Maintaining Limits

Transaction DBILSB

This transaction is used to maintain limits.

The following transactions can be started from here by clicking the icons in the list below for:

The following (object) types are available:

Depending on the selected type, either a party, headquarter, country or a buyer/supplier pair can be selected for the limit to be created.

For additional information about facilities, refer to Facility Limits.

The following statuses are available:

After selecting the status 'Normal', the currency and the amount of the limit can be entered.

In the field “Expiry Date of the Limit” the date when the limit expires is entered.

Pending modifications can be found in the table at the bottom of the panel.

Information about releasing limits can be found in Limit Approval for Contracts.

If a limit (or a line of credit) is “Non-revolving”, it cannot be re-used for the defined amount.

Example 1: Checkbox was not checked

Limit = 100.000,- –> A credit of 70.000,- was canceled. –> Afterwards, the “new” limit is set to 100.000,- again; the previously available limit was 30.000,-.

Example 2 : Checkbox was checked

Limit = 100.000,- –> A credit of 70.000,- was canceled. –> The “new” limit is reduced to 30.000,-; the previously available limit was also 30.000,-.

Furthermore, an infotext can be defined for the limit in the field “Infotext”.

Transaction Panels

Limit Details
Limit Tree Overview

Limit Details


Datafield Description
LSN - Type of Node cf Appendix A, Table LSB field LSN
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTY field EXTKEY
Country Code cf Appendix A, Table CTY field COD
Status of Limit cf Appendix A, Table LSB field LSS
Expiry Date of the Limit cf Appendix A, Table LSB field EXPDAT
Flag to Mark Non-revolving Limits cf Appendix A, Table LSB field NONREVFLG
External Key cf Appendix A, Table LSB field EXTKEY
Name cf Appendix A, Table LSB field NAM
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTY field NAM
Currency cf Appendix A, Table LSB field CUR
Limit Amount cf Appendix A, Table LSB field AMT
Currency of Used Amount cf Appendix A, Table LSA field USECUR
Used Amount cf Appendix A, Table LSA field USEAMT
Currency of Pending Amount cf Appendix A, Table LSA field NACCUR
Pending Amount cf Appendix A, Table LSA field NACAMT
Earmarked This field contains the sum total of all cash cover booking requests earmarked.
Currency of Utilized Amount of Non-revolving Limit cf Appendix A, Table LSA field UTLCUR
Utilized Amount of Non-revolving Limit cf Appendix A, Table LSA field UTLAMT

Limit Tree Overview



Datafield Description
Text Field cf Appendix A, Table OIT field INFTXT
Display Type cf Appendix A, Table OIT field INFLEV