Maintaining Diary Entries

Transaction DBIDIA

This transaction is used to display and select diary events. Various selection criteria can be entered in the upper part of the panel. The lower part of the panel displays all diary events that match the current selection.

The following transactions can be started from here by clicking the icons in the list below for:

Clicking the icon displays the diary event currently highlighted.

Selecting and displaying the diaries without locks is only possible in DBIDIA. If a diary is added (DBADIA), modified (DBEDIA) or deleted (DBDDIA), the corresponding contracts are locked.

Transaction Panels

Diary overview

Diary overview


Datafield Description
Reason This field allows the diary reason code to be selected.
Date from This field contains the date from which diary entries are to be displayed.
Date to This field contains the date up to which diary entries are to be displayed.
resp. user This field contains the shortname of the user responsible for the diary entry.
resp. group This field contains the name of the group responsible for the diary entry.
entered by This field contains the name of the user who entered the diary event.



Datafield Description
Transaction This field contains the business transaction to which the message is to be
cf Appendix A, Table ATP field COD
Automatic Processing cf Appendix A, Table DIA field AUTFLG
Role of the contract to be used for a free message cf Appendix A, Table DIA field FREROL
Coded Reason cf Appendix A, Table DIA field COD
Diary Date cf Appendix A, Table DIA field DAT
Name cf Appendix A, Table DIA field NAM
Infotext cf Appendix A, Table DIA field INFTXT
Responsible User cf Appendix A, Table DIA field OWNUSR
Responsible Group cf Appendix A, Table DIA field OWNUSG
Entry Done (Nonspace = Entry Done) cf Appendix A, Table DIA field DONFLG
Do not automatically set to Done cf Appendix A, Table DIA field DELNOTFLG
Entered by cf Appendix A, Table DIA field USR