Maintaining Reference Interest Rates

Transaction DBIIRS

This transaction is used to maintain reference interest rates.

The definition of interest rates is required for interest calculation when processing business transactions like import finance, purchasing and discounting. This interest calculation requires the definition of interest rate types which then can be implemented in rule definitions for the respective interest calculating transaction.

The following transactions can be started from here by clicking the icons in the list below for:

For variable interest rates such as a successor of LIBOR, a validity period may be stated in days. This validity period will then apply from the date at which the interest rate is entered. If no validity period is indicated, the interest rate will apply until a more current interest rate is recorded. If the validity periods are changing, the previous entries have to be jointly closed.

Transaction Panels

Reference Rates

Reference Rates


Datafield Description
Interest Rate Type Code cf Appendix A, Table IRT field COD
Currency cf Appendix A, Table IRT field CUR
Rates from This field contains the date from which on contents should be displayed or
Begin Date (Incl.) cf Appendix A, Table IRS field BEGDAT
End Date (excluding) cf Appendix A, Table IRS field ENDDAT
Rate cf Appendix A, Table IRS field RAT
Maturity cf Appendix A, Table IRS field FNZPRD
Begin Date (Incl.) cf Appendix A, Table IRS field BEGDAT
Rate cf Appendix A, Table IRS field RAT
Maturity cf Appendix A, Table IRS field FNZPRD