Table of Contents

Parties / Addresses


General Information

Working with Parties/Addresses

Address Interface with BID

Structured Infotext and Attachment(s)


Maintaining Parties

Maintaining Address Associations

Maintaining Accounts

Maintaining Contacts

Maintaining Mail Instructions

Maintaining Categories

Maintain Pairing Buyer/Supplier

Maintaining Service Level Agreements

Maintaining Participation Sold Facilities


Check addresses against BID table

Check addresses against TAD table

Info / Search

Info Party

Info Address Associations

Info Authentication of Addresses

Info Address

Info Account

Info Mail Instructions

Info Service Level Agreement

Info Routing Information


Info T2 RTGS directory

Info Categories

Info Pairing Buyer/Supplier

Info Participation Sold Facility

Lists / Reports

Party List

Address Associations List

Account List

Contact List

Mail Instructions List

List of Categories

Pairing Buyer/Supplier List

Service Level Agreement Entry List

Report Generator Parties of Contracts

Report Generator Parties


PTA - Party Address Association

PTC - Contact Person per Party / Address

PTE - Liability Sub Contract

PTD - Party Liability Details

PTM - Authentication Info of Communication Channel

PTS - Party per Contract

PTY - Party

ACT - Account

ADR - Address

MLI - Mail Instruction

MLE - Mail Instruction Element

ROI - Additional Routinginformations for incoming messages

SLA - Service Level Agreement

SLE - Service Level Entrys


IBP - IBAN Plus Directory

TAD - T2 RTGS directory

PSB - Pairing Supplier Buyer

CTG - Category

CTI - Category Infotext