Joint Close of Reference Interest Rate

Transaction DBCIRS

This transaction is used to jointly close an interest rate definition by a specified date. It is required for if the periods defined are changing at a specified date. After closing the rates and periods valid afterwards are to be added for the close date. Please make sure to use the start date of the new period as end date as the to date is excluded.

Transaction Panels

Reference Rates

Reference Rates


Datafield Description
Interest Rate Type Code cf Appendix A, Table IRT field COD
Currency cf Appendix A, Table IRT field CUR
Rates from This field contains the date from which on contents should be displayed or
Begin Date (Incl.) cf Appendix A, Table IRS field BEGDAT
End Date (excluding) cf Appendix A, Table IRS field ENDDAT
Rate cf Appendix A, Table IRS field RAT
Maturity cf Appendix A, Table IRS field FNZPRD
Begin Date (Incl.) cf Appendix A, Table IRS field BEGDAT
Rate cf Appendix A, Table IRS field RAT
Maturity cf Appendix A, Table IRS field FNZPRD