Info Product Codes

Transaction INFPRD

This transaction is used for searching and displaying Product Code, Subtype and Variant combinations.

When the transaction starts, the “Search Panel” is displayed. Once Business sector, Product Code, Subtype and/or Variant have been selected in the respective combobox fields, click to run the search. The user can also simply run the search without selecting any fields to display the whole list of Product code definitions.

All Product Code combinations that match the selection criteria are displayed in a list.

Transaction Panels

Search Panel
Product Code

Search Panel

Product Code


Datafield Description
Product Code It is a set of codes defined by the bank to associate it with the type of product.
Once defined, this is auto populated in the business transaction based on the defined logic.
The bank can then use the Product codes for their own purpose like updating references based
on the codes etc.
E.g. A Product code for Import Letters of Credit can be based on field 'Available by' that
distinguishes if it is a Sight or Usance L/C .
Product Subtype It is a sub level of classification for the Product Codes defined already.
Once defined, this is auto populated in the business transaction based on the defined logic.
E.g. A Product Subtype for Import Letters of Credit can be based on field 'Confirmation
Product Variant It is a variant for the Product codes and sub type defined already.
Once defined, this is auto populated in the business transaction based on the defined logic.
E.g. A Product Variant for Import Letters of Credit can be based on field 'Domestic' .
Available by cf Appendix A, Table PRD field AVBBY