Info Exchange rate

Transaction INFXRT

This transaction is used to search and to display exchange rates available in the system.

After entering a currency mnemonic and clicking the icon, the available rates will be displayed on the “Search Panel”.
Middle Rate, selling rate, and buying rate are also displayed.

Furthermore, in field “Rates since” can be specified, from which date on the desired rate is valid. If no date is entered, all rates available in the system are displayed with the selected currency.

By double-clicking an entry in the list, detailed information for the selected rate are displayed on the “Rates” panel. The mean selling and the mean buying rates, for example, are also displayed on this panel.

By clicking the icon, the developing of the rates for a period of time can be displayed. For this purpose, the icon has to be clicked subsequently, whereby another display panel will be opened. On this new panel, the changes of the rates are shown in chronologically and in list form. This list can be closed again by clicking on the main panel. After clicking the icon the user gets back to the “Rates” panel.

Transaction Panels

Search Panel

Search Panel



Datafield Description
Currency Code cf Appendix A, Table CUR field COD
Date from This field contains the date from which on contents should be displayed or
Begin Date (Incl.) cf Appendix A, Table XRT field BEGDAT
Middle Rate cf Appendix A, Table XRT field MIDRAT
Selling Rate cf Appendix A, Table XRT field SELRAT
Buying Rate cf Appendix A, Table XRT field BUYRAT
Internal Balance Sheet Rate cf Appendix A, Table XRT field IBRRAT
Begin Date (Incl.) cf Appendix A, Table XRT field BEGDAT
Middle Rate cf Appendix A, Table XRT field MIDRAT
Selling Rate cf Appendix A, Table XRT field SELRAT
Buying Rate cf Appendix A, Table XRT field BUYRAT
Selling Rate 1 cf Appendix A, Table XRT field SEL1RAT
Buying Rate 1 cf Appendix A, Table XRT field BUY1RAT
Special Buying Rate cf Appendix A, Table XRT field TTRRAT
Bills Purchase Rate cf Appendix A, Table XRT field ODRRAT
Reference Selling Rate cf Appendix A, Table XRT field RESRAT
Reference Buying Rate cf Appendix A, Table XRT field REBRAT
Check Buying Rate cf Appendix A, Table XRT field BUYCHKRAT
Internal Balance Sheet Rate cf Appendix A, Table XRT field IBRRAT