Table of Contents

PSB - Pairing Supplier Buyer

Module PSB


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID Text 8
EXTKEY Key of Pairing Supplier Buyer Text 24
NAM Name of Pairing Supplier Buyer Text 40
BUYPTYINR Internal Unique ID Buyer Text 8
SUPPTYINR Internal Unique ID of Supplier Text 8
MINCUR Currency Text 3 CURTXT
MINAMT Minimum Amount Numeric 18
OFFPER Offer Period Numeric 2
BILMAXPRC Max Finance Numeric 5
DISPRC Dispute % threshold Numeric 5
MAXPER Maximum Period Numeric 3
OFFERFLG Offer Flag Text 1
GRCPER Grace Period for Due Date Numeric 2
MINPER Minimum Period Numeric 3
VER Version Text 4
PFPINR INR of related finance programm Text 8
RFDDISPRZ Dispute % threshold Numeric 5
SUPBUYID Supplier's Buyer ID Text 40
RFTOPNOFF Financing Diary Offset Numeric 3
RRTPOPFLG Generate Payment Advice Note Text 1
RRTPOPOFF Payment Advice Note offset Numeric 3
RRTRPYOFF Due Date offset Numeric 3
BOESHWPFX Prefix to Show Text 10
CREFRM Select Target Transaction for Automatic Processing Text 6 ATPTXT
TYP Type of Repetition Text 1 Embedded
WDY Day of the Week Text 1 Embedded
MDY Day of the Month Text 2 Embedded
CAL Calendar Text 10
ETGEXTKEY Entitygroup Text 8
MAXAGEFND Max Invoice Age at Funding Date Numeric 3
MAXAGESETL Max. Age at Repayment Date Numeric 3
DAYSADV Payment Reminder Notice Numeric 3
GENPRMFLG Generate Promissory Note Text 1
GENFNRFLG Generate Funding request Text 1
GENADVFLG Generate Payment Advice Text 1
AGRMNTREF Agreement Reference Text 30
AGRMNTDAT Agreement Date Date 12
PRMWITNESSCNT No. of Witnesses Text 1 Embedded
PRMSIGNTITLE Title of Signatory Text 40
PRMSIGNCNT No. of Signatories Text 1 Embedded
FNRSIGNCNT No. of Signatories Text 1 Embedded
FNRWITNESSCNT No. of Witnesses Text 1 Embedded
FNRFMT Funding Request Format Text 4 Embedded
FNRSIGNTITLE Title of Signatory Text 40
GENBOEFLG Generate Bill of Exchange Text 1
BOEFMT Bill Of Exchange Format Text 4 Embedded
BOEPREFIX Prefix Counter Key Text 8
SYNALWFLG Syndication Allowed Text 1
GENBOEOFFFLG Bill of Exchange Offer Text 1
BOEKEY BoE Offer Text block key Text 16
GENIRRMFLG Irrevocable Instruction Text 1
IRRKEY Irrevocable Instruction Text block key Text 16
ASDFLG Assets Sold (ASD) Checkbox Text 1
AUTREPDAYS Auto Repayment Days Numeric 3
AUTREPFLG Auto Repayment Flag Text 1
BUYSUPID Buyer's Supplier Id Text 40
CHATO Fee Payer Text 3 Embedded
GETFLDNRM Field holding the normalized search fields. Text 50

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID

Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield MINAMT Minimum Amount

The amount below which the finance amount should not be provided. The amount below which the finance amount should not be provided.

Datafield OFFPER Offer Period

The number of days the offer is valid.

Datafield BILMAXPRC Max Finance

Maximum percentage of the net invoice value for which finance could be offered.

Datafield MAXPER Maximum Period

The period above which, finance should not be provided. I.e. the finance period should always be less than the days given here.

Datafield OFFERFLG Offer Flag

Checking this flag enables funding to be done only with an offer.

Datafield MINPER Minimum Period

The period below which finance should not be provided. I.e. the finance period should always be greater than the days given here.

Datafield VER Version

This field holds the version counter used to keep track of the history of an entry of this table. The individual versions are managed by entries in the SLG table.

Datafield BOESHWPFX Prefix to Show

To allow a shorter counter reference on documents , a prefix value to be shown can be set here

Datafield MAXAGEFND Max Invoice Age at Funding Date

The difference between the funding date and the invoice date should not be greater than these given days.

Datafield MAXAGESETL Max. Age at Repayment Date

The difference between the repayment date and the invoice date should not be greater than these given days.

Datafield DAYSADV Payment Reminder Notice

A Payment Reminder diary is created from the APF Funding transaction, with date of diary being calculated as Invoice due date minus number of working days provided here.

Datafield GENPRMFLG Generate Promissory Note

On setting this checkbox, a correspondence for 'Promissory Note' is generated in APF Offer (IATPOP) transaction and is sent to the Buyer.

Datafield GENFNRFLG Generate Funding request

On setting this checkbox, a correspondence for 'Funding Request' is generated in APF Offer (IATPOP) transaction and is sent to the Buyer.

Datafield GENADVFLG Generate Payment Advice

Enables generation of payment advice

Datafield AGRMNTREF Agreement Reference

The reference of the agreement between buyer and supplier.

Datafield AGRMNTDAT Agreement Date

The date of the agreement.

Datafield PRMWITNESSCNT No. of Witnesses

This field defines the number of witness required in the 'Promissory Note' letter generated in the APF Offer (IATPOP) Transaction. Based on the input provided here, the letter is created with the number of assigned spaces for witness signature.

Code Text
1 One
2 Two

Datafield PRMSIGNTITLE Title of Signatory

The input provided here is used to print the title of the signature in the 'Promissory Note' letter generated in APF Offer transaction.

Datafield PRMSIGNCNT No. of Signatories

This field defines the number of signatures required in the 'Promissory Note' letter generated in the APF Offer (IATPOP) transaction. Based on the input provided here, the letter is created with number of assigned spaces for signature.

Code Text
1 One
2 Two

Datafield FNRFMT Funding Request Format

Code Text

Datafield FNRSIGNCNT No. of Signatories

This field defines the number of signatures required in the 'Funding Request' letter generated in the APF Offer (IATPOP) Transaction. Based on the input provided here, the letter is created with number of assigned spaces for signature.

Code Text
1 One
2 Two

Datafield FNRWITNESSCNT No. of Witnesses

This field defines the number of witness required in the 'Funding Request' letter generated in the APF Offer (IATPOP) Transaction. Based on the input provided here, the letter is created with the number of assigned spaces for witness signature.

Code Text
1 One
2 Two

Datafield FNRSIGNTITLE Title of Signatory

The input provided here is used to print the title of the signature in the 'Funding Request' letter generated in APF Offer transaction.

Datafield GENBOEFLG Generate Bill of Exchange

On setting this checkbox, a correspondence for 'Bill of Exchange' is generated in APF Offer (IATPOP) transaction and is sent to the Buyer.

Datafield BOEFMT Bill Of Exchange Format

Code Text

Datafield BOEPREFIX Prefix Counter Key

To allow different Pairings to generate their own numbering , set the Counter Key here.

Datafield CHATO Fee Payer

Fees to be borne by this party.

Code Text
BUY Buyer
SUP Supplier
Defaulted by FEE-condition

Datafield AUTREPFLG Auto Repayment Flag

Checking the flag enables automatic generation of the repayment transaction IATSET.

Datafield AUTREPDAYS Auto Repayment Days

The number of days before which auto repayment should be processed.

Datafield GETFLDNRM Field holding the normalized search fields.

Field holding the concatenated and normalized sum of all search fields used by quick search. This is one of the fields set in a SdbSetNRMFields method defined in the table definition module.

Datafield ASDFLG Assets Sold (ASD) Checkbox

Information about fundable/funded invoices of buyers can be generated and sent to other external applications via an interface.

In APF, the buyer is financed for the approved invoices and based on his upfront approval to pay those invoices on the due date, the supplier receives the discounted amount upfront. Banks can also offer these invoices for sale to investors/ refinancing institutions to reduce their risk exposure. The offer to sell can be for the full portion or for a partial amount. For this offer to sell, information of the funded invoice details needs to be sent in a single file/ message. This can be processed by setting this checkbox. Pre-requisites for generating this file are:

a) For the pairing setup, the checkbox has to be selected. b) An APF Offer (IATPOP) contract has to be created through an incoming xml message imported from the incoming message manager (SWITSK). When an APF Finance (IATOPN) is processed for that offer contract, it enables the service 'SRVASD' and 'SRVRSF' in the Task Manager (MGRTSK). Once both services are successfully run, a JSON file is created with below mentioned details of the contract.

* Own Reference - APF Contract reference * Document Type - e.g. 'Invoice', 'Debit Note' or 'Credit Note' * Document Number - The number of the document (ex: Invoice number) * Document Funding Type - Whether it is funded or not * Document Status - That it is in approved status * Document Base Rate Type - Reference rate / Base rate * Document Base Rate Value - The interest rate for the contract * Document Margin - Margin added to the interest

Datafield TYP Type of Repetition

Code Text
* every working day
+ every day
W every week
M every month

Datafield WDY Day of the Week

Code Text
< first working day
> last working day
2 Monday
3 Tuesday
4 Wednesday
5 Thursday
6 Friday
7 Saturday
1 Sunday

Datafield MDY Day of the Month

Code Text
< first working day
> last working day
1 first
2 second
3 third
4 forth
5 fifth
6 sixth
7 seventh
8 eighth
9 ninth
10 tenth
11 eleventh
12 twelfth
13 thirteenth
14 fourteenth
15 fifteenth
16 sixteenth
17 seventeenth
18 eighteenth
19 nineteenth
20 twentieth
21 twentyfirst
22 twentysecond
23 twentythird
24 twentyfourth
25 twentyfifth
26 twentysixth
27 twentyseventh
28 twentyeighth
29 twentyninth
30 thirtieth
31 thirtyfirst
L last

Datafield ETGEXTKEY Entitygroup

This field holds the external key of the owning entity group to identify the logical owner of this entry. This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the currently active entity group are visible to the user.