Maintaining Form Sets

Transaction DBIAPF

This transaction is used to maintain form sets.

The following transactions can be started from here by clicking the icons in the list below for:

A form set defines how many copies of a message are to be printed on the specified application forms. Furthermore, for each application form the number of prints and the technical form (type of paper) are defined in a form set. A checked checkbox in the application form line (column “Edit”) indicates that it is allowed to edit this form.

The name of the selected form set is displayed in the “Form Set” field.


Form Set LET001

The form set LET001, which is subordinated to form class LET (abbreviation for letter) is displayed. The available languages and descriptions can be seen in the topmost table.

In the table below, the technical forms and application forms, their number and printing order (Prio) are displayed.

An application form describes a logic form on which a message is printed. The application forms “Original” and “Customer Copy” are always available. Together with other application forms these forms are stored together with their longtexts in the APFTYP codetable.

The APFTYP codetable lists all application form sets. The most important include:

An application form can only be deleted from a form set when no transactions that use the form are waiting for a print out from the print service given the service's position in the Workflow.

A possible way of forcing this is to first set the number of print outs for this application form to 0 until all previously processed transactions have been completed and then remove the entry. The forms and application forms a message uses is displayed in the “Info Message” (INFSMH) transaction in the “Message Header” panel.

Transaction Panels

Form Set

Form Set


Datafield Description
Application Form (ORI, CPY, …) cf Appendix A, Table APF field TYP
Count cf Appendix A, Table APF field CNT
Editable Flag cf Appendix A, Table APF field EDTFLG
Technical Form cf Appendix A, Table APF field TEF
Prio cf Appendix A, Table APF field PRI