Table of Contents

Maintaining Reference Interest Rate Types

Transaction DBIIRT

This transaction is used to maintain reference interest rate types.

It is used to define interest rate types used in calculating interest for loans, purchases and discounts, for example. Accordingly, interest rate types need to be maintained together with the definitions of rules for the respective business transactions. Interest rates themselves are maintained separately.

The following transactions can be started from here by clicking the icons in the list below:

Reference interest rate type (Reference interest rate types).

Interest Calculation Methods

The method of calculating interest rates required can be selected using values stored in the IRTMIC - Method of Interest Calculation codetable.
An appropriate calculation method must be implemented for each code stored. These calculations methods can be adapted and extended for each specific project.
The amount (i.e. interest or fee amount) is calculated for a given base amount, rate, number of units, and calculation method. These values are determined extrinsically to the current calculation. The number of times the calculation is used is also controlled extrinsically.

Input values for the calculation include:

Parameter(s) Interpretation
Amount Base amount for which the fee or interest amount is to be calculated
“(negative base amounts are not supported or the absolute value is used)”
Rate Rate - depending on calculation method, this can be in percent, permille or base points
Number of units For most calculation methods this would be the number of days, but can also be the number of months or quarters. For some calculation methods this is also irrelevant (e.g. if the amount is to be calculated only on the basis of the base amount and rate).
Calculation method Code for the actual algorithm/formula to be used

Implemented calculation methods include:

Code Name Unit Rate in Calculation(*)
365 Floating Rate per year, year = 365 days day per year in % result = (amount * rate / 100) / 365 * units
F65 Fixed Rate per year, year = 365 days day per year in % result = (amount * rate / 100) / 365 * units
360 Floating Rate per year, year = 360 days day per year in % result = (amount * rate / 100) / 360 * units
F60 Fixed Rate per year, year = 360 days day per year in % result = (amount * rate / 100) / 360 * units
BPQ Base Points per Quarter (each call returns the amount for one quarter) per call in base points result = amount * rate / 10000
BPY Base Points per Year (each call returns amount for one year) per call in base points result = amount * rate / 10000
BP3 Base Points per 90 days day per 90 days in base points result = (amount * rate / 10000) / 90 * units
B65 Base Points per year, year = 365 days day per year in base points result = (amount * rate / 10000) / 365 * units
B60 Base Points per year, year = 360 days day per year in base points result = (amount * rate / 10000) / 360 * units
DY0 Simple Discount to Yield, Year = 360 days day rate per year in % $quot = 1 + rate / 100 * units / 360
$NV = amount / $quot
result = amount - $NV
Simple Discount to Yield, Year = 365 days day rate per year in % $quot = 1 + rate / 100 * units / 365
$NV = amount / $quot
result = amount - $NV
DA0 Discount to Yield, Compounded Annually, Year = 360 days

“(=DY0 for units < 365)”
day rate per year in % $CompleteYears = Int( units / 365 )
$RemainingDays = units - $CompleteYears * 365
$quot = 1 + rate / 100 * $RemainingDays / 360
for $yearidx = 1 to $CompleteYears
$quot = ( 1 + rate / 100 * 365 / 360 ) * $quot
next $yearidx
$NV = amount / $quot
result = amount - $NV
DA5 Discount to Yield, Compounded Annually, Year = 365 days

“(=DY5 for units < 365)”
day rate per year in % $CompleteYears = Int( units / 365 )
$RemainingDays = units - $CompleteYears * 365
$quot = 1 + rate / 100 * $RemainingDays / 365
for $yearidx = 1 to $CompleteYears
$quot = ( 1 + rate / 100 ) * $quot
next $yearidx
$NV = amount / $quot
result = amount - $NV
DFL Discount rate flat Unit rate per unit in % $quot = 1 + rate / 100
$effrate = rate / $quot
$year = amount * $effrate / 100
result = $year * units
PRM Permille rate in per mille result = amount * rate / 1000

(*) “actual order of calculation steps may differ from formula in order to avoid computational precision problems.”

There is an option to use some other interest calculation method for the surcharge/margin than for the reference rate. If this is required, then the calculation method differing from the interest calculation method of the reference interest rate must be defined in the “Special Method for Margin” field.

In addition, it is possible to define whether the selected reference interest rate can be interpolated. This may be required for variable interest rates, such as a successor of LIBOR, if the financing term falls between two reference interest rates terms and a linear interpolated interest rate is to be calculated. The interest rates and the period of validity for the relevant rate type are saved using the transaction “Maintaining Reference Interest Rates”'.

An example of a linear interpolated reference interest rate, which is used as the base interest rate for the calcuation of the relevant definition of the fee in business transaction:
Reference interest rate 30 days: 1% (validity up to 30 Tage)
Reference interest rate 60 days: 2% (validity 31 - 60 days)
Reference interest rate 90 days: 3% (validity 61 - 90 days)

Interpolation formula For a financing term of x = 45 Tagen, the result is For a financing term of x = 74 Tagen, the result is
Y = y0 + (y1-y0) / (x1-x0) * (x - x0)
Y = 1 + (2-1) / (60-30) * (45 -30)
Y= 1.5 (linear interpolated reference interest rate)
Y = 2 + (3-2) / (90-60) * (74- 60)
Y= 2.46 (linear interpolated reference interest rate)

Transaction Panels

Interest Rate Type

Interest Rate Type


Datafield Description
Interest Rate Type Code cf Appendix A, Table IRT field COD
Currency cf Appendix A, Table IRT field CUR
Calendar calculation method cf Appendix A, Table IRT field IRTMCC
Interest calculation method cf Appendix A, Table IRT field IRTMIC
Method for Margin cf Appendix A, Table IRT field IRTMICMAR
Interpolated cf Appendix A, Table IRT field INTPOL
Sequence in Rate Entering Tool (0: not in) cf Appendix A, Table IRT field SEQ