Maintaining Document Formattings

Transaction DBIXSI

This transaction is used to display the content of an XSI file. XSI files contain the format settings for a document layout and are used for creating new documents. XSI files can be converted into the new format via this transaction and can be edited within the new format. The application is capable to work with files of the old and new format.

The following transactions can be started from here by clicking the icons in the list below for:

By clicking the icon a preview function is started, which can be used to view the layout of the document, that results from the current settings.
The strings entered on the “Test Formatting Settings” panel in the fields for header, body and footer with be put into the form together with the relevant number, so that the filled page will be displayed.

Transaction Panels

Layout/ Formatting Properties
Test Formatting Settings

Layout/ Formatting Properties

Test Formatting Settings