Maintaining Fees

Transaction DBIFEE

This transaction is used to maintain fees.

The following transactions can be started from here by clicking the icons in the list below for:

Already existing fees can be selected using the Fee Code field.

The “Relevant Amount” field contains the amount type that is used as the basis for calculating the relevant tiered amounts for fees. The definition of the amount the fee is to apply to is in the condition itself. This can, however, vary if it makes sense from a banking perspective.
Contract for EUR 100,00.00, transaction increasing this by 20,000.00.
The “Contract Amount” is selected as the relevant amount in the definition of the fee.
The condition defines amount tiers of 0.00 to 50,000.00 (with a fee of 2% on increase amount) and 50,000.00 to 9,999,999,999.99 (with a fee of 1.5% on increase amount).
The contact amount of 100,000.00 means that the second tier shall apply. Here, fees of 1.5% are to be charged on the increased amount of 20,000.00.

Not all fee types are available in all business sectors.

Amount Interpretation Example 1
L/C for USD 100,000 with +10% tolerance at the time of opening
Example 2
L/C from Example 1 increased by USD 50,000 without any utilization prior to the amendment
Example 3
L/C from Example 2 with subsequent utilization of USD 120,000
Contract Amt. Amount of the contract USD 100,000. USD 150,000. USD 150,000.
Maximum Amount Amount + tolerance USD 110,000. USD 165,000. USD 165,000.
Open Amount Amount not yet utilized USD 110,000. USD 165,000. USD 45,000.
Transaction Amt. The amount set as the settlement amount in the relevant transaction. If no amount has been set, the contract amount is used. According to settlement According to settlement According to settlement
Increase Amount The amount by which the contract was changed USD 0. USD 50,000. USD 0.
Increase Maxim. Increase amount + tolerance from the increased amount USD 0. USD 55,000. USD 0.
Net Amount The net amount in the contract amount +/- fees Currently not supported Currently not supported Currently not supported

The description of the fee in all system languages is used for the display in the Settlement Panel and as a proposal for letters. If fees are displayed in SWIFT or DTA messages, appropriate permitted language-neutral codes are used.

The Booking Type offers the following for selection:

In the “All-in Fee”' field, a fee code can be selected, providing it is also defined as an “All-in” type. If the fee is then used in settlements and if a condition has been stored for this “All-in” fee for the parties, this “All-in” fee is then used instead of the single fee. Several single fees with the same “All-in” fee mean that the fee is only charged once.

If a fee is subject to VAT, the code of a “VAT”-defined fee can be selected. If this fee is then charged, VAT is calculated on the fee amount and added to it.
The “Fee Payer (Default)” field determines determines the party defined as the default payer of this fee.

The “Income” checkbox is to be checked when the revenues represent income for the bank (e.g. processing fees), as opposed to charges, which represent a replacement of expenses incurred by the bank (e.g. postage).

The income account that recognizes the fee is specified in the “Account”field.
This account is diplayed in the details part of the second grid on the Settlement panel. A selection can be made if several accounts are listed.
The character <> can be used to define the account type. If an account type has been captured in the account, e.g. <RE> for reimbursement income, a search is made for accounts in the system currency for this type of account. The account selected from the Details panel is then used for posting.

The “Accruing account” tag indicates the internal interim account to which fees to be accrued are posted. Details of accruals can be found under Accruing of Commissions.

The period for which the fee is to apply is determined by the “Begin date” and “End date” fields. The fee can only be used during these two dates.

If the checkbox “Modification of Description Allowed in Settlement” is checked, then the fee description can be changed in the Settlement panel.

The “Usable in” field is used to define the business sector and the transactions in which the fee can be used. If the field is left empty there are no restrictions on use. Otherwise, permitted sectors are defined by their two-digit sector code and transactions by their transaction code. Both codes are preceded by a plus sign.

Example: Entering '+GI+LETOPN' enables the fee to be used in the entire business sector “Guarantees” (GI) and in transaction “Advising / Confirming an Export L/C” (LETOPN).

The “Fee Group” code tag marries various fees for correspondence purposes. If requested, fees with the same group code can be classified together and issued/displayed as a single amount.

The lower part of the panel displays which terms and conditions have been defined for this fee.
The checkboxes can be used to select the types of conditions displayed. Next to the condition type is an indication of the number of relevant records. Because fee conditions are subject to a period of validity, the situation as per the debit date is displayed.

Furthermore, the following buttons are available for each entry in the table to edit fee conditions:

Transaction Panels

Foreign Base Currency Details



Datafield Description
Fee Code cf Appendix A, Table FEE field COD
Description in SWIFT Messages cf Appendix A, Table FEE field SFTCOD
Fee Code for DTA Messages cf Appendix A, Table FEE field DTACOD
Relevant tier amount type cf Appendix A, Table FEE field RELTIR
All in fee replacing this fee cf Appendix A, Table FEE field ALLCOD
Statistic Flag cf Appendix A, Table FEE field STAFLG
Fee code for V.A.T. cf Appendix A, Table FEE field VATCOD
Role cf Appendix A, Table FEE field ROL
Income cf Appendix A, Table FEE field INCFLG
Account cf Appendix A, Table FEE field ACC
Accruing Account cf Appendix A, Table FEE field ACCACR
Begin of Validity (inclusive) cf Appendix A, Table FEE field BEGDAT
End of Validity (exclusive) cf Appendix A, Table FEE field ENDDAT
Modification of Description Allowed in Settlement cf Appendix A, Table FEE field DSCMODFLG
Relevant Transaction and Business Sector cf Appendix A, Table FEE field RELTRN
Group Code cf Appendix A, Table FEE field GRPCOD

Foreign Base Currency Details


Datafield Description
Foreign currency account cf Appendix A, Table FEE field FORACC
Foreign ccy. accrual account cf Appendix A, Table FEE field FORACCACR