General Information

Info Texts and Stop Texts can be stored for various objects and are normally entered and maintained using the relevant transactions used to capture the respective objects.

Info Texts and Stop Texts are available for contracts in the business sectors, for parties, accounts, fee conditions, currencies and countries. Info Texts, but not Stop Texts, are also available for additional addresses.

They are used to record various types (usages) of notes relating to these particular objects that can then be viewed in display and selection lists for the object, depending on the display type selected.

Info and Stop Texts are displayed in a separate panel in a business transaction together with startup warnings and startup information. They can also be displayed by clicking in the selection transaction for the individual business sectors.

Display options include:

Stop Levels

The following Stop Levels have been defined in the application:

Where necessary, Stop Levels and the checks described below can be adapted to meet the needs of the specific project.


The effects of storing Stop Texts with various Stop Levels vary depending on the function the object is to be used for.

With regard to parties you no longer want to conduct business with, it would make no sense if the “Stop processing” flag stopped displays of the party in an Info transaction for example, or stopped the generation of common messages in an existing L/C. In contrast, it should not be possible to have such as party as the applicant when a new L/C is being created.

Function Object Stop Level greater that or equal to Effect
Settlement Fee condition (FEC) 3 Not permitted
Accounts (ACT) 2 Not permitted for outgoing payments (Dispocode xxC)
3 Not permitted for Belastungen (Dispocode xxD) nicht erlaubt
Liability Fee condition (FEC) 1 Not permitted with liability postings (positive amounts)
3 Not permitted for debits (negative amounts)
Accounts 1 Not permitted for outgoing payments (Dispcode xxC)
3 Not permitted for debits (Dispcode xxD)
Party, except 'OAP' 1 Not permitted with liability postings (positive amounts)
3 Not permitted for debits (negative amounts)
'OAP' party No check
Selection for use in a contract Party See the Party Model for the relevant business sector for information on the Stop Level defined for the relevant role Use of party not permitted