACID DTA Import L/C ID

Customer number used for addressing DTA messages.

Datafield DTECID DTA Export L/C ID

Customer number used for addressing DTE messages.

Datafield TIDTCX TradeConnect ID for Document Generation

This field is used to specify the unique ID of the addressee which is used for sending and receiving TradeConnect messages. The TIDTCX has a length of 8 characters.

Datafield DTGCID DTA Guarantees ID

Number used for addressing of DTG messages.

Datafield ETGEXTKEY Entitygroup

This field holds the external key of the owning entity group to identify the logical owner of this entry. This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the currently active entity group are visible to the user.

Datafield TIDBUS List of Business Sectors for TradeConnect

May contain a space delimited pattern list of business sectors. If not empty, TCO messages for this address can only be created in the matching business sectors.

Datafield TIDTCXBUS List of Business Sectors for Document Generation

May contain a space delimited pattern list of business sectors. If not empty, TCX messages for this address can only be created in the matching business sectors.

Datafield BICTAR BIC of Addressee for Target2 RTGS

This is the full 11-digit Target2-BIC for Target2-Payments. BIC to be used in the message business header to address payments. This BIC is equal to the T2 RTGS Account BIC, except for Multi Addressee BICs.

Usually it is uploaded from the Target2-BIC-Directory.

Datafield ANTID allNETT Id (Optional)

allNETT customer id Common implementation: Same as DOKA customer id

Datafield ANTEXPFLG allNETT Export Data Flag

This flag indicates that an allNETT Id exists and was recently modified. It is used by transaction CONANT to trigger the customer data export to allNETT. Possible values: * Blank: No data export will be triggered * P (Profile): Customer profile data only will be exported to allNETT. This option is defaulted when changing one of these attributes: Name, Address, SWIFT BIC Id, allNETT authorization. * C (Contracts): Full customer data will be exported to allNETT, including profile and contracts. This option is defaulted when setting or modifying the allNETT customer id. CONANT resets this flag after completing the customer data export to allNETT.

Code Text
P Profile
C Contracts
B Profile & Contracts

Datafield ANTATH allNETT customer authorization

This field controls the allNETT customer data entry authorization. Possible values: * I (Inquiry): The allNETT customer has read-only authorization on its data. It is only able to inquire on existing business transactions, but unable to process new transactions. This is the default value. * D (Data Entry): The allNETT customer has read-write authorization on its data. It is able to process business transactions, as well as inquire them.

Code Text
D Data Entry
I Inquiry

Datafield ANTBUSLST List of business sectors, restricted to which allNETT/RIVO

ANTBUSLST holds a comma separated list of business sectors to which allNETT is restricted for this customer.

If the list is empty and an allNETT ID (ANTID) is set, all sectors are allowed.

Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is an important (but not mandatory) identifier for ISO.

An LEI is a G20 endorsed, ISO 17442 standard, globally verifiable unique identity code. It is a combination of 20 digit alphanumeric code assigned to a legal entity such as Limited company, Fund or trust or any Organisation. This code allows each entity to be identified on a global database of entities searchable by number instead of by name, as many entities may have similar or the same name.

The LEI has far reaching benefits by increasing transparency within banking, capital markets, KYC, client on-boarding and anti-money laundering.

It should primarily be used as identifier for corporates. For banks the main identifier code should always be a BIC.

Datafield BICTARACC Target2 RTGS Account BIC

BIC indentifying the RTGS “Direct Cash Account” or “Central Bank” Account. BIC is equal to the Addressee BIC except for Multi Addressee BICs.

Currently not used In DOKA. It is necessary if a non-direct T2 RTGS participant would need to debit or credit payments on such a “mirror/nostro” account.

This BIC is usually imported through the T2 RTGS directory.

Datafield TADMAINFLG T2 RTGS Main flag

Main BIC flag in Target2-RTGS.

Usually this information is uploaded from the T2 RTGS directory.

This flag is only shown for information purposes from the T2 RTGS directory.

Main BIC flag is not supported within this application.

Datafield TADPARTTYP Participation Type in Target2 RTGS

In the T2 systems for RTGS payments several types of participation are possilbe:

Direct Participants - 01 - Only Direct Participants have direct access to RTGS. They can provide indirect access to RTGS for other financial institutions and offer them special services. - Direct Particpants are responsible for all money transfer sent and received through their RTGS DCA (direct cash) account.

Indirect Participants - 02 - Indirect Participants don't have an own RTGS DCA (direct cash account) - Indirect Participants are linked to only one RTGS DCA account with a direct participant (could be in another country) - Indirect Participants can be indirectly addressed

Multi-addressee Participants - 03 (Credit Institutions) and 04 (Branch of Direct Participant) - Branch of Direct Participants or Credit Institutions belonging to a 'group' of a Direct Participant. - They are linked through the RTGS DCA account of the Direct Participant. - Their payment orders are settlen on the RTGS DCA account of the Direct Participant.

Addressable BICs - These BICs can only sent and receive RTGS payments through the linked account of a Direct Participant. - Their payment orders are settled on the RTGS DCA account of the Direct Participant.

Code Text
01 Direct
02 Indirect
03 Multi Addressee - Credit Institutions
04 Multi Addressee - Branch of Direct Participant
05 Addressable BIC - Correspondent
06 Addressable BIC - Branch of Direct Participant
07 Addressable BIC - Branch of Indirect Participant
08 Addressable BIC - Branch of Correspondent