Maintaining Object Infotexts

Transaction DBIOIT

This transaction is used to maintain object infotexts or stoptexts.

The following transactions can be started from here by clicking the icons in the list below for:

Infotexts are usually entered via business transactions (in contracts) or static data transactions. This transaction is mainly used for trans-sectoral changes of infotexts and for retrieving a version overview.

The info and stoptexts are, for example, displayed on a separate panel when starting a transaction together with the startup warnings and startup information. Info and stoptexts can also be viewed via the icon in the selection transactions of each business sector.

Note for multi-entity Installations: In multi-entity systems the OIT table has to be defined on entity level and can thus have different infotexts for the different entities/entity groups.

At first the object for which an infotext has to be displayed is selected via the combobox “Object”.
Besides the business sectors (including the subsectors), object infotexts can be defined for the following objects:

Then the “Key” (e.g. the account number for an account or a contract ID in a business sector) is selected, for which the object infotext has to be displayed resp. created. Only now the icon becomes active. By clicking it, the transaction “Adding a new Object Infotext” will be started, in order to create a new object infotext.

The field “Type” is used to define the type of usage of the infotext. The following object infotext types are available:

If “Business Sector” is selected, the business sector in which the object infotext has to be displayed can be selected in the homonymous field.

The display type is determined via field “Display Type”. The following display types are available:

The actual info or stoptext is defined in field “Text”. By using the “Stop” display types the usage of specific objects can be restricted.

Transaction Panels

Select Object of Infotext
Object Infotext

Select Object of Infotext

Object Infotext


Datafield Description
Object Type cf Appendix A, Table OIT field OBJTYP
Subtype to enable multiple Infotexts per Object cf Appendix A, Table OIT field SUBTYP
Business Sector cf Appendix A, Table OIT field SUBBUS
Display Type cf Appendix A, Table OIT field INFLEV
Text Field cf Appendix A, Table OIT field INFTXT