Info Reference Interest Rate Type

Transaction INFIRT

After starting the transaction the “Search Panel” is displayed. Enter interest rate code and/or currency or leave selection field empty and click on the icon. The selected interest rate type that meets the selection criteria resp. all interest rate types (in case of empty selection field) are displayed in a selection list. Select one interest rate type and click to display more details. These detailed information consist of all data stored for the selected interest rate type.

Transaction Panels

Search Panel
Interest Rate Type

Search Panel

Interest Rate Type


Datafield Description
Interest Rate Type Code cf Appendix A, Table IRT field COD
Currency cf Appendix A, Table IRT field CUR
Calendar calculation method cf Appendix A, Table IRT field IRTMCC
Interest calculation method cf Appendix A, Table IRT field IRTMIC
Method for Margin cf Appendix A, Table IRT field IRTMICMAR
Interpolated cf Appendix A, Table IRT field INTPOL
Sequence in Rate Entering Tool (0: not in) cf Appendix A, Table IRT field SEQ