Maintaining Exchange Rates

Transaction DBIXRT

This transaction is used to maintain exchange rates.

The exchange rates per currency can be maintained using this transaction. When entering the rates, the currency margins for the selling/buying rates are taken into account.

Rates can be maintained in price or amount formats, depending on how this has been defined in the entity group.

Furthermore, the system supports mean selling and buying rates.

The check buying rate is calculated on the basis of mean rate and buying rate and is the rate used in the “Check” business sector when crediting the check value to the presenter of the check.

The following transactions can be started from here by clicking the icons in the list below for:

In larger installations, as a rule rates are regularly imported automatically. To do this, the “Rate Import” (IMPXRT) transaction is used.

For all currencies listed in the exchange rate table (see “Maintaining Currencies”) rates can be captured using the “Exchange Rate Table” (XRTINP).

Transaction Panels




Datafield Description
Currency Code cf Appendix A, Table CUR field COD
Date from This field contains the date from which on contents should be displayed or
Begin Date (Incl.) cf Appendix A, Table XRT field BEGDAT
Middle Rate cf Appendix A, Table XRT field MIDRAT
Selling Rate cf Appendix A, Table XRT field SELRAT
Buying Rate cf Appendix A, Table XRT field BUYRAT
Internal Balance Sheet Rate cf Appendix A, Table XRT field IBRRAT
Begin Date (Incl.) cf Appendix A, Table XRT field BEGDAT
Middle Rate cf Appendix A, Table XRT field MIDRAT
Selling Rate cf Appendix A, Table XRT field SELRAT
Buying Rate cf Appendix A, Table XRT field BUYRAT
Selling Rate 1 cf Appendix A, Table XRT field SEL1RAT
Buying Rate 1 cf Appendix A, Table XRT field BUY1RAT
Special Buying Rate cf Appendix A, Table XRT field TTRRAT
Bills Purchase Rate cf Appendix A, Table XRT field ODRRAT
Reference Selling Rate cf Appendix A, Table XRT field RESRAT
Reference Buying Rate cf Appendix A, Table XRT field REBRAT
Check Buying Rate cf Appendix A, Table XRT field BUYCHKRAT
Internal Balance Sheet Rate cf Appendix A, Table XRT field IBRRAT