Table of Contents

DIA - Diary

Module DIA


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID Text 8
OWNUSG Responsible Group Text 6 USGTXT
OWNUSR Responsible User Text 8 <fixed-length>
OBJTYP Object Type Text 6
OBJINR Object INR Text 8
OBJREF Contract Own Reference (Optional) Text 16
DAT Diary Date Date 12
COD Coded Reason Text 3 DIATXT
NAM Name Text 50
FRM Transaction to be Called Text 6 ATPTXT
INFTXT Infotext Block 65
USR Entered by Text 8
CRETYP Created by Object Type (TRN) Text 6
CREINR Created by INR Text 8
DONFLG Entry Done (Nonspace = Entry Done) Text 1
AUTFLG Automatic Processing Text 1
FREROL Role of the contract to be used for a free message Text 3
DIATYP Type of Diary Text 6
SUBID Sub ID of Diary Events of the Same Type Text 2
FLDMODBLK List of Modified Fields in TRNDIA Block 6
SUBTYP Subtype (Optional, e.g. PTE) Text 6
SUBKEY KEY of Subobject (Optional, e.g. Tenor ID) Text 40
ORDINR INR of the order Text 8
VER Version Text 4
DELNOTFLG Do not automatically set to Done Text 1
ETYEXTKEY Entity Text 8

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID

Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield OWNUSG Responsible Group

This field identifies the user group responsible for this diary entry.

Datafield OWNUSR Responsible User

This field holds the User ID of the person responsible for this diary entry.

Datafield OBJTYP Object Type

If a contract has been associated to the diary entry, the table ID for the contract is specified in this field. In this event, the identification number is stored in the Object INR field and the reference number of the contract is stored in the Contract Own Reference field.

Datafield OBJINR Object INR

If the Object Type field has been filled in, there is a holding contract. In this event, this field holds the identification number to identify the contract.

Datafield OBJREF Contract Own Reference (Optional)

If the Object Type field has been filled in, there is a holding contract. In this event, this field holds the reference number of the contract (usually the Own Reference in the contract).

Datafield DAT Diary Date

This field holds the target date of a diary entry.

Datafield COD Coded Reason

This code describes the user defined resubmission code which might be used for selection of diary entries. The associated codetable can be modified by the bank and can be adopted to the needs of the specific installation.

The technical identification for automatic creation, maintenance and deletion of diary entries is done via the Type of Diary field.

Datafield NAM Name

The name of the diary entry used when displayed.

Datafield FRM Transaction to be Called

This field holds the optional transaction ID which is started when working on the diary entry.

Datafield INFDSP Info

This is a flag that marks whether information in the Infotext field should be displayed when the diary entry is used in daily processing.

Datafield INFTXT Infotext

This field is used to store any relevant information about the object.The information will be displayed to the user during daily processing, if the display info flag has been activated.

Datafield USR Entered by

The field identifies the user who entered or created this diary, either implicitly or explicitly.

Datafield CRETYP Created by Object Type (TRN)

This is an optional object type of the creating transaction. Currently this is either blank or fixed as “TRN”.

Datafield CREINR Created by INR

The field defined the identification number (INR) identifying the object, which created this diary entry (if the Created by Object Type field is not empty). As currently only TRNs might create diary entries this field holds the ID of the creating transaction.

Datafield DONFLG Entry Done (Nonspace = Entry Done)

Setting this field to a non-space value marks this entry as 'done'.

Datafield VER Version

This field holds the version counter used to keep track of the history of an entry of this table. The individual versions are managed by entries in the SLG table.

Datafield DIATYP Type of Diary

Field to technically identify automatically generated diary entries in order to be able to maintain and/or delete those under program control. The respective codetable describes the codes used in the MyModelbank. The following types are used in the MyModelbank: ORDREC - Order received EXPWRN - Will expire EXPIRE - Expired RAMPEN - Pending Request of Amendment FOLQUE - Reply to Query pending FOLPEC - Follow up 'pay or extend claim' EXPRMB - Expiry DOCACP - Documents accepted ? DOCREC - Documents received DOCMAT - Settlement to be prepared DRDREC - Export L/C received ? FOLCAS - Call actual status

Datafield SUBID Sub ID of Diary Events of the Same Type

This field is used to uniquely identify multiple entries of the same diary type in a contract. Basically, this It is a counter with a maximum value of 99.

Datafield FLDMODBLK List of Modified Fields in TRNDIA

A list of modified fields for this entry used to keep track of all past modifications.

Datafield SUBTYP Subtype (Optional, e.g. PTE)

If a subobject (e.g. one line of liability) is associated to the diary entry, the table ID (i.e. PTE) is specified in this field.

Datafield SUBKEY KEY of Subobject (Optional, e.g. Tenor ID)

Filling in the Subtype field associates the field to an object (e.g. one line of liability). In this event this field holds the key that identifies that object.

Datafield ORDINR INR of the order

Reference to the order opened to handle the diary event. This field is filled when starting QUETSK.

Datafield ETYEXTKEY Entity

This field holds the external key of the owning entity to identify the logical owner of this entry.

This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the currently active entity are visible to the user.

Datafield AUTFLG Automatic Processing

When this flag is set, the diary is set to be processed automatically.

Datafield FREROL Role of the contract to be used for a free message

This optional field might hold a role id, which shall be used in the free message target transaction.

Datafield DELNOTFLG Do not automatically set to Done

The checkbox can be set anytime during the lifecycle of the contract. When set, the diary entry will not be closed automatically when the contract is closed.